Testimonials | Chapter 7
My sincere thanks to each and every one of you for having the courage to let us use your real names.
“I fought going to that seminar every step of the way.”
“I fought going to that seminar every step of the way knowing it would just be another opportunity for people to identify me as bankrupt! I thank God for leading me to Stephen. His seminar changed my life! Today I own my own business, have two beautiful homes, credit cards, vehicles and no debt.”
“With a roadmap to recovery, we increased our scores from 452 to 718.”
“Filing bankruptcy was just the beginning of a new life! Attending the seminar is when things really started to change for the better. With a roadmap to recovery, we increased our credit scores from 452 to 718. We bought a home and moved out of the small apartment. Now, we’re looking forward to taking our grandchildren to Disney World.”
Robert and Laura
“Our scores, once in the low 400’s are now in the 700s. We could have never accomplished this on our own.”
“People told us it would take at least 7 to 10 years to recover from bankruptcy. We were invited to attend Stephen’s seminar and were cautiously hopeful. Wow. The things we learned have literally changed our lives. We were able to buy a home! Our scores, once in the low 400’s are now in the 700s. We could have never accomplished this on our own.”
“Although embarrassed, I decided to go. It was the best decision I could have made.”
“I received an invitation to attend Stephen’ seminar. Although embarrassed, I decided to go. It was the best decision I could have made. It put me on the road to recovery. I still was skeptical about everything Stephen talked about working for me. I was wrong. I ended up with new credit with low interest rates from mainstream lenders.”
“My life changed when I went to Stephen’s After Bankruptcy seminar.”
“I was laid off and lost my home through foreclosure. I had a very hard time of trying to get an apartment because of the bankruptcy. My life changed when I went to Stephen’s After Bankruptcy seminar. My FICO scores are now up, I bought a new car and have two credit cards all with low interest rates. I’m now building my dream house.”
“I don’t have to put up a deposit for anything anymore!”
“Somehow I got enough courage to attend. After leaving the seminar I felt so elated. I couldn’t believe the resources that were available. My FICO scores have increased tremendously, and I don’t have to put up a deposit for anything anymore! There’s light at the end of the tunnel.”
Ann Marie
“I’m years ahead of where we would have been without the seminar.”
“I thought I wouldn’t recover for 7 to 10 years. The seminar changed everything. I left feeling empowered. I raised my middle score to 697 (an increase of about 120 points) and purchased my first home. I also purchase a Toyota Camry at 4.5%, and later a Toyota van. I’m years ahead of where we would have been without the seminar.”
“We went from living with mom to building a new house.”
“Stephen’s seminar changed our lives! We went from being terrified of another credit card, paying cash for everything, living at mom’s house, and driving a ’ 94 Escort to…building a new house, buying 2 new cars and having 2 new unsecured cards each. We now drive by cash advance stores laughing!”
Martin and Carmelita
“The advice Stephen gives is mandatory for anyone who would ever want to apply for credit.”
“I started with scores 586, 586 and 563. Now my scores are 717, 795 and 713. The advice Stephen gives is mandatory for anyone who would ever want to apply for credit. I started my new business after my bankruptcy was final. I now have a six figure income, own my new home, have a car and a SUV, and have money in the bank. Thank you Stephen.”
“All I can say is, my life began anew that day.”
“At my lowest point I got an invitation to the seminar. I read the invite looking for the catch. Reluctantly, my new bride and I attended. All I can say is, my life began anew that day. My FICO scores went from the mid 500’s to a middle score of 750. I pre-qualified for a $400,000 mortgage loan, have 3 unsecured credit cards, and on it goes.”
“Learning how to recover from bankruptcy is like getting a map to a maze…Stephen has the map.”
“My FICO scores are now around 750…one is even almost 800. I’m ecstatic! Anyone can recover from bankruptcy when you know what to do (and what not to do). Learning how to recover from bankruptcy is like getting a map to a maze…Stephen has the map.”
“I was sure Stephen was a money grubbing scam artist. I attended anyway. He’s real.”
“I was sure Stephen was a money grubbing scam artist. I attended [the seminar] anyway. He’s real. There was hope. I now had a plan. I put into action many of the ideas that I had learned. My credit scores are above 700 now. My regret is that I did not know that there was a system to accelerate recovery. It would have saved me years of pain and despair.”
“He’s the real deal.”
“A few hours spent with Stephen allowed me to open a new bank account, buy a new home, refinance that home and pull out some cash, purchase several new trucks over the years, establish six new credit cards, and also gave me the chance to start my own small business and open a merchant services account. Wow. He’s the real deal.”
“I even got a signature loan for $10,000 with 4% interest.”
“I have been able to secure new credit cards, build a new $450,000 home then refinance it at 5%, and purchase a new car. I even got a signature loan for $10,000 with 4% interest from the credit union that once threatened to repossess the car I financed with them several years ago. My credit scores are up to 750…it doesn’t get any better than this!”
“We’ve been able to do much more than we thought possible.”
“We now have credit scores over 700, and refinanced our mortgage to lower interest rate. Our credit card limit is around $14,000.00 now. We’ve been able to do much more than we thought possible.”
“Before I attended your seminar I had no idea what a credit score was.”
“Before I attended your seminar I had no idea what a credit score was. My life is so different today. I refinanced my home at 5%. The bank offered me a better rate on a new car than the car dealer—5%! I have three credit cards each with a limit in the $6,000 range. And my credit scores are 741, 739 and 701. Awesome.”
“Exactly 2 weeks after the seminar we purchased a new car.”
“We attended Stephen’s live seminar. We didn’t know what to expect. We listened for four hours, absorbing as much as we could. Exactly 2 weeks after the seminar we purchased a new car with no money down and 3%. Our FICO scores are now over 740.”
“I thought it was a terrific birthday present.”
“My wife and I filed on my birthday. I thought it was a terrific birthday present because we felt so relieved. As luck would have it, two friends also going through bankruptcy told me about your seminar. 18 months after our bankruptcy we bought a home. We also bought two cars and had a credit card to start rebuilding our credit.”
New Mexico
“I recovered faster than I could have ever accomplished on my own.”
“I know what it’s like to lose everything. A widow at 50, I rebuilt my life alone. My credit scores increased from the 500’s to the 700’s. I was approved for a mortgage at 4.65%, a new credit card, and purchased a new vehicle…all through low interest lenders. I recovered faster than I could have ever accomplished on my own.”
“I’ve purchased several properties, my Lexus dream car, and I'm preparing to purchase my fifth property this year.”
“My new beginning started the day I attended Stephen’s seminar. I actually took a deep breath and felt alive and full of hope. I’ve recovered beautifully. I’ve purchased several properties, my Lexus dream car, and I'm preparing to purchase my fifth property this year. I have new credit cards, high credit limits, a small business, and a new outlook on life. I am so thrilled.”
“I bought a house, multiple cars, have several unsecured credit cards, and so much more.”
“When I finally decided to file bankruptcy I felt a huge weight lift off my chest. Then I got an invitation to a seminar on how to overcome bankruptcy. That seminar changed my life. I started with FICO scores in the mid 500’s. My middle FICO score is now 726. I bought a house, multiple cars, have several unsecured credit cards, and so much more.”
“I now refer to this as ‘the day my life changed.’”
“I received an invitation announcing Stephen’s seminar. I was skeptical and assumed it would require some type of large investment to get the information we desperately needed. I now refer to this as ‘the day my life changed.’ Today, we have completely recovered and feel good about our credit status once again.”
“If I hadn’t found Stephen and followed his map to recovery, I can’t imagine being as happy as I am today.”
“I thought my life was never going to be the same. I didn’t have a clue what was going to happen next. I didn’t think there was much hope for getting back to where I was before. Looking back now, if I hadn’t found Stephen and followed his map to recovery, I can’t imagine being as happy as I am today.”
“I have financed two auto loans on my own including a Land Rover and a Porsche 911.”
“My scores went from the low 480’s to over 700. I remarried, and built a house together. I was on the mortgage. Since then, I have financed two auto loans on my own including a Land Rover and a Porsche 911. I have two major cards, two department credit cards, and a retail card with a $6,000 limit. I even pre-qualified for a mortgage on my own.”
“I was stunned when I walked into the car dealership and was approved with no money down.”
“So many wonderful things came into my life after the seminar. I got a new $198K home with a 7% rate. My two boys are now in the best school system in Chicago. And I was stunned when I walked into the car dealership and was approved with no money down.”
“My mortgage broker had never seen a person recover from bankruptcy as quickly as I had.”
“The day I applied for my mortgage, the mortgage broker called and said in all her years of doing mortgages she had never seen a person recover from bankruptcy as quickly as I had. On closing day, she asked me what my secret to such a quick recovery was. Without hesitation I said, 'A seminar I attended called Credit After Bankruptcy.'”
“I prepared for a fast talking salesman to sell me something.”
“After filing bankruptcy I received more junk mail I could ever imagine. Then I received Stephen’s invitation. I was skeptical. Nothing in life is free. I prepared for a fast talking salesman to sell me something quick, make his money and move on. I was pleasantly surprised. And at the end of the seminar nothing was for sale. Nothing. Wow!”
“My mortgage is less than my rent!”
“I received a flyer in mail about a seminar coming to Vegas for bankrupt people. So I went and I was shocked and amazed at the same time. I started to have hope again. I was able to purchase a car within 2 months after my car repo. I became a homeowner. My mortgage is less than my rent!”
“We went and sat in a room with our arms crossed, not looking at anyone. After an hour we sat at the edge of our seats.”
“We had no desire to meet other bankrupt people in a seminar room. There was just something about that invitation. We went and sat in a room with our arms crossed, not looking at anyone. After an hour we sat at the edge of our seats. It was the beginning of our turn around. Once we started implementing this process we saw results. Our scores went from 480 to over 700.”
Val and Kevin
“I was excited and thrilled to begin my new life after bankruptcy.”
“I was excited and thrilled to begin my new life after bankruptcy. Life was good for me. I bought a home with an 8% mortgage, bought two rental properties, purchased a car at 9% with no money down, got a personal credit card and a business credit card 30 days after seminar, and my credit scores went from 552 to 680 in just 9 months.”
“Filing the bankruptcy was a blessing.”
“The seminar was priceless. I was able to increase my credit scores, refinance my mortgage to a lower interest rate, purchase a new home through bank financing at 6.0% interest and purchase 2 cars through captive lenders a low interest rate. I also have 4 major credit cards, two with credit limits of $5,000. Filing the BK was a blessing.”
New Jersey
“Spending an afternoon with Stephen was one of the best decisions I ever made.”
“I received an invitation and was very skeptical. But something was different. It seemed very personal. I attended in Cleveland and was surprised at the level of knowledge that Stephen commands. Looking back, spending an afternoon with Stephen was one of the best decisions I ever made.”
“Your past does not determine your future!”
“I received a letter about Stephen's bankruptcy seminar and believed that I would be part of a small group of people. When I arrived there was a conference room full of hundreds of people! My FICO score is now above 700, and I have a credit card that will be paid off soon. Recovery is more than possible. Your past does not determine your future!”
“I was like a sponge trying to absorb all of the information at the seminar.”
“I was like a sponge trying to absorb all of the information at the seminar. My credit scores were 612, 606, and 659. Within a year my scores increased to 729, 709, and 701. My credit limits have surpassed $25,000 in total and I purchased a house at 5.25% with 3.5% down. I often wonder how my life would be if I had not to attended.”
North Carolina
“I made a lot of mistakes after bankruptcy. I bought a car at 20% and got a credit card at 30%.”
“I made a lot of mistakes after bankruptcy. I bought a car at 20% and got a credit card at 30%. Months later I received an invitation to the seminar. I listened to Stephen and discovered everything I'd done was wrong! As soon as the seminar was over I went to work. I refinanced my car at a single-digit interest rate. Stephen knows his stuff.”
“Fortunately, we filed bankruptcy.”
“Fortunately, we filed bankruptcy. We say ‘fortunately’ only because what we know and what we’ve experienced would not have allowed us to be where we are now. We truly believe you have to go through a storm in order to witness the sunshine. When we went to the seminar and listened to what Stephen had to share…we were blown away.”
Devon and Daphne
“I’ve moved out of my mom’s place! I’m better than ever!”
“The seminar was life changing! Using everything Stephen has taught me…I’ve been able to purchase cars, raise my very dismal credit score to an excellent rating, obtain several unsecured credit cards, and I’ve moved out of my mom’s place! I’m better than ever!”
“As a California Licensed Private Investigator the information provided has been one of the best sources for my business, life, and career.”
“Attending Stephen’s seminar opened my eyes. I have purchased two new vehicles at very competitive interest rates, and leased office space for my business. As a California Licensed Private Investigator the information provided has been one of the best sources for my business, life, and career.”
“We proved that there is ‘Life After Bankruptcy.’”
“It’s been a challenging journey over the past 8 years but with discipline, determination and an action plan it is possible to recover. We proved that there is ‘Life After Bankruptcy.’ Thank you Stephen!”
New Jersey
“We thought we were hiding the bankruptcy from most people.”
“We thought we were hiding the bankruptcy from most people when we got a letter from Stephen inviting us to a seminar. We went and for the first time we saw something we could do to take action. We never knew would ever be possible to have high credit scores again.”
Toni and Gary
“I wish I could remember who that kind man was, so I could thank him!”
“Among the endless hours of phone calls I made searching for assistance one sympathetic man suggested that I look up the name Stephen Snyder on the internet. I wish I could remember who that kind man was, so I could thank him!”
“By following Stephen’s advice my credit scores average over 750.”
“I was still a skeptic. My results? I purchased a new car with a captive lender at a low interest rate, refinanced my mortgage, and obtained two unsecured bank cards. My bankruptcy filings no longer appear on my credit reports, and by following Stephen’s advice, my credit scores average over 750.”
“My bankruptcy was the worst thing and the best thing that ever happened to me.”
“We did all the things Stephen suggested. When I look back on it now, I realize my bankruptcy was the worst thing and the best thing that ever happened to me.”
“You can live a Life After Bankruptcy.”
“Finding Stephen pointed us in the right direction and taught us how to rebuild our credit, reestablish financial relationships, and put ourselves in a stronger financial position for our family. My husband and I are now back in business for ourselves. Fairy tales do come true! You can live a Life After Bankruptcy.”
“I purchased my first home with my bankruptcy still on my credit reports.”
“I can still remember walking into the convention center where it seemed a thousand people were in attendance for Stephen’s seminar. I was shocked and relieved–I wasn’t the only one! Since then I fully recovered from bankruptcy. My scores improved. My limits increased, and I purchased my first home with my bankruptcy still on my credit reports.”
“We bought a car four months after bankruptcy at a single digit rate.”
“We received an invitation in the mail from Stephen. We watched the seminar online. Basically, the seminar saved us. We started the plan, and it has worked. The hope we got from the seminar, I think, was the biggest thing. We saw results immediately. We bought a car four months after bankruptcy at a single digit rate.”
“Your past does not have to determine your future.”
“After I attended Stephen's seminar a lot of things changed for me. My financial outlook is promising. I am grateful to Stephen for offering me advice, solutions and hope. Your past does not have to determine your future. There is life after bankruptcy!”
“We’ve purchased two homes, $400,000 homes, at 6% APR.”
“We’ve purchased two homes, $400,000 homes, at 6% APR. Bought a new car at 6% with no money down. Have an unsecured credit card with a 16,000 limit and now enjoy credit scores in high 700s. Life is good.”
Jack and Suzie
“I was totally engaged during the presentation. I took lots of notes. I walked out of there excited and hopeful for the first time in a long time.”
“I was totally engaged during the presentation. I took lots of notes. I walked out of there excited and hopeful for the first time in a long time. I really appreciated the common sense approach. My credit scores are all above 720. Thanks to your program, I feel like I have completely recovered. I just closed on my new home at 4.75% interest!”
“I’ve purchased a new Saab at 5% interest with little money down.”
“Awaiting my discharge I felt lost. The despair I felt was only surpassed by my embarrassment to file bankruptcy. Since my discharge I’ve purchased a new Saab at 5% interest with little money down, got an unsecured Visa with a $7,500 limit, and my credit scores are all above 700. I don’t believe any of this would’ve been possible without Stephen.”
“How do I start over? Who do I ask advice?”
“I felt like a mess. I was embarrassed. I had no idea where to turn. How do I start over? Who do I ask advice? Then I received an invitation in the mail. I was skeptical. I remember thinking ‘what are they going to try to sell me?’ I wish I would have known about Stephen before filing bankruptcy. He’s the real deal.”
“I tried for months to recover on my own.”
“I tried for months to recover on my own. Eventually I got a letter in the mail from Stephen. I thought it was a great idea to attend the seminar...after all it was free. The seminar was the beginning of my recovery. If it weren't for the seminar, I wouldn't be where I am today. I have a new car at a single-digit interest rate and credit cards again.”
“I went from low 500 FICO scores to 700+ scores and now looking to buy another new house.”
“I struggled with the idea of going bankrupt. I have been following Stephen since 1998 and have been a loyal advocate of what he teaches ever since. I went from low 500 FICO scores to 700+ scores and now looking to buy another new house. At the end of the day, there is ‘Life After Bankruptcy.’”
“We’ve started two businesses and are purchasing our first home in my hometown.”
“My divorce left me with almost $100,000 of debt. Filing BK was a weight lifted off my shoulders. I’m now remarried…our scores are in the 700s and we’ve obtained $30,000 in unsecured credit cards. We’ve started two businesses and are purchasing our first home in my hometown.”
“My husband convinced me to go to the seminar and I am so glad that we did.”
“At first I didn’t want to go. I didn’t want to be reminded about the shame of filing bankruptcy. My husband convinced me to go to the seminar and I am so glad that we did. The seminar was an eye-opening experience. The After Bankruptcy seminar was and is an educational experience that doesn’t end after the seminar.”
“I am extremely proud of whom I have become.”
“I re-established my credit, put money into savings, and now earn over $100,000 a year.
I am extremely proud of whom I have become.”
“I want my children to be proud of me and I want them to know that it is important to never give up.”
“My husband died suddenly in the fall of 1984, leaving me and our four children. The embarrassment and shame of bankruptcy has had a lingering effect and given me an unequivocal goal. I want my children to be proud of me and I want them to know that it is important to never give up. My credit scores went from the 540s to 715 in one year and I bought a home at 4.35% with $2,000 down.”
“Stephen gave us a roadmap and new hope.”
“We needed to rebuild our credit, and we need to do so quickly. Stephen’s invitation invited us to learn exactly what we wanted to learn–how to recover from bankruptcy, and how to do it fast. My wife was an attorney. I was an engineer. Yet, we had never before heard the life-changing information Stephen delivered. Stephen gave us a roadmap and new hope.”
“Recovery after bankruptcy just doesn’t happen.”
“Recovery after bankruptcy just doesn’t happen. You can recover, however, you need a game plan from a coach that has the knowledge, skill and experience. Stephen’s got the game plan. It works.”
“There was no $5,000 package. It was a no-nonsense seminar.”
“I was sure they’d try to hit us up for some kind of $5,000 package. We wouldn’t be able to buy it anyway, so we attended the seminar to see if we could learn anything. I was amazed at the value of that seminar. There was no $5,000 package. It was a no-nonsense seminar that really helps people.”
“I needed to recover from bankruptcy as quickly as possible. Stephen did it, I can too.”
“I needed to recover from bankruptcy as quickly as possible. Stephen did it, I can too. I followed Stephen’s 'recipe' to the letter. In 2008 I started a real estate investment business and now own 13 homes. My middle credit score is 760 and have over $100,000 in unsecured credit. Stephen's plan and guidance changed my life.”
“I was able to have almost $60,000 in unsecured credit.”
“Credit did not take long to amass. After a short period, I was able to have almost $60,000 in unsecured credit.”
“Behind every dark cloud there is a silver lining. Our silver lining was attending the seminar.”
“Behind every dark cloud there is a silver lining. Our silver lining was attending the seminar. Through this seminar, we were able to put our life back together. Not only was Stephen helpful from a bankruptcy recovery point of view, but also as a source of hope and promise.”
New York
“We went from having little hope to feeling like filing bankruptcy was the best thing we could have done.”
“We filed for bankruptcy in 2005. We then attended Stephen’s 'Credit After Bankruptcy' seminar. We went from having little hope to feeling like filing bankruptcy was the best thing we could have done. Barb’s scores are all above 720. My FICO average is 714.”
Barb and Jerry
“The house I was living in is now my first rental property.”
“I purchased my dream home. Over 5,000 square feet it’s a $275,000 mortgage at a 6% interest rate. The house I was living in is now my first rental property. My 3 FICO scores are 793, 758 and 680. Life for me now is great! I’ve been married for almost 7 years and have 8 beautiful grandchildren. Further, I now have a very close relationship with Jesus Christ.”
“Our credit is back. Our cars are back. Our home is back. But most of all our hope is back.”
“After I calmed down and the initial shock had worn off, we set about to make our bankruptcy as secret and painless as possible. As I began listen to Stephen, I could see there was a path to recovery and a plan we could follow. But most of all there was hope. Our credit is back. Our cars are back. Our home is back. But most of all our hope is back.”
“I started to give up.”
“I lost the house on the lake in foreclosure. Pretty much lost everything in the divorce. My attorney talked me into filing bankruptcy after the divorce. I tried to get back on feet and start all over, but it was very difficult especially with a bankruptcy and foreclosure. I started to give up. Then I came across Stephen. Thank goodness!”
“We had hope for the first time in years. Our life has never been the same since.”
“I thought it was just another piece of junk mail. I was wrong. The seminar changed my thinking. We had hope for the first time in years. Our life has never been the same since. We went from no credit to excellent credit. I have a middle score of 758. We refinanced our home, have two credit cards, and purchased a 2010 Toyota truck with no money down.”
“I am proud of my progress and growth to get where I am today. I realize your step-by-step plan made it a reality.”
“I attended your seminar in Maryland. I remember as if it was yesterday. I soon received unsecured credit cards with $4,000 and $5,000 credit limits and purchased my house with little money down. My FICO scores are 725 752 and 795. I am proud of my progress and growth to get where I am today. I realize your step-by-step plan made it a reality.”
Washington DC
“After just ten to fifteen minutes into the seminar I knew it was a magic moment of relief.”
“I was really in an emotional junkyard with no hope and no plan. I was totally distraught over how were we going to live for the next seven to ten years till the bankruptcy and all the negative items would disappear from my credit report. After just ten to fifteen minutes into the seminar I knew it was a magic moment of relief.”
“We were starting over, and at the time I had no idea how.”
“We were starting over, and at the time I had no idea how. I attended Stephen’s seminar. It gave me hope. My middle FICO score is up…we own a home…and we have 2 new lines of credit. I have more hope right now financially than any time in my life.”
“We purchased a new home three times larger than the house we lost!”
“We had to file Chapter 7. It was a tough decision. My husband was on the board of our Credit Union and didn’t want to leave them high and dry. We lost our cars and house. After attending the seminar we purchased a new home three times larger than the house we lost! And, we just purchased a new minivan with great terms!”
“Purchased a 5 bedroom 3 bath home with 3% down at 5.5%.”
“My daughter was killed while riding her bike on summer vacation. This tragedy started a chain of events that lead up to filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy. I asked my wife to attend Stephen’s seminar with me, but it was her opinion that it could not help. So I attended. I soon purchased a 5 bedroom 3 bath home with 3% down at 5.5%.”
“We were hesitant at first to attend the seminar, but decided to go. That experience changed my life forever.”
“I lost my job. I was forced to file bankruptcy without the help of an attorney. I felt like I let down my wife, and my family. We were hesitant at first to attend the seminar, but decided to go. That experience changed my life forever. Our credit scores went from 480 to over 700 in one year. Amazing.”
“The seminar was very educational and made me more confident about the future.”
“After attending the seminar, I did not feel as alone or embarrassed. In fact, the seminar was very educational and made me more confident about the future. After taking a leap of faith and trusting in Stephen’s program, I can now tell others that it’s possible for them to do the same.”
“The information he shared enabled me to move forward.”
“Going through the bankruptcy process, I learned of Stephen and signed up for one of his seminars. The information he shared enabled me to move forward, purchase the truck and equipment that I needed to grow my business, and to allow me to look forward to the opportunity to rebuild my future.”
“We started implementing Stephen's process, and were able to refinance our home at 5%, and refinanced our car at 6%.”
“We were very young when we filed. We were in college and having a baby right after we were married. We were so embarrassed. We were skeptical about attending the seminar. We started implementing Stephen's process, and were able to refinance our home at 5%, and refinanced our car at 6%. We never had told anyone about our BK.”
Matt and Wendy
“I’m an attorney.”
“I’m an attorney. I have represented clients in their bankruptcies, guided them through the pain and difficult decisions. Sat with them during the creditor’s meeting in front of the trustee and held their hands throughout the process. Now, we were in this position. We took Stephen's advice. Today, I only lose sleep when my four year old rolls over me while sleeping in our bed!”
“I raised my credit scores over 200 points!”
“I had concern about attending. I’m so glad I went. I felt better seeing hundreds of people who looked like me in the same boat. I learned how to recover from bankruptcy. I raised my credit scores over 200 points! I’m happy, I pay my bills on time, and I save money.”
“We had no plan what to do next.”
“I remember the day we filed. We were embarrassed, but also relieved. We had no plan what to do next. We were just thankful to eat dinner without the annoying calls. We attended the seminar and were amazed. Our scores went from the mid-600s to the mid-700s (and are still increasing!).”
Samuel and Lamonique
“I bought a nice car and I purchased a home in a very nice suburb of Denver at 6%.”
“I found myself living in a small two bedroom apartment months behind on my rent. I had no car and used public transit. I was 49 years old and felt overwhelmed and defeated. Since then, I bought a nice car and I purchased a home in a very nice suburb of Denver at 6%. I also have my own business. I have Stephen to thank for getting back on track.”
“I received a low interest loan on a new SUV and raised my credit score to the low 700s.”
“I received a low interest loan on a new SUV and raised my credit score to the low 700s. The experience of going through bankruptcy and working to rebuild my credit is one that has made me a stronger person who is much more knowledgeable of finance, spending, and credit.”
“For the first time in 10 years I felt like I was in control and I had a plan.”
“Before my bankruptcy my scores were in the 820's. The only thing that gave me hope was Stephen's invite. I attended the seminar. I followed all the steps 1 by 1. For the first time in 10 years I felt like I was in control and I had a plan. Today my scores are above 700. I've purchased 2 homes and two new vehicles at 0%. Life is back where I want it to be.”
“When was the last time you got something that was really free?”
“The seminar was free, but I was suspicious. When was the last time you got something that was really free? This seminar wasn’t free—it was priceless. I felt like getting back in the game. I had a plan, I had a team, and I was moving forward! Today I am happy to report that our credit scores have improved over 200 points.”
“We went from 500 scores to 720. We refinanced our car to 4.66% bought a brand new home at 5.3%.”
“We watched the seminar from the comfort of our home. It was fascinating... everything he said! The biggest thing is that he's so genuine about his teaching. All his recommendations really work. We went from 500 scores to 720. We refinanced our car to 4.66% bought a brand new home at 5.3%.”
Reginald and Anyiesa
“Stephen threw us a lifejacket, we grabbed it, and never regretted it.”
“We tried everything to avoid bankruptcy. Ashamed and broke we lost our home and had to rent. After attending the seminar we walked away with new hope and a new attitude. We couldn’t believe how much useful information we received for FREE. We sleep better at night. Stephen threw us a lifejacket, we grabbed it, and never regretted it.”
Troy and Cindy
“After the seminar I bought a truck at 8%.”
“I didn’t know how to recover and did all the wrong things. After the seminar I bought a truck at 8% (before the seminar I paid 14%). I now own a business and have increased my scores 80 to 100 points (and they’re still going up). I’m optimistic about my future.”
“I sometimes forget that I was bankrupt.”
“My credit scores were 467, 497 and 502. After one year by doing the things Stephen taught, they were 667, 681 and 697. I felt so good. I’m buying a home this year. I can buy new cars at normal rates. I have unsecured cards and I sometimes forget that I was bankrupt. The education was invaluable.”
“I needed encouragement from someone who walked in my shoes and somehow, miraculously made it out of the darkness during bankruptcy.”
“I needed encouragement from someone who walked in my shoes and somehow, miraculously made it out of the darkness during bankruptcy. That's exactly what I received when I attended the seminar. The most valuable information I learned that day was the sooner I would begin to recover the easier recovery would be.”
“My credit scores went from 500 to 700 in only 1 year.”
“I knew this seminar was an opportunity of a lifetime. Stephen was unbelievable! My credit scores went from 500 to 700 in only 1 year. My new car came 6 months after the seminar at 4.9% with $0 down, and I’ll be buying a home at the end of this year.”
“Having the right information is so crucial to recovery.”
“Walking into that seminar room I was so shocked there were over 1,000 people in the room. Since then, it's like night and day! I couldn't believe how much information out there is so untrue. Having the right information is so crucial to recovery. My scores went from 520 to 700. I no longer make the silly credit mistakes I used to make before the seminar.”
“I took 11 pages of notes from the information that he provided during the seminar. I am finally in control of my life.”
“I filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. I was lost. When I watched this seminar, I couldn’t believe it. This guy was amazing! He had been there too–in exactly the same place as me. He filed bankruptcy and recovered from it. I took 11 pages of notes from the information that he provided during the seminar. I am finally in control of my life.”
“It was the best thing that ever happened to me.”
“Stephen’s seminar changed my life. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. I learned I didn’t have to wait ten years to be approved for credit with low interest rates. All I needed was to learn how to do it correctly. And I did. Looking back, had I not experienced bankruptcy, I never would have learned to manage my credit and my finances.”
“Our FICO credit scores have now recovered to over 700, we have new credit at excellent interest rates.”
“We were discharged and almost immediately went to work recovering from the damage that had been done after bankruptcy. Our FICO credit scores have now recovered to over 700, we have new credit at excellent interest rates, control our spending, save and invest each month, and have our financial ship back on track.”
Ron and Adriana
“No one should have to go through the emotional rollercoaster of bankruptcy alone.”
“My credit scores are now in the high 700s. I have much higher credit limits and lots of unsecured card offers pouring in. I purchased a new vehicle with at 3%, and own a rental property free & clear. I owe my quick financial and emotional recovery to Stephen. Without his advice, I wouldn’t be where I am today.”
“Since our recovery we’ve been able to start our own company.”
“We felt embarrassed and disappointed in ourselves. Following Stephen’s plan we recovered in 12 months. One credit score even reached 809! We purchased a new SUV with a great 5% interest rate. And we’ve been able to start our own kitchen remodeling company.”
Jim and Beth
“In a single afternoon our lives had changed, our embarrassment diminished.”
“Philip and I drove nearly an hour on the day of the seminar. We were greeted by the friendliest people. In a single afternoon our lives had changed, our embarrassment diminished. With Stephen's direction we began credit recovery. The last time we checked our credit scores they were in the mid to high 700 hundreds.”
Philip and Terri
“Going to that seminar less than two months after filing was a true blessing.”
“At age 53, we learned what it really means to start over. We began rebuilding our lives.
Two years and one day after discharge we closed on our brand new home in a great neighborhood…something we couldn’t have dreamed of a little over two years earlier. Going to that seminar less than two months after filing was a true blessing.”
Wanda and Jim
New Jersey
“I purchased a new home—something I didn’t think I would ever be able to do.”
“At the time, I felt in my heart that I would never recover from this financial setback. I received a card in the mail about a FREE seminar. I was skeptical. I drove 80 miles to attend. There was no catch! Five months after attending, I purchased a new home, something I didn’t think I would ever be able to do.”
North Carolina
“I realized that I needed a game plan to start rebuilding my credit.”
“I realized that I needed a game plan to start rebuilding my credit. I looked into credit repair companies but they were too aggressive and they scared me. If I can do it so can you!”
“We had no idea how to rebuild our credit.”
“Once we received our discharge letter, we looked at each other and said, 'now what?' What do we do now? Where do we go from here? We had no idea how to rebuild our credit. Months later we received a mailer from Stephen about a FREE seminar, that would assist in our recovery from bankruptcy. The rest is history!”
Jewel and Odell
“After attending your seminar in 2006, and in less than 2 years I have overcome bankruptcy. I have been offered all kinds of low interest credit cards, been approved for a $5000 low interest loan, purchased a 2006 and a 2007 vehicle. Everything has increased my credit scores from the low 400's to the the low 700's, all in less than 2 years. I would not have been able accomplish any of this had I not attended your seminar, and now the sky is the limit. Thank you very much.”
November 7, 2007
“I attended your seminar yesterday and still find myself motivated from your presentation. Your energy and motivation extended well throughout that huge, crowded room. I waited until the last minute to decide whether to attend, but something inside me was urging me to go. WOW, am I glad I did. First, thank you for being sincere in your quest to help those of us who find ourselves in the aftermath of bankruptcy. I was beginning to feel hopeless about ever recovering from the stigma of my BK. Not only do some of the people close to me hold me in judgment for doing this, but I have been inundated with high interest offers since two weeks PRIOR to my discharge. It was truly a painful thing for those "vultures" to announce my discharge via their high interest scams before I had received the papers myself. Now the healing process begins. The sad truth is that every American should be armed with all of the information you offer. But for the majority it's foreign to us. Our main exposure in this society is to those who want us to fall into the trap so they can benefit, and very little exposure to those who have real answers to help us financially. I can't thank you enough for sharing your experience, strength and hope with us. Your seminar is invaluable!”
January 27, 2002
“I had received your seminar invitation a couple of months ago and went right out and purchased the book. The book is excellent and I keep re-reading it. I wasn't sure if I would attend the seminar. I felt it would just be a repeat of what your book covered and also that it would be tiring and boring. Nothing could be further from the truth! Stephen you are a "natural" in front of the audience and obviously are passionate about the subject matter. You are a born comic as well. Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed myself and learned a lot, more than just what was in the book. Thanks so much, I already feel rejuvenated and full of hope!”
August 13, 2001
“If it wasn't for your foundation I don't thank that I could ever had purchased two new cars. The first car that I purchased was back in Nov 07 with no money down with an interest rate at 4.5%. I then also purchased a new vehicle in Jan 08 for my wife with no money down at 1.9%. Again thank you. If it weren't for Stephen's advise I don't know how that I could have purchased my new vehicles. In addition I did purchase my FICO scores from MyFICO.com/12 recently. I was really surprised to find out that my current score is currently at 631. I would have thought that my scores would have been much lower since my discharge was only in July of 07 along with the purchase of my new vehicles.”
March 11, 2008
“Just wanted to say thanks again for the wealth of information at your seminar last Saturday. And thanks to you both for autographing my book. But more important, thanks for giving us hope in regards to our financial future. We consider having come in contact with you and Michele as one of those blessings from God.”
Sam and Christina
September 17, 1999
“I talked to my wife, and decided to go to the seminar. It was a monumental choice, though at the time, I had no idea it was. I remember driving into the parking lot, looking for a place to park my wife's car. I still felt shame that I was even there. And I wondered what good could I possibly find inside? I walked in, and found a seat in a well packed large room filled with about 500 plus people. I was amazed when, looking around, I saw that none of these people had hunched backs, no fangs, no look of homelessness, or evil, but indeed, all these people looked like normal folks, just like me! That was the most incredible feeling! To realize that all these people, normal people, who had been through bankruptcy, looked well, normal! There was no one branded with a big "BK" on their forehead, or shackles on their legs, but indeed, there was every variety of normalcy there! Men in suits, ladies in dresses, young folks in shorts and t-shirts, black, white, brown, tall, short, thin and fat. It was a watershed moment for me. And, it was just getting started! When Stephen started talking, I identified with him. He had been there, had gone through bankruptcy, and had lived it! Not only that, but Stephen was claiming that, by applying some of the things we would learn that day, that we could actually get back on track, and still be able to buy a new car, a new house, and rebuild our credit. Yeah right, I thought! Well, I have applied the principles Mr. Snyder taught me that day in 1999, and further, I have now been to 3 of his seminars, learning something new each time! By following Stephen's advice, I have accomplished the following: Within five months of declaring bankruptcy, I bought a brand new 1999 car at 3.9 % interest rate! Now, THAT ain't bad!, as my daddy used to say. I got the car at the same exact rate that someone with perfect credit could! All because of following Stephen's advice. It is now 2001, and my wife still drives that car. About four months after I bought the car for her I bought a brand new 1999 4 wheel drive flareside pickup. A $32,000 truck, and I got it at 3.9% interest! Again, I was treated just like someone who had never had bankruptcy! Stephen provided the methods to be able to accomplish this, and this car dealer will have my business for the rest of my life! The great thing, is, it is not over yet! When I went back to my second seminar that Stephen had in Dallas, Texas, I bought the book, and started applying the principles inside. My wife and I wanted a house to call our own, and get out from under the lease we have. I am incredibly gratified that I went to the seminar which Stephen brought here. It was another major milestone in my road to healing. I endorse his efforts completely! If you are looking for a get-it-done-overnight sort of thing, forget it! Develop a plan, one like Stephen recommends, and follow it. We could not, and would not have done this, had it not been for Stephen's wonderful seminar, and his awesome book! Oh yeah, one final thought--I really am normal, even though I went through bankruptcy. Mr. Snyder has helped me immeasurably to realize that. I shall forever owe a debt of gratitude to Stephen for showing me the way.”
October 11, 2001
“I loved your seminar. I'm an atty. and I NEVER had heard all the information about FICO scores, etc. I could have helped many clients had I known about the real methods of financial scoring. And I do bankruptcies for clients--boy do I feel stupid after hearing everything at the seminar. Kinda sheepish like I should have learned this stuff before now. Three cheers for your organization. I got your book and signed up for the newsletter and magazine and donated two books to my local library. You sure made a believer out of me. Thank you so much. If you want to use anything I have said to promote your seminars, feel free.”
May 17, 2004
“Thank you so very much for tracking me down and extending this invitation to me. I can say that the four hours spent will likely be life changing. Otherwise, should you need some volunteer time or what not, I like to get involved with organizations I believe in.”
March 24, 2006
“Thanks to you, I just purchased my first home today. I have a 4.5 interest rate, plus a 10 year tax abatement & the city gave me $10,000, my home owners insurance is only $267.60 for the whole year & I also received an additional $500 of the purchase price. My house note is a little over $600 per month. It is a beautiful 3 bedroom finished basement house in a very nice neighborhood. Since attending your seminar, even with the bankruptcy on my credit, I have 4 credit cards (I only use them for small purchases to keep them active) & the realtor told me I have excellent credit. I cannot thank you enough for helping me along with your words of encouragement & for showing me IT CAN BE DONE. I am living proof.”
April 30, 2008
“I attended your bankruptcy seminar three years ago. I followed all the steps in your book and have accomplished the following (now hold on to your hat): financed a truck with a captive lender, obtained a credit card from a major bank (which I don't abuse), opened up one savings account and a mutual fund, last but not least, just approved for a $90,000 mortgage with 0% down! all I have to do is come up with closing; I'll start small with a condo (I'm grateful for small things). Credit is absolutely excellent after bankruptcy. No late payments at all. Thanks so much for all of your help.”
New Jersey
April 22, 2003
“When we got the information in the mail 4 years ago, we were skeptical but went to your seminar in LA anyway and applied the suggestions. We were able to buy a house last year after our credit scores zoomed from the mid 600s into the mid 700s.”
June 24, 2009
“Just want to thank you for sharing your knowledge with us at your seminar. It gave us hope and was so energizing, refreshing & freeing to laugh and know things are going to be okay! But the main blessing came when you were not afraid to show your faith! Continue to help us all remember where our priorities need to be.”
Greg and Wendee
October 16, 1998
“Yesterday My wife Jan and I walked out of our credit union with a Signature Loan (yes they repot to all three CB's) not because we needed to, but because we are still in the process of further improving our scores. Two years out of bankruptcy I have credit scores above 700, refinanced my house and used some of the equity to remodel our backyard (we raise Golden Retrievers and Golden Doodles and needed to get rid of our pool) Last December we were able to buy a 2004 suv at a solid interest rate. Our finances have never looked better. We have attended two of your seminars and continue to read your newsletters. We could not be more pleased at the results. All you have to do is apply the principles and not be ashamed at where you have been and the road to a new financial freedom is there to be had.”
January 3, 2007
“I purchased and read your book yesterday. It is fantastic! I could kick myself! I received an invitation to your seminar and could not make it that day.”
March 9, 2003
“As many people have said, YOU are a Godsend. I felt as if I drug my husband to your seminar. He was glad that we attended after we received so much useful information. As for myself, I took a chance and applied for a Dell card because I so desperately needed a computer while I was in chapter 13. They gave me a credit limited of $1500. I made much more than the minimum payment on time for 7 months. During the course of paying off my computer I converted to a Chapter 7. I did much research on finding an unsecured credit card to apply for. I found the right one, applied on line and again received a $1500 credit limit. Two days ago I received my discharge letter and my new credit card arrived in the mail. I'm not sure of what my scores are now because I was waiting for my discharge before I ordered them. Now that I have my credit card I plan to wait a month before I order my scores. Thanks for helping us to get back on the road to recovery. P.S. when I received my scores in Dec. 2006 they were 589, 614, 654 after my conversion they dropped by about 70 points. By the end of Jan. 2007 they were 586, 589 and 604. I can't wait to see what they are in a month.”
March 28, 2007
“Thanks. Your Credit After Bankruptcy seminar was extremely helpful. 4 years later, I have been able to build up credit again, purchase a condo and am keeping my finances in check. Because of the helpful information I received at your seminar, I am on the road to financial peace again. Thank you!”
September 28, 2007
“Couldn't wait to write you, "YOUR SEMINAR WAS WORTH THE DRIVE" even though my husband stood me up. I drove alone and so glad I did not miss it. I can relate to your wife on how she felt with the whole bankruptcy thing. This is making my life so depressing. I wish I had of known about you before I filed.”
March 15, 2006
“I've just attended the AB seminar and was riveted. I'm in the mortgage industry and still learned much. I was impressed with both your passion and COMpassion.”
August 18, 2007
“As I'm writing tears of joy run down my face. Thanks a million times!”
Jo Ann
December 8, 1999
“Congrats to the both of you on your presentation. I was in the audience and must admit, I certainly was surprised to find I was not alone! You have done well. Most of all, you gave us in the room hope. Hope that all will be well in time. It comes from the experience of been there, done that. I really commend you for that. I wish you continued success in your journey!”
March 21, 1998
“I appreciate your hard work and honest information on life after bankruptcy. I have shared what I've learned from you with my family and friends. Your seminar was informative and beneficial. Thanks.”
January 20, 2002
“I felt like a fish out of water at first. But I am so fired up to be put back in the river of life! Thank you to help us see that light at the end of the tunnel. You have helped me heal emotionally and I know I can apply what I've learned now. With much appreciation.”
November 1, 2002
“I recently attended the bankruptcy seminar. The information that was conveyed in the seminar was phenomenal. I learned so much in those four hours, more than I imagined. I want to say thank you so much for providing such great information and resources. Prior to coming to the seminar, I was not feeling hopeless, but definitely not as hopeful as I am now. I am so excited about the opportunity to work with the sponsors to get my life back on track. I made errors in how I invested in real estate, which is what led me to filing bankruptcy. I have learned from my mistakes and look forward to other real estate ventures. Finally, but most importantly, thank you for your selflessness in sharing information with us that will assist in the transformation of our lives. I wish you and Michele nothing but the best in life and look forward to hearing more from you.”
March 13, 2006
“I wish to thank you for the seminar, which I attended last weekend. To be honest, I thought that I would have to purchase something or that I would be lied to at the seminar -- both typical of some which I have attended in the past. I learned at your seminar that I am not doomed, and I left with a plan of action. I left your seminar with so much information that I chose to verify it with my father (a multimillionaire, founder of a bank, platinum credit) and I knew things that he did not know. He did not know what a FICO score was! I am looking forward to a new home with enough space for my stepson to have his own room and the dog to have room to go outside. Thank you again for the seminar!”
March 2, 2005
“Thanks for your time & effort in putting on the seminar. It was so helpful. But especially important to me was to know we can start over. We're not bad people and there is hope. Just wanted you both to know how much we appreciate you!”
Georgie and Clark
September 29, 1997
“I just want to thank you for coming into my life! I attended your seminar in November 2005 and my initial FICO scores were 590, 609, and 617. I followed your steps and enrolled in the program and this has been the best decision of my life. I was actually able to bargain for my 2006 auto and was financed with a great rate! It feels good to tear up the three and four pre-approved credit card apps that come in the mail weekly. I have two credit cards with credit balances under half! I hear your voice every time I get tempted to open another card. I look forward to buying a new house in August (24 months after discharge point). By the way, my new credit scores are 653, 667, and 645 and growing! I am excited to have control of my life again and I want to thank you again from the bottom of my heart!”
April 19, 2006
“Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your seminar was superb. I learned an unbelievable amount and am motivated as well for a very bright future. Congratulations on your own success after BK. Talk about turning lemons into lemonade - you are an inspiration.”
November 9, 2004
“Stephen, I just wanted to personally thank you for the work your doing. I attended your seminar in October 2002. I just recently closed on my newly built home, two years after my bankruptcy was discharged. I got an FHA loan with 6.5% interest for 30 years. I could not have done this without being educated by both you at the seminar and your book. The book was a great reference and you give a great seminar. Again Thank You. PS - my credit rating two years ago was 380 it is now 685 I am sure it will be over 700 by Christmas this year.”
September 14, 2004
“I attended your seminar. It gave me hope that there is life after bankruptcy. Five days later I drove off the dealership in my brand new 1999 car. I was able to purchase the car with very little down and a trade-in of my 1988 van. Now I ride in comfort and am able to go out of town without worrying about breaking down. The next step will be to purchase our own home. I now have confidence that in the near future we will be living in our own home. I would recommend to anyone that has filed bankruptcy to attend one of your seminars.”
May 17, 1999
“I wish I would have been able to attend your seminar right after my bankruptcy instead of a year later.”
September 3, 2003
“I attended your free seminar in January of this year. I am writing to thank you for sharing your experiences with the public. I was able to learn so much, that just three months ago I purchased a new car at 4.3%”
December 5, 2000
“I first attended your seminar about three years ago. The information you gave me was 100% accurate and using it has changed my life. I went from only having a debit card to having unsecured credit cards from four different banks with credit limits ranging from $5,000 to $10,000. Plus, I just purchased a new Nissan at 1.9% interest. Today, I again went to your seminar and feel it was just as worthwhile as the first seminar. Your explanation of FICO credit scores was invaluable. I know you must hear this a lot, but I just wanted to thank you. I went from being ashamed of my dirty little secret and being resigned to a life without credit to now being a credit worthy, educated consumer. I am no longer desperate for credit and can make wise financial decisions.”
New Jersey
September 13, 2003
“David & I wanted to just sit down & write a few kind words to you & say how much we appreciate the very informative seminar we attended. We loved it.”
David and Marsha
June 5, 1999
“I just wanted to update you on some of our experiences. I read your book a lot!! Each time I read it I get new insight and direction on how to handle certain situations. We recently got approved for a secured credit card. We only put down $400 for the time being and they doubled it. So we have an $800 credit limit. I will keep you updated.”
New Jersey
January 17, 2002
“We went to the car dealer you recommend and wow what a wonderful experience. The good news was we were offered 3.9% financing! We went in and gave our 30-second sound bite to the new car manager and she was just wonderful. We had picked out our new 2001 truck and been approved with in two hours of walking into the dealership. My husband and I could not believe the offer we got! The new car manager told us we did a great job re-establishing our credit and had a great FICO credit score. We have had nothing but success since attending your seminar. We were approved for the credit card you recommended. We were able to purchase a new home with no money down using my husbands VA certificate. We were pre-approved for $189,000 to get our ideal dream family home in the country with acreage and everything. We even got a pool put in last year! So, I just wanted to extend our thanks to you. I know there are people out there who think...sure...does this really work? Well, we are living proof! My husband and I laugh because our families say "...wow you guys sure do well for yourselves..." The irony is that none of them know about our little "bankruptcy secret." Once again, much thanks and feel free to share our story with others!”
Karie and Evan
April 22, 2002
“My husband, Scott, and I attended your seminar in March 1999. You changed our lives and saved our marriage! I filed bankruptcy shortly before I met my husband. He filed later. We were so caught up in planning our wedding, that the stress and reality of what we had done didn't hit us until the first few months of marriage. We struggled to stay together until your seminar. We felt as though someone finally understood what we were going through. In addition to the wonderful information, and the book we hold second only to the Bible, we appreciate you letting us into your life and telling of the problems you had as a couple dealing with bankruptcy. A month after your seminar, we leased a brand new truck for Scott. We each got a secured credit card and started a budget and savings plan. We were able to save enough to buy this computer, which I never thought was possible. We have worked on our credit and we plan to buy a house at the beginning of next year. None of this would have been possible without the both of you. Thank you so much. You've done so much for us. All my gratitude.”
Jennifer and Scott
February 24, 2000
“I attended the seminar on October 11th. There is a rainbow at the end of my tunnel and it is you, Stephen. The loads and loads of information I learned has empowered me to want to get the things straightened out to get those good FICO scores, to learn cash flow management, to get out the middle-class rut of living paycheck to paycheck. I have always had great aspirations to travel and could never figure out how to get the money to do it; something always came up. I am looking forward to a changed way of life, a better way of life. With the help of your seminar information and mortgage company you recommended things will be good. Thanks.”
October 12, 2003
“Just wanted to share a little something with you. In November the engine in my 1989 Chevy Beretta finally gave in leaving me stranded on the parkway. Unable to get to work, I called Mary, the finance manager from the dealership who I met at your seminar in October. I drove away that day with my beautiful new 2000 car. Mary was wonderful! She really tried hard to make it happen considering that the established credit I so diligently worked to obtain didn't show on my TransUnion report that they use to make a loan decision. Thank you for all the information you so very generously gave that day. Didn't think it was possible! Your book is also excellent.”
New York
November 30, 1999
“I attended your seminar on Saturday. I walked away with four pages of notes, your book and a wealth of information that I am quickly putting into practice. I can't wait for the results. As you suggested I am putting everything I learned into practice immediately, starting with improving my FICO credit scores. I am on my fifth month of a terrific job where I am making serious money and keeping a close watch on every penny I spend. I have started a savings and a small investment account. Your seminar was like the "icing on the cake."”
December 14, 1999
“I needed a new car so I went to the dealer you suggested at the seminar. I am happy to say I am very please with the out come. (you were right) They came and picked me up and I drove home in a 2006 car. Leased it for one point above what A-1 credit would have leased it for. It felt really good to be able to do that on my own. I told my son I know how the young guys feel when they get a new ride I'm ready to go look for some rims(smile). This little guppy has out swam the sharks thanks to the seminar I attended.”
March 1, 2006
“I can't tell you how much I have benefited from attending your seminar three years ago. Though it took me a while to put my plan in action, I have now put my "financial house in order" and stopped the pattern that led to my BK. I am now well on my way to acquiring my first investment property. I have also benefited from your weekly newsletters, which have covered topics not found in your book. I feel almost like I've been through an undergraduate study of credit score management. Once again many thanks for the life-changing financial education.”
December 8, 2005
“Hello to you and Michele (and the whole crew). We wanted to drop you a quick line and tell you about our first investment property. We are going to contract on the property next door to us (yes on the water as well). We will now have adjoining lots with 150 feet of waterfront for future expansion. The good news is we have a renter already set to occupy at close, and it will give us a positive cash flow. The even better news is we obtained a 100% loan including closing costs. The really good news is that we will have $75,000 equity in the property at close (down market- gotta love it). And the super fantastic news is our interest rate is even better than our primary residence...WOW. We never would have thought 4 years ago sitting in your seminar we would even be close to where we are now. LIFE IS GOOD! Thanks again for everything.”
January 18, 2007
“I filed bankruptcy in September 2005 and got discharged in January of 2006. I was pretty much in the dumps about waiting for at least two years to get my head from under the hole of bankruptcy before trying to resume my financial life of even getting a decent credit card or buying a home. I was quite intrigued by the letter in the mail from you, Stephen, about the bankruptcy seminar and decided to go that one instead of the enticing "How to be a Millionaire" seminar being offered that same weekend for free..... I felt filing was the best thing I did because of my divorce, but I had no idea how great it feels to be in a room of bankrupt people and the vision of hope you gave to me during the seminar. With each word of knowledge and advice, I could see my ideas to move faster into the normal world coming true. I signed up for the mortgage company. Anyway, it was February for the seminar and in June my FICO scores jumped up 100 pts each to 647, 614 and 604 and when I saw it I cried. Tears streamed down my face in joy and happiness at the sight of great FICO scores and the hope of better credit. I thought it would take at least a year for that start happening. I put my plan into action and I started house hunting with a vengeance. I got a house in August 2006. I'm a single mom with two kids. Bottom line - Thank you Stephen. You are an inspiration for me in a very new experience and I'm glad I took the step to go to the seminar not caring what anyone thought when I got there. There were no signs about bankrupt seminar although I wouldn't have cared. Getting out of it was my priority and you helped. I have a beautiful home that's worth over $200,000 now and I bought it last month from the owner for $175,000. The property was worth $195,000 then. Yes, I thank God also because it happened as if it was orchestrated by Him and the way things went. I prayed for a miracle and I got your letter in the mail....”
September 6, 2006
“I just had to write to let you know that I am quite impressed with you and your program. I was at your seminar a couple of months ago. I had already purchased your materials and devoured them. I was already very familiar with credit building strategies from my own personal experiences, but had no idea how to recover quickly from bankruptcy. Before the seminar I only had one credit score that would even show up and it was a pathetic 445. My bankruptcy was so new and there was no new credit that I didn't even exist for two of the credit agencies. My BK was filed in Oct. of 2005 and discharged in Feb. of 2006. I had been working so much in my job that I didn't have time to consider reestablishing credit, even though I knew it was extremely important to me for a good many reasons. My wife and I had previously built real estate holdings worth approximately 18 million and lost all of them, including our own home. It was a tragic experience losing everything we owned. Filing BK was necessary protection so that the business partner that burned us would not be able to come back and do it again. I had three choices to make when I went to your seminar. And I had no idea where to start. a) Do I get a secured credit card and use it? b) Do I get an auto loan? c) Do I buy a house? After going to the seminar all of my questions were answered and then some. Now for the meat and potatoes. I met a fellow at the seminar that wound up helping me with purchasing a new '06 4x4 pickup loaded with all the extras. The only thing it didn't have extra was a bed liner and they threw that in free of charge! Here's the kicker: When they ran my credit; one score was 450 another was 465 and the last was 535 I think. I got approved with only $500.00 down, no trade in and the best part was no interest for 72 months on a 30 thousand dollar truck! The dealer that you pre-investigated for us before the seminar came through with flying colors. The savings on interest was about $3,000. and the savings on dealer incentives was another $3,000. Such a deal! I had no idea that I would be driving a brand new truck so soon, much less a top of the line one at an affordable payment of $414. per month, which also included GAP Insurance (which I figured for the minimal dollar amount was well worth it). The dealer also threw in complimentary oil changes and safety inspections for the life of the loan or truck (I can't remember which). My wife and I took delivery of our new truck on 8/31/2006 and we are quite pleased. By the way, after having worked at dealerships for a good portion of my working career I remembered that the end of the month is a great time to be making deals. You might want to include sharing that with your other subscribers. Dealers always have a big push at the end of the month to get their sales numbers in and done by then and they tend to become quite motivated. I am currently waiting for six months worth of payments to go by so I can take another peek at my credit scores to see how much they have improved by then with my good payment history. Please feel free to use my letter as testimony of your good deeds. Thank you so much and God Bless.”
October 18, 2006
“I have been following your advice since buying your first book and attending a conference you did in the late 1990s. Following advice from the book and from the conference, I obtained a loan from my Church credit union and purchased a preowned luxury car, went from a low limit secured credit card to an unsecured card with five times the original limit within one year. I now have three cards (which I use and pay off very carefully) and just last November received a mortgage and bought a modest home. Praise God! You and Michele keep up the good work. You are putting out truth that helps many more than you can ever know.”
New Jersey
February 16, 2006
“Just know that if it wasn't for YOU, I would not be as far along post bankruptcy as I am. I believe in what you do and what you stand for.”
May 12, 2009
“I filed for chapter 7 in Oct., 2006, discharged in Jan., 2007. I was able to lease a new car from Ford Credit for a 2 year lease. That lease is now up and I was getting that knot of fear in my stomach regarding ‘will I qualify?’ Last night, when doing the financial stuff at the Ford dealership to purchase a 2010 Ford Focus, I was told by the financial manager that I've been doing beautifully in recovering from the bankruptcy and there was no problem in my purchasing a car. Great fun, Stephen. I credit you and your help as well as my simply learning that credit is not ‘a readily available fund meant for spending’. It has been great to have scores over 700.”
December 8, 2009
“My husband and I would like to thank you for the informative seminar you provided. We needed information on how to refinance our existing mortgage following Chapter 7. We were provided the information we needed from the mortgage company at your seminar. Your seminar was a great help to us and we will put to practice your teachings. Thank you so much and continued success and blessings.”
Larry and Lori
September 28, 1998
“Your presentation yesterday was stimulating, honest, enthusiastic and chock-full of information. It couldn't have been more interesting. You've given me what I need to move forward the right way, financially. Thank you.”
June 14, 1998
“I cannot tell you how much the seminar has helped me. I am diligently working towards pulling myself out of bankruptcy - the right way - and with a great roadmap provided by you. I am benefitting so much by your personal experiences and it is so much easier thanks to you. I was so beat down and feeling overwhelmed. You have given me renewed hope and I know I can do it.”
June 22, 2007
“I want you to know that there is life after bankruptcy. Although when I attended your seminar, I was sure that life would never be the same and possibly never get better. Thank God, I was wrong. Thanks to God's blessings and your very good advice and the materials I purchased; I survived. Two or three years later I purchased my $350,000 home and a new to me VW Beetle. Because my bankruptcy only involved myself and not my husband, I originally thought we would be okay. My credit was better than my husband's at the time of my purchases. It was amazing. We moved to Texas for my husband's new job. My sweet man went through four job downsizes. Now he has a better job and I do Avon. My schedule is flexible. The flexibility gives me the opportunity to add variety of experiences to our life. We have many blessings and each day is a new adventure.”
November 24, 2009
“The seminar was very informative. It really helps to get some positive information at a time that is surely one of the lowest times of a persons life. Once again, thanks.”
August 27, 2007
“I am one of those guys who always pays cc balances off with every statement. My credit scores were always above 800. I married the wrong woman who took out a P.O. box that I did not know about and started taking cash advances on cards that I never used, the statements were going to the box. Over a period of 2 yrs. she ran up debt totaling $80,000. I found out only after coming home from a business trip and finding the house emptied of furniture and the collection calls started coming in. I battled the creditors for a year and finally sold every thing and moved to Florida where I paid cash for a small condo. What she did was criminal, but legal only because we were married. I am not licensed to practice Optometry in Fla. so I took a part time teaching job to scrape by. I found out there really is a God because during the housing bubble my condo more than doubled in value and I made back, almost to the penny, everything she stole. In 2004 it was allowed to keep all the equity in your home in a chap.7 so I took those proceeds and paid cash for a 65 ft. houseboat on Lake Lanier in Ga., which I live on fulltime. I am practicing optometry again, paying off my cc balances in full every month and my Experian score was recently 770. Your book was invaluable to me as I followed the advice even getting my first bank card.”
November 7, 2009
“I opened a secured credit card last July which has since been converted to unsecured and increased to a $3,000 limit. P.S. Besides the credit card success, I just bought a brand new car in March with zero down at a single digit interest rate and am closing on a house next month with zero down, due in large measure to your seminar and practical suggestions in your newsletter.”
May 31, 2006
“I just wanted to say thank you! A friend and I attended your seminar. We both walked away with the feeling of hope that there is life after bankruptcy. Since then I have followed your advice. I immediately went to work on re-establishing my credit by getting the recommended credit cards and buying a vehicle from the recommend dealer from your seminar. I have just recently purchased a $140,000 house using your recommended mortgage company, which is double the size of the house I owned prior to my bankruptcy. What blew my mind was that during the mortgage process I was told that I had a very high credit score-all thanks to the confidence and advice I received from your seminar.”
September 6, 2001
“Thank you for such an awesome and informative seminar on credit after bankruptcy. I will be utilizing your information and services, you so kindly set up for all of us to use. Knowing what the typical costs for the information and services you, your company, and the other suppliers provide. I thank you for providing them to all of us at a substantial savings. This is just what someone in my situation needs.”
April 19, 2000
“I attended a seminar two years ago and was petrified and skeptical. I can tell you if it hadn't been for the seminar, I would still be trying to pay cash for everything, pouring my money into a ten year old car and still renting. You gave me the courage and direction to change. I bought a new car from the car dealer you recommended and am now buying a condo. You all were a positive influence in my life at the time I needed it the most. Thanks for all you do and God bless you.”
July 25, 2000
“I want to thank you for all the great information that you have sent me. I have been putting it to use and my husband and I have seen incredible changes. For example I attended your seminar and recently after that I put all your great advice to work. My bankruptcy was discharge in August 2005. Two months later I reviewed my credit to find out that my scores were in the low 500 even 400...I just recently requested a new credit report and my scores are 691, 700 and 661, all in less than a year. My goal is to be in the 800's or higher if possible. Thanks to you and all your advice in your book, which I purchased, and all your newsletter issues. Once again thank you.”
New York
May 23, 2006
“When I found your invitation the other day, I no longer felt hopeless. Instead what I felt was curious and (I'm being truthful here...) a bit suspicious. I did pre-register and will attend and nothing will change that--I'm just scared. I'm scared at the prospect of leaving there feeling the same way as I do now or did last week. I'm scared that the car dealers and mortgage people who work with you there will be intimidating and that I'll feel ashamed. I want so much to change my future and my son's future, but I am afraid to fail again...I just returned from attending your seminar. Stephen you are amazing! Never did I expect your comforting words. I feel better than I have in a long time. It feels so good to have something to look forward to. I am very excited! I see myself being very productive today and getting lots of stuff done today thanks to your energizing words.”
August 27, 2001
“Just wanted to thank you for all the information, It's been almost or just over a year since I attended your seminar. We are in the process of buying a new house and have already purchased a new vehicle and are in the process of getting our credit scores back to where they were. I have started a new job and am excited for the future. I really appreciate all that you do after the seminar is over that is amazing for all of your participants. Thanks again and keep up the great work.”
March 22, 2007
“I just attended your seminar and it was awesome! You provided a wealth of clear, concise, informative information and managed to make it entertaining as well! I am extremely thankful to both and your wife for having the courage to be so transparent and the wisdom to to know how to market much needed info information. Thanks again for everything!”
March 11, 2007
“Hi Stephen! I just wanted to take a brief moment to say THANK YOU!! to you for sharing all of your insight into recovering from bankruptcy. My husband and I filed in 2004 right before the laws changed. We received an invitation to attend your seminar in 2005 and I am so thankful we did. We put your advice into action. Now only 2 short years later, we both are driving new vehicles with great rates. We each have an unsecured credit card in our names and we just closed on a new 3000 square foot home with a 30 year fixed rate of only 6.25%. If anyone would have told me that all of this would have come true back in 2004, I would have NEVER believed them. Also my husband's credit score is a 719 and mine is a 694. We are working hard now to get these scores up into the 800's!!. Thank you again so much for using your experiences to give other people hope!”
Lynn and Jason
July 19, 2007
“I soooo enjoyed the presentation. POWERFUL. I had already purchased a copy of your Life After Bankruptcy book, which was thoroughly dog eared by presentation time - this is a first for me because have many books! You have richly blessed my life.”
May 3, 2006
“I attended your seminar this year and am an advocate of your program and have started the recovery steps in your book. I just purchased a 2002 convertible about two weeks ago thanks to the car dealership at your seminar. I am grateful for your honest, no frills approach. I now feel I have a chance to start living my life again. It seems we get a wrench thrown in once in a while.”
April 7, 2002
“Let me just say that you have helped me in my years of recovery from bankruptcy. I had the privilege of being at one of your live seminars a few years back. Even had the chance to speak to your wife for a bit :) Thank you for all you have done and I wish you nothing but happiness and continued growth. Thank you again for everything! Not everyone walking the earth can say they made a change in someone's life using their calling. Profitable or not, I rank you up there with the kind of teacher that teaches to see the light go on in someone's head and a face of confidence after learning something new.”
March 12, 2009
“Thank you for the great seminar. It gives us great hope after 31 years of good credit. But life happens and humbles us. Belinda from the car dealership you recommended was terrific and helped me solve my transportation problem. Keep up the good work.”
Marilyn and Gary
November 5, 1999
“I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks for the valuable information imparted to us at the seminar.”
February 29, 2000
“We attended your seminar in September of 2005 and it was awesome. A month after the seminar we purchased an 2005 vehicle with no money down and dropped our interest rate from 17.5% to 4.9%!”
Peter and Lynn
April 1, 2006
“I attended your seminar. My bankruptcy was discharged on August 10th. I've been really afraid to have anything to do with credit and thinking that no one would give my credit for two to three years down the road. But after the encouragement I received from being in attendance - I followed your advice. It feels really good, and now I really feel like I'm getting a fresh start. Thanks for the advice and encouragement that there is life and credit after bankruptcy.”
September 18, 2001
“Your newsletters have been so helpful! I don't have time now to tell you in detail, but the short version of our recovery is...less than a year after it was final we were able to get a loan from a bank to purchase a used SUV and a mortgage lender who gave us $350,000.00 to purchase our dream home on a beautiful setting of 3 1/2 acres with a fishing pond, huge workshop, and gorgeous swimming pool...oh...and a barn. We attended your seminar in either late '02 or early '03. Extremely helpful and gave us tremendous confidence to forge ahead! Thanks for your more than generous information!”
April 18, 2007
“I was at your seminar two weeks ago and it was the best decision I have made in years. Thanks a lot.”
New York
September 5, 2002
“I attended your seminar this year. So far, your information has been exactly right on. Now I am ready to take the big step to buy a home. I took your advice and received a secured credit card within 2 weeks of the seminar, and now have a credit line of $1,300, soon to be raised to $2,000. I really can't thank you enough for helping me get my life back together. My bankruptcy was a result of divorce, which lead to the selling of our home, and then bankruptcy. Your seminar was the lifeline I needed, with my emotional and financial situations on life-support.”
September 30, 1998
“I want to thank you for helping me refinance my home and start my life all over again on a positive note. Your seminar back in May of 1999 here was so educational, inspiring and gave me hope. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Again, Thank you for helping to change my life.”
January 7, 2002
“Your seminar was extremely helpful. My husband and I were able to lease two brand new cars within eight months of receiving our discharge (I picked up one of them the weekend after my discharge)! Thanks for making such great information available!”
April 5, 2005
“This may not seem like much to many, but I was recently forced to apply for short-term disability at my place of employment due to severe illness. Of course, my employer took its time processing my claim, which left me without pay for two full months. After becoming two months behind on my mortgage, my mortgage company called for what I thought was a "collection call." Instead, they ran my credit and offered to refinance my mortgage at two percent below my current rate, waived the late charge on my missed payments, allow me to skip two payments and even give me cash out if I wanted. It wasn't until the loan officer read my FICO scores that I was actually convinced he had the right person. My credit scores have gone up over one hundred and fifty points in one year since I attended your seminar and my husband's FICO scores have gone up over two hundred points. My employer paid my short-term disability claim right after I received this offer and because I really want to buy a new home this year, I didn't take it. What's best about this story is that the mortgage company said because I have good credit, they're not going to report me late to the three credit bureaus for my two late payments! And, it's two months later and they've kept their word. Stephen, thanks a million!”
January 4, 2007
“Thank you so much for the seminar. I have to tell you how much we appreciated the information. It was so obvious he had been through all this and knew how we were feeling. We needed to laugh and relax a bit. Your whole crew was very professional and organized. The seminar gave us a lift and we left very encouraged with new hope. Thank you again.”
Kevin and Lana
September 29, 2003
“My car engine blew up a year ago. I bought used...had no choice. They really stuck it to me with an 18% interest loan. It was all they could do for someone with BK. Then last November when my son was returning from Iraq, that car quit on us again. I was so desperate. Don't ever mess with a mamma bear when her cub is coming home after a year in Iraq! I applied your principals, went to a credit union and I told that lady, "I am a Mom on a mission. My son is coming home from Iraq. I have the tickets bought to meet my boy, but we need to drive to California. I have BK, with a discharge aproximately 18 months ago and I am GOING to be on that plane in 10 days! By golly, I not only bought a car and got a 5% loan, but rolled the other 18% percent into the new car loan. Did a direct deposit and took off to Meet the USS Princeton and Nimitz in Hawaii. I have also, over the last eight months, acquired a credit card, a $1000 dollar overdraft AND helped my son by a new car last month. I am in the process of refinancing to reduce my 7.25% to a 5%. I keep Stephen's book at the bedside. I have spoken to any and all who listen. I cannot tell you how much this man, his words and honesty mean to me. It is rewarding to meet a man of integrity. A man who really does put his hand out and offers help and HOPE to his fellow man.”
August 12, 2004
“What I liked most about the seminar was the information! I feel a lot less hopeless than I did before I attended the seminar. When I saw that the seminar lasted 4 hours I felt that it would be a struggle listening. It was anything but a struggle. You were very upbeat, humorous, and enlightening. I was very impressed. Keep up the good work.”
February 27, 2002
“I must thank you for all your influence in my recovery. I received an invitation to your seminar in '06, I received my discharge from chapter 7 paper on May 19th 2006, and since your seminar I now have a credit score of 711. Hurray for me!! I held onto this debt for so long under the illusion that I could fix it and that if I filed BK I would have no hope. You changed that hope for me and with the assistance of your books and audio CD's and extra hard work by me to pay for it all, I have reached a new level of credit recovery, but I will not stop here. I am shooting for maximum potential. Thank You so much!!”
October 17, 2007
“Your emails have been encouraging and extremely helpful. We have them saved in our computer, so that we can access them at any time easily. We are encouraged and looking forward to the future. We attended your seminar in 2006. We are currently renting a condo. Our hopes are to be able to purchase a home, but will need to know when the timing is right. For now we are writing our bills out when we open them and paying them on time. One day, we hope to be able to purchase a house again, in the right time. Thanks for your passion for this wonderful program, and those who you have and continue to impact with this awesome seminar. You sure have made a difference in our lives. Thank you for all you do.”
March 21, 2007
“Attended your seminar this past Saturday. It was the most professional and organized seminar I have ever attended. THANK YOU!”
September 14, 2004
“My wife and I attended your afternoon seminar. I am writing to let you know how valuable we found the seminar to be. Thank you for the generous contribution you are making to the community. As you so eloquently made light of in your introduction, we were thinking all the way to the seminar "What's the catch?" The story of your amazing rebound from one of life's more stressful events is encouraging to all of us. To learn firsthand the details of that recovery and not be taken advantage of in the process is even more amazing. Thank you! Thank you for not just getting on with your lives, but for taking the time to share and help others in the process. Not only was the material highly relevant, but your manner of presentation was upbeat, informal, and attention grabbing. Your patience in dealing with the issues was commendable and well handled. Well done.”
October 14, 1997
“Have I recovered from bankruptcy? You bet I have! And, I wouldn't have if I had not received the invitation in the mail to attend the Credit After Bankruptcy seminar back in March 2004. From March 2004 to November 2004, all three credit scores shot up to over 120 points. In December 2004, my car was stolen and I had to purchase a new one. I purchased the cheapest, new car I could find because my income was not high and I wasn't used to making a car payment. After receiving the settlement from my auto insurance company, I immediately applied for the secured credit card that Stephen recommends. My scores shot up again. Fast forward to January 2007, I had to purchase a new house because my lease was about to expire and I refused to continue renting. While shopping around for home loans, I found out my credit scores were; Equifax 753, Experian 699 and TransUnion 697. With credit scores like that I called the shots when purchasing my new home. I only put down earnest money of $700. (I negotiated the earnest money lower, too.) I got the earnest money back at the closing and also my last month's rent from the builder. The interest rate on my new home loan is 5.75%. I knew I needed a new car. The longer I stayed with the same car, the more money I was losing because the car was depreciating rapidly. So, ten days after my closing I called my credit union to see if they would approve me for an auto loan. I knew they would because Equifax was the credit bureau they used to pull my credit. Remember, Equifax was my highest score. They approved me at 4.9% interest rate. When I went to look for cars, the dealership had an even better deal--3.9% interest rate if I had a score of 720. Well, I did. The dealership pulled Equifax. I left the dealership with a 2007 Toyota and I didn't put any money down. I have truly recovered from bankruptcy. I'm currently working on building business credit because I'll be my own boss approximately 18 months from now and will no longer rely on anyone but myself for my income. Stephen, thanks for giving me the kick that I needed when you said, "Fix whatever got you into bankruptcy." That's what I'm doing and I'll be at one of your business seminars in the near future.”
July 5, 2007
“Thank you for coming here and offering the Credit After Bankruptcy seminar. Thank you for taking the time to interview and recommend specific lenders. You are giving hope to those who have lost hope. You are helping people to raise their heads in pride instead of lowering them in shame. You are teaching not only how to rebuild, but how to never get in this predicament again.”
May 1, 2002
“You really really are the best!!! My life is so good just because I took the chance on your seminar...thank you.”
March 22, 2007
“You seminar was great and very useful. I love the help you offer and because you do it free of charge you are a true blessing. How can I help in your cause?”
August 19, 2007
“I just wanted to take a few minutes to thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge with people. You have done so much research and networking to help others. There were so many things I made note of and was surprised to hear. We are in a real financial bind and not sure how we're going to get out of this black hole. At the very least you have given me a little hope. I would recommend your seminar to anyone and everyone. The things you shared are not only for bankrupt people but people struggling from day to day with finances. If there is anything I can do to help spread your message and contribute in some small way, please do not hesitate to let me know.”
May 2, 2007
“I lost my auto in my chapter 7. When I went to one of the local dealers to get transportation, I checked many cars till I found one that was dependable and within my budget. They first tried to hit me with a 24% interest rate on the loan. I used your advice and added this on my own, "You know I have no other major indebtedness right now, and I cannot file again for 7 years even If I wanted to, that interest rate is completely unacceptable." The sales man took off and came back with and offer of 17.5%. I thanked him and left. They called me later and the upshot was: I got the car, and the loan at 8.75%, almost one third of what the original interest rate offered was.”
July 6, 2007
“First, I want to begin to say how much I enjoyed your seminar. There was so much information I would have never dreamed of! I would have PAID to attend your seminar. I could not wait to buy the book. You are truly an inspiration. When you are back here I will once again attend your seminar. You made me feel like I was somebody, you did not pretend to be something you are not. You made me feel like there is hope after bankruptcy. Thank you so much. I can go on and on but I will not. Please continue to keep up the good work and may God bless you and your family.”
March 18, 2002
“I attended the seminar yesterday with my husband in the afternoon. I can't say I have ever really felt embarrassed about our bankruptcy but I knew that it was holding my husband and I back from living a comfortable life. While attending the seminar I definitely gained a new perspective on it and I learned so much information that can help us not only create better credit scores but live a happier and healthier life. It is wonderful that you were able to provide us with contacts that not only can help people who are bankrupt but do help people who are bankrupt. I'm just so happy and enthusiastic and positive about everything now. Thank you so much for inviting us to your seminar. It was well worth our time and the money we donated to have two books sent to out local library so other people can benefit from Stephens book.”
September 12, 2004
“I would like to thank Stephen and Michele Snyder for the extremely informative seminar they presented on March 24, 2001. I came away from the seminar relieved, free and more at peace concerning my finances than I have in a very long time. The sense of empowerment and dignity that I received from your seminar is a gift beyond words. Thank you so much for this amazing gift.”
April 2, 2001
“Just wanted to say thanks! We drove home our new mini van last night financed at 8.99% with no money down.”
August 21, 2002
“Just wanted to drop you a not to say you are awesome! I very much appreciate what you and your wife do. Nobody deals with CREDIT SCORES like you! I look forward to reading all you have with an eager heart. Many blessings and supernatural favors from above for you and your family.”
March 21, 2007
“I just wanted to add mine to your long list of testimonials. My husband and I attended your seminar in late 2004 and gained a world of knowledge that changed our lives tremendously. Now, just two years after our bankruptcy, and less than that since our foreclosure, we own our dream home, with an interest rate of 7% and no money down! Our FICO scores are up over 150 points each in a short amount of time, and we are thrilled! Thank you so much from our entire family.”
July 13, 2005
“I am a detective with the Police Department. I attended your seminar this summer with trepidation, unsure of what to expect. After about 20 minutes into your seminar, I leaned over to my 20 year-old son and told him this is going to be a blessing to be here. I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for what you are doing. You said it all in the seminar. I left that day with hope for the first time in a long time. Through your seminar I have learned so much. I bought your audio tape, and will be getting your book also. I could just go on saying thank you all day.”
New York
November 28, 2000
“I would like to say thank you for your seminar. I sat in the second row and you shook my hand. Two days after listening to your seminar on how to get credit I purchased my first ever new truck. Again thank you.”
October 18, 1999
“I just had to share this with you. My wife and I were discharged in 2001. Here it is just a short 15 months later and on Friday we were approved for a $320,000.00 mortgage to purchase a new home. And check this out...the interest rate is 5.7%. Is that awesome or what! I attended your seminar and everything you told us to do we have done and it paid off. I did not expect such dramatic results in this short a period though. We were resigned to waiting for the magical two year period before trying to purchase a home. But with the housing market being so hot we decided to give it a try. Thanks for all that you are doing. Your service is incredibly valuable and gives hope to lots of families. I know it has for mine.”
Duane and Mary
March 11, 2003
“I would like to thank you for the work and research you have done in helping people recover from bankruptcy. After a severe car accident that left me out of work for nearly a year, I had no choice but to file a Chapter 7. Following the advice outlined in your book, Credit After Bankruptcy, in less than 2 years I have been able to reestablish my credit score to over 680. It has actually climbed over 150 points in the past year. Starting with a CD secured bank loan of $1,500, I began to rebuild my history; then a secured a credit card, then a second CD secured loan for $3,000. After a year of proving myself, my bank released the CDs and changed the status of these loans and the credit card to unsecured. At that point I was able to buy a brand new truck through a main stream lender. Working 60 hours a week, devoting myself to a definite major purpose of reestablishing my integrity, my credit and my reputation, I was able to establish a decent net worth. On April 7, 2006 I made an offer on my first house and on April 24 (just 17 days later) we closed with a main stream mortgage company at 6% interest. For some reason, the sweetest moment for me came a few days later when I had the utilities turned on and they said "With your excellent credit we will not need a deposit." It had been quite some time since I had been able to hear that. I am thankful that I came across your book and learned the steps to build a good name again. I have recently opened my own business and now I am able to help people who are opening their own business, immediately after bankruptcy to have a merchant account to accept credit cards, gift cards, electronic check acceptance, etc. even if it's the day after their discharge. Life is so much better and you are doing a wonderful thing by letting people know that they do have hope, mistakes are not forever, and outline the steps for a recovery in a relatively short period of time. Thanks again.”
May 11, 2006
“Just a quick note to let you know that your seminar this past Saturday was the best use of my time in years. Why? Simple: (1) Valuable information was presented in a highly entertaining manner and I learned a great deal. When Stephen digressed, it was to illustrate or emphasize a point or ultimately teach a valuable lesson via storytelling. Well done. You told the truth in your advertising, that we would learn more in a few hours than we could possibly learn on our own in months (try years). (2) The seminar was well organized and ran like clockwork. I appreciated Stephen's commitment to beginning and ending on time and his strong warnings to each speaker to honor their time commitments. (3) Incorporating ethical principles in the financial arena—most seminar leaders would not have the grace nor the courage to tackle this component. (4) The seminar was healing. You know what I mean—no need to elaborate. I slept better the last two nights than I have in three years. You are doing fabulous work. I am grateful beyond words. I'm sure you've received thousands of these letters but I felt I had to personally thank you.”
February 22, 1999
“I went to your seminar on Saturday. It was the best thing I have ever done. I was brought as a guest to the seminar and I am very glad that I went. Thank you for this new light in a never ending dark tunnel.”
June 19, 2000
“My wife and I filed for Chapter 7 in August '05 and had it discharged in Nov. '05. I attended your seminar in Feb '06. I was one skeptical individual. But your seminar and the book gave me hope. Shortly after attending the seminar I was able to finance an '04 SUV and on September 1, 2006 we closed and moved into our new home valued at $339,000! What a difference it makes to be a home owner once again. After the foreclosure in 1995 and the C7 I honestly could not see past the barrage of No's I received at every turn. Thank you for honest, spirited and sincere information that is presented in the most effective manner for people that have been made to feel like 2nd class individuals. It's good to take a breath of fresh air once again.”
January 3, 2007
“Thank you both so much for bringing your seminar here. Like many others, I was very skeptical. Our bankruptcy was discharged in June 1998. God has been working so many miracles in our lives over the past six years I really didn't have time to dwell on our bankruptcy. When your invitation came in the mail, Greg knew it was time to compare where we were financially to where the seminar thought we should be. I'm happy to say your seminar gave us some great ideas to follow through on. We have told very few people about or bankruptcy. Since then, we have two new credit cards, each with a $2,000 limit, re-established our savings account and money market account, opened a new 401K, and new mutual fund. A friend of mine was also at your seminar. We literally, bumped into each other in the bathroom. We have both grown in our friendship as a result of your seminar. There are so many people hurting, and so many people trying to prey on us in such destructive ways. Again, Stephen and Michele, thank you for your seminar. Sometimes we just don't know how we affect other people's lives by our actions and our words.”
Greg and Cheryl
November 23, 1999
“My husband and I attended your seminar. There's no way I could refrain from contacting you to express my deep heartfelt appreciation for the wealth of information you provided in four short hours; your invitation was right. We learned more in those four hours than we've learned in the past year or longer! I cannot believe how much more empowered I feel as a result of attending your seminar. When we arrived in the parking lot and saw hundreds of people making their way to the same direction we were headed, we all felt a bit of shame, barely looking each other directly in the eye. However, before your seminar had ended all our attitudes changed dramatically; we met people who were just like us - bankrupt and looking for the right way to recover. Stephen, your presentation was dynamic. Do you have any idea how many days of my life since bankruptcy discharge (24 months) my mind has been preoccupied with thoughts of ways out of this seemingly impossible-to-overcome dilemma, constantly filled with thoughts such as: "how are we ever going to qualify for a new car?" or "how are we ever going to qualify for a mortgage after bankruptcy?" With all the extremely helpful, beneficial, invaluable tools you provided on Saturday, I finally at long last know that I will be able to overcome this "stigma" that has hung over my head for two years and hold my head high, and know, too, that it will only be a matter of time before our financial goals are finally realized. One last thing: the manner in which you presented the seminar-don't change a thing. It was awesome! Imagine: when we all arrived we were ashamed to look directly in the face of any other person in the room. You encouraged us to introduce ourselves to at least three people sitting near us during the seminar. I could almost literally see the clouds leaving that room once we'd done that! Truly amazing. I am grateful to you for your self-sacrificing spirit and willingness to share your own very personal experiences with strangers. If you present your seminar in our area again, please send us an invitation so that we can attend.”
August 13, 2002
“I just returned from attending the morning session seminar today. I sat in the front row and hearing the words "there is credit after bankruptcy" brought many, many tears on grasping the every word you shared today. Thank you for giving me hope, encouragement and no more shame as a bankrupt person, and thank you so much for allowing me to attend your seminar.”
March 20, 2004
“I was able to use your suggestions last Monday to buy a brand new car with zero down, even though I still have a couple tax liens. (They use Equifax, and that day my FICO score was 640.) I've never driven a brand new car before, so this is a milestone for me.”
March 17, 2006
“I have followed Stephen's examples and bought a home in seven months after bankruptcy!!”
North Carolina
March 28, 2005
“I have my first success story, small but very significant to me. I attended your seminar. At that time, my FICO was a terrible 551. Today it is now 634. Wow! Maybe that is not such a small success after all! This increase was directly related to information I learned from your program. Thank you so much!”
April 12, 2007
“I attended your February seminar and it has taken me two months to gather my thoughts and strategy after reading your book two times. My wife and I recently made a trip to the car dealer you recommended, and experienced nothing like anything we experienced with any car dealership. We were treated with dignity. With their patience, and hospitality we purchased two brand new 2000 cars. Wow! If you ask us why we waited so long to visit them, we thought the 32-mile trip south of us would not be worth it—but it was! We visited four car dealerships in the metropolitan area and all four said no. So please inform all your seminar attendees who are in dire need of transportation to visit the car dealer you recommend, they will take care of you. My wife and I also enjoyed our recent trip back to those four car dealerships; we just smiled and left them in the dust. Thank you for all your insight.”
Jonathan and Gwendolyn
May 12, 2000
“God Bless you for the insight you have provided to me and so many other people in the BK situation. With out your knowledge it could take 5-7 YEARS to recoup. Thanks again!

P.S.-HI, my name is Twanna Martin and I filed Bankrupt!”
March 29, 2006
“Stephen, I about fell out of my chair this morning 6/21/2007. I was approved for a unsecured loan from my insurance company's lending division/bank at the BEST rate they offer to anyone. Let's backup to 2001, Oct 24; that's the day my attorney filed the Voluntary Petition a.k.a. (as he put it) credit card hell. Since it was a simple Chapter 7, I was DISCHARGED in Feb 2002. About a year later I got this strange postcard in the mail from some folks at the After Bankruptcy place. Ok, so how do these people know I filed bankruptcy and what are ALL these other people doing here? Yep, I went to the seminar. One of the BEST things I did. I've not been the model student, because I've still have a few late payments. But, the one that really "smacked me up-side-the-head" was the house payment that went 30 days late, I SWEAR I paid it. I called them and got it caught up and paid the late fees. Then I got setup on automatic payments, never late again. Another thing I've been doing is making darn sure I get everything paid on time, doesn't matter what it is. I now have 4 credit cards; VISA, MASTERCARD, Sam's club and Walmart. Plus the house payment and 2nd mortgage/revolving line of credit (aka HUGE CREDIT CARD and yes, that's exactly what it looks like on all 3 reports). So, back to the present; Saturday I stopped at the dealership because I drive a pickup truck that gets about 13 MPG and I'm looking around at the zoom-zoom bikes. I see one that very nice looking and the salesman tells me that it will get at LEAST 60 MPG, plus they are offering incredible special financing to anyone that can sign their name (12.95% for like 27 years or something). So, I checked around, bank (9.75%) and the insurance agent 8.89% or 9.19%. Ok, that's not bad. So, I filled out the application and they submitted it to underwriting on Tuesday. Yesterday morning, loan approved, when do you want to come in to close and sign the paperwork? Oh, and by the way, you got our best rate 7.49%. I was all smiles after that. But, I had to take a blank voided check in this morning to setup the automatic pay plan. So, I asked her, can you tell me which credit report service(s) you used and what the score(s) were? They used Equifax and it was ... DRUM ROLL ... 772 !!! I had to have a 770 to get into tier 1. So...if you are in CREDIT-CARD-HELL: #1 Listen to Stephen. #2 review step #1. Seriously; get things paid on time every time, avoid the 38 mistakes that I made (like turning your house into a gigantic credit card), monitor your scores and your reports for WRONG stuff, and most of all keep the faith. It will get better.”
June 21, 2007
“My and my Ex-Husbands BK was discharged 10/1997. We divorced in 2000. I went to one of your seminars in 2000. I have purchased 2 homes as a single woman (one in 2002 & the other in 2004). The one I live in now is worth over $490k. I was able to purchase a Lexus LX 470 (cash). I currently own a Lexus LS 430 2003. I am looking to purchase my 3rd home. I followed all of your instructions. Thank you for all that do. You ROCK!!”
May 24, 2007
“I attended the morning session this past weekend. I just wanted to send a quick note of appreciation!! Having previously been well above 700 on my credit score,10 months of unemployment led to my bankruptcy which included the loss of our home and two vehicles. My wife & I had worked very hard to obtain the credit we enjoyed and really disliked the fact that because of circumstances beyond our control, it was now going to take us many, many years to get back to where we were credit wise. After attending the seminar however, I came away so encouraged and energized! To know there were people out there who could help and that is does not have to be years and years of struggling to get back to our "good credit" standing. I am very thrilled, to say the least, and have already put into motion some of the seminar recommendations and have a time line for some of the others. I really just wanted to write and say THANK YOU!! This has been such a huge blessing and encouragement to us and I am spreading the word about your services to all those I know who have or are contemplating filing for bankruptcy. THANK YOU!!”
October 19, 2004
“Stephen- I love you!! (Rock star screaming fans in the background!”
November 14, 2009
“I am pumped up. I believe with the info you imparted to me and the other seminar participants I'm going to be doing great in no time at all. Thanks for a most enlightening seminar.”
March 18, 2000
“Thank you for a very informative and enlightening seminar. I really, really wondered whether to go - thought there had to be some sort of trick to the "free" seminar. Boy was I surprised. I thank you so very much.”
March 3, 2007
“I just can't thank you enough for the peace of mind that you have given me after attending your seminar. I learned so many things and I am still trying to digest them, but more than that, you have given me the confidence to not hide the fact that I had to file bankruptcy. I had been feeling like the cat with its tail between its legs and its ears down. I received the book and audio tape today. Thank you for getting them out to me so quickly.”
September 12, 1998
“Thank you so much for creating your organization and spreading the knowledge you found through your research. I've been asking about all that info and was led in so many wrong directions. I am so much more at peace now...and thoroughly inspired and excited about my future.”
August 15, 2007
“I attended your seminar right after my bankruptcy. I didn't know what to expect and I was amazed when I walked into the room. First thing I wasn't alone and I had to do something about it. Your book changed my life and perception of how to make things happen and what to do. With little or no money that day in my pocket I bought your book it became my bible of how to. With all the experts in the world selling everything this created a new start for us. I read your book over and over again and I put each principle to use. From what credit card to get to how to get a new car. Guess what it all works. Since then I have purchased a 3500 sq ft home 3 cars and I have never been late on anything. I thank God for sending me that card from you that day and for me having the courage to walk in that room that day. This was in 2003. My bankruptcy is due to drop off my credit report in February of 2010.”
November 16, 2009
“I don't know if we can ever thank you enough. In July of 2002 we lost our company due to a data theft two weeks after our honeymoon/wedding. All of our clients data of three years was lost. To make matters worse, the incredible pressures of the loss forced me into hospitalization. We were devastated. We were over $300,000 in company debt secured by us, and bankruptcy was our only option. My wife lost her engagement ring and her trust fund that her father had left her when he passed away. We received your invitation in the mail about a month after filing. We attended the seminar and also opened a credit card within a few weeks of the seminar. We read your book, negotiated with some creditors for 10 cents on the dollar settlements, and began saving 10% gross, investing 10% gross and giving away 10% gross through our church and other charities. The first year was tough on us both professionally and personally. We managed to survive however. About two months ago, Lori and I started shopping for homes knowing interest rates were heading up. We found a home. The mortgage broker pulled our credit. My wife had gone from a 550 credit score to a 730 credit score (in 18 months). I was at 684 and climbing. Through the exception department of our mortgage company, we were eligible for a Jumbo, interest only loan at a very good interest rate. We now receive pre-approved credit card applications (don't touch them) and I'm on a mission to be to 750-775 24 months out of bankruptcy. Our mortgage broker said he had never seen anything like it. I'm sure you hear it all the time, but thank you for giving us our life back. I wasn't easy. It took a lot of hard work, saving, spending some money to make it right, but we feel normal again. If you ever are in our area for a seminar again, please let us know so we can stop by and thank you in person. And if you ever need someone to speak as a testimonial, I would be happy to.”
May 5, 2004
“I'm proud to say that my wife and I are now happy owners of a 2,400 sq. ft. home, a new truck and we are on our way today to pick up our new 2000 car. I attended your seminar two years ago and the only reason I went was because it was free. Otherwise I would not have gone. But knowing what I know now, I would have gladly paid for the information. We followed the instructions in your book to reestablish credit and we used the mortgage company from your seminar to get our home exactly 24 months after our discharge just like you stated in your seminar. We were credit approved to buy a new truck one month after discharge, and we are now getting another loan from the same lender to purchase my wife's new car. I know with all of the scams out there today it is hard to convince someone of a legitimate way to improve their credit. Your information has been great to us and we just want to say thanks, from the bottom of our hearts.”
October 28, 2001
“My husband and I filed chapter 13 bankruptcy in 2001. We switched to a chapter 7 that following year, and it was finally discharged in February of 2003. After going through this we didn't know where, how, when, or what to do next. Until we received a invitation to attend your seminar. After attending we got started on changing and undoing all the negative things that we had been doing. We got excellent results! I was able to purchase a house in my name alone and I did this because my husband still had some issues he need to work on. My score are in the high 600's and I am excited. Right now I am trying to get approved for a major credit card and refinance my vehicle. I will let you know how that goes in the near future. Thank You so much!”
December 28, 2006
“I don't know whether to jump up and down with excitement or sit a cry because I'm so overwhelmed with emotion. I just got a call from the credit union and was notified that I have been approved for a $25,000.00 loan with 4.9% interest so I can purchase the new car I want and need. I have been "with" your program since March 2005. I did everything you suggested and even did the FICO scores and the car scores you just offered. With all that, I applied for the loan with the Credit Union and they called me about 15 minutes ago to inform me that not only was I approved but that I had excellent FICO scores and I should be proud. Yes, I did the work, but you started me on the path to success. Thank you doesn't seem to cover everything I am feeling for you and your program right now, but I sincerely mean it from the bottom of my heart.”
May 1, 2006
“I attended your seminar years ago and the knowledge that I have gained has changed my life around. I thought that I would never own my home but my dream became a reality after taking the steps that your seminar provided. Before taking your seminar, I have never been more excited or enthused about raising my credit score. Now it's like a challenging game and I will be the winner in the end. Thank you, Stephen. Your seminars are remarkable!”
February 9, 2006
“First, I would like to say thank you for the invitation to your seminar. I found the information to be insightful and encouraging, and a chance to re-build a mess that was created. October marks two years since I filed for forgiveness and a new beginning. I believe it to be a new beginning on life. I learned more in four hours that I have learned in the past six years about credit. Thank you for your insight. Your course persuaded me to change several things about my life. My newest card granted me a $7,000 limit. I almost cried when I received this in the mail. I felt as if I wasn't a dead beat anymore. I have never taken ownership of my bankruptcy, until today. Thank you for that! I have a different thought process and you deserve the credit for the change. You are a breath of fresh air and truly a motivator of circumstance and change. I follow your advice about saving money, but have never given anything back to society. I am going to start. I want to help children and that will be where my initial efforts will be placed. I see the value in your mission and you must be commended on your efforts. I spent $54 today without a single ounce of pressure. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
Paul James
October 19, 2000
“When I first filed bankruptcy, I was so ashamed. Then one day I received a postcard in the mail inviting my husband and myself to a free seminar. We attended the seminar and were surprised to see so many people in attendance. We filed four years ago and have been reading your e-mails and following your advice. Within the last year our vehicle started giving us trouble and we began talking about purchasing another car. At first I had reservations about doing it because I thought we would be financed with a high interest rate. So this past weekend we went and purchased a 2008 vehicle with 2.9% financing and we only had to put down a very small down payment. I wanted to thank you for all of your e-mails and advice.”
Washington DC
May 28, 2008
“I attended your seminar three years ago and my FICO score has averaged at or above 700 for over a year now. I was thrilled when I refinanced my car from 14% to 4%!”
September 18, 2004
“My wife and I attended your seminar and what a great seminar it was. I wanted to let you and your wife know that we could relate to everything you were talking about from the repossession of your car to even hiding the other car and walking four blocks. I thought I could never reach my life long dream because of my bankruptcy. But Stephen inspired me to reach for the stars again. We just purchased our first home and a brand new SUV from the dealer you recommend at the seminar with a 9.9% interest rate. So you see, you've both touched our lives. You two are for sure heaven sent. We are on our way to having perfect credit after bankruptcy and achieving life long goals and dreams thanks to you. May God continue to bless you and your family. Thanks for everything Stephen and Michele, we love you two.”
Reginald and Ilris
March 14, 2000
“I wanted to thank you for the seminar. Although I have followed advice from the newsletter and have increased my scores, the seminar has jump start my desire to go for the gold (740). I've ordered the tools and I will read your book (which I ordered months ago). Will even start working on that 10% thing because you have inspired me so much.”
October 9, 2007
“This is a testament to you and your organization. We filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Oct of 05. Unfortunately, we had to include our home, but I had a plan. I had already secured housing prior to the filing, so we at least had a place to live, and that home also was a lease with an option to purchase in 2 years. I thought ok this is great, in 2 years we can purchase this home and be on our way. It's a really nice home 3300 square feet with all of the bells and whistles to go along with it. One day in my mail was an invitation to attend your seminar. I thought ok, I need help, I can't get any credit, I'm going to need to purchase this home soon and I would like to get a new car. So my husband and I decided that we would attend your seminar. As luck would have it, he wasn't able to attend, but I did....and boy am I glad I did. I learned so much information that one day, that I left thinking this is just a small stepping stone in our lives. My first plan was to purchase a home. I purchased my FICO scores from the site that we were instructed and received my scores along with my 12 negative code reasons and went to work. I then contacted the rep from and told her I need to obtain financing in order to purchase my home in 5/07. It wasn't a question of if, I was determined that I would be able to secure financing. We were discharge from our bankruptcy in 2/06 so when that one year mark came around I was ready. To make a long story short, since 9/06 until present I've raised my FICO scores by 150 points, I've secured a mortgage with 100 financing will be closing on our first major purchase in the upcoming days! A 5100 sq ft home. Stephen we couldn't have done this without your help! You are truly an inspiration to all. Please know that your work isn't in vain and your reward is much greater than you'll ever know. I've always given away my 10, and if you attended the seminar, you'll know what I'm talking about, but I've learned the more we give the more we receive. If we can focus on making a difference just as Stephen has made a difference in our lives, then I truly believe that the difference will show up in our lives in ways totally unexpected! Have a great life everyone and continue to give! Stephen, continually blessings on your life!”
March 1, 2007
“I am so happy to report that I just purchased a home again after doing everything you advised, and I got 100% financing and my sellers paid the closing costs to $4,000. I have two credit cards at 0% interest for the next year and be sure your rules will be followed for them. Thank you and keep me on the mailing list. The seminar and the newsletters have equally played part in this recovery. My discharge date was two years ago last November and I am enjoying these perks this soon...I would not have believed it. Thanks.”
March 4, 2006
“I just want to say thank you. Your seminar was truly a blessing. I learned so much in that short time and it has made a huge difference in my outlook on life after bankruptcy. I have already started to put some of the things I learned to good use. Thank you!”
March 22, 2006
“I attended your seminar and at that time I was pretty low! However, your presentation gave me hope. I believe there is life after bankruptcy.”
December 5, 2001
“We thoroughly enjoyed your seminar and are very happy we were able to attend. We learned so much and cannot thank you enough for enlightening us with your experience and all you have discovered since your own bankruptcy. There is power through knowledge. We feel SO empowered after all we learned from you. We now know that we still have some control over what our choices are and can get through this more quickly. The loss of our business put us in a position that was new to us and decisions were made because there was no other choice. We have felt this way for three years now with the feeling that we would be dealing with this situation for a lot longer because of the damage that was done to our credit. You gave us hope and the tools to change that a lot more quickly than we ever thought possible. THANK YOU. Not only was the information you gave us helpful, your delivery of it was wonderful. You were interesting, funny, and enjoyable. How many times have you heard that from someone who sat through a seminar for four hours?”
October 16, 2006
“My husband and I attended your seminar. We bought your book and have found it invaluable. It is our reference for most everything we do financially. Thanks for a great seminar, we have recommended it to friends who would benefit by it!”
June 6, 2000
“I just got my most recent scores from my mortgage lender just waiting to hear on a closing date and I will be moving into my new house. Three years after my bankruptcy.”
New Mexico
November 6, 2009
“We attended your seminar in April. You made us feel so much better about our situation. We started taking your advice to heart, and we went to see the car dealer you recommended. They helped us get a brand new car. It has been almost 20 years since we had a new car. They are very special people at this dealership and it was worth the drive. Thanks so much for doing your seminars and sharing your story. Keep up the good work and we wish you continued success.”
Esperanza and Rene
June 3, 2002
“Almost three years ago my husband and I went to your seminar. My husband didn't want to go but I talked him in to it and we have been happy ever since that day. Two years later we bought a $200,000 house, and kept our old one and rented it out. We also bought a new pickup. And a car. We have all the credit we need and our scores are 670. I am sorry it took me so long to thank you, but better late than never. Thanks again.”
April 2, 2007
“You made me laugh out at the first seminar I attended here. Keep up the great work!”
New York
April 23, 2009
“I just wanted to drop a note of thanks to all of you. It was a wonderful experience attending your seminar. I have hope of leading a "normal" life again. I can't wait to get started on this "fresh start" adventure. I brought my sister with me to the seminar and one of the first things out of her mouth was "I wished my husband could hear this." You see, my sister filed alone, her husband was too embarrassed. I think that we both learned a lot from this. Thanks for sharing your experiences and knowledge with us.”
April 24, 2001
“Colleen and I after just getting our discharge on the 6th of May, now have our first bank card. We also bought the financing on our new car. As my wife says things happen for a reason. We got our first savings account we've had since we got married almost 14 years ago. Man to look back on this all and know that there was someone with the ideas like yours helps put people back on the horse and get them on there way again. I'm still reading the book. If you want to spread this letter of great news on at your next seminar, your more than welcome to.”
Philip and Colleen
June 8, 1998
“My name is Deneen and my husband and I attended your seminar. We filed Chapter 13 in August 1997 and we converted to Chapter 7 on May 5, 1999. We were so blessed to be in attendance. Your presentation was superb! After the seminar, we seriously starting taking steps to fully recover. We can't thank you enough for all the information we received in your four hour seminar.”
August 10, 1999
“Just wanted to send you a personal thank-you for helping us. We received our secured card. We also refinanced with the mortgage company you recommended, and with the refinancing, it shaved about 12 months off of my bankruptcy, so I'll be finished this July!!! We are so excited. What you do is more than work...it's ministry and I pray God's richest for you and Michele!! God Bless you!”
March 23, 2007
“We sincerely appreciate all you have done to give respect to the stigma of bankruptcy. It is a very scary experience and one we never expected to find ourselves having. Years ago we attended one of your informative and encouraging seminars and have two of your books, which, along with your useful newsletters, helped us hold our heads up through this transition. You are energetic and supportive -- and a bright beacon in the dark confusion and fear of bankruptcy. Thank you!”
Sherry and Joe
April 26, 2008
“Well I got my reports and since I have gotten my Chap. 7 & 13 off of Equifax, my Equifax score went up 76 points! The total score went up 60 points. My middle score was 571 and now it is 631! My goal is still 729 but I am still trying and will not stop. Thank you for all the hard work you do for all of us. It really makes us feel human again which we haven't for a long time!”
April 18, 2006
“I attended your seminar in August and thought it was the absolute best! I left feeling like I had a new lease on life. It was the best I had felt in quite sometime. I bought your book which I read from cover to cover and have referred to many times since. I bought a new SUV financed by lender you recommended in a matter of minutes at a tier one credit level. Your course changed my life. I received your seminar invitation shortly after I filed. I decided to wait until I attended your seminar before I did anything, and I am glad I did. I feel like I am back on track. Anyone I know that is going through bankruptcy I am telling them to buy your book. I think it is extremely important. I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate all the information you passed on to all of us that day. Thank you so much for everything.”
September 16, 2000
“It was not at all like a seminar I had envisioned. It was useful, informative and entertaining! Having the sponsors there were an extra benefit. I encourage EVERYONE to come and hear from someone like US (bankrupt) who have actually shared the same experiences and have OVERCOME. Thanks again. Keep helping others! You and your wife are truly a blessing :)”
November 9, 2005
“I attended your seminar this past weekend and it was EXCELLENT! My husband and I cut our vacation a day short just to attend and we are so glad we did. My husband is a cynic about everything that comes FREE and he sat with his arms folded and face set in stone. As I hung on your every word, I watched in amazement as you slowly broke down the walls of doubt and he began to scribble down notes, make calculations and began laughing with everyone else. The ice breaker for him was when the woman in the front yelled "Shut up!" when you showed your credit report. You had his full undivided attention from then on. Thank you so much for showing us that we are not alone and that we can hold our heads high and things will get better. I admire your humor and positive outlook on this experience and hope to draw a lot of the same in my daily life until I too reach financial freedom. You are a tremendous inspiration and I'm so glad we attended your seminar. Thank you for taking the time to answer a few of my questions and please know that your generosity to share your experiences is helping thousands of other people to get through this hurdle in life.”
August 18, 2003
“Just need to report...the mortgage company from the seminar is working to refinance my home with me. I went bankrupt in Oct. 05 and my credit score is HORRIBLE. I attended your seminar in Nov. 05. Two months ago, my Experian score was an 465. As to date it is 585! I know it's not a very good score but this is one of my resolutions, to keep rebuilding my credit and raise my scores. This is such a great incentive. I am extremely happy I pushed my pride and fear aside and had a opportunity to attend your seminar. If I had not, I would have felt hopeless, but now, since I am seeing some results it makes me want to stay in the fight and get it done. The mortgage company wanted to wait a couple of months until my score reached 500. Won't they be surprised that it's that and a little more!!! I think I will wait though until I reach my goal of getting out of the 500's and then use those scores to obtain refinancing. I can't thank you enough. Attending your seminar is the best thing I have done since filing bankrupt. You are great and your personal attention to our questions... who could ask for more??? Keep doing what you do to help and educate us on how to gain back your life and CREDIT.”
April 5, 2006
“Things did get better once my wife and I were able to stop worrying about debt. Ours was caused by an automobile accident where the person who hit me had minimum insurance. Since the bankruptcy I obtained my old job back with the Federal Government and I have written my first children's book. Thank you so much for your help. I will always be in your debt. If your ever need me to stand in the corner of success at a seminar please let me know.”
April 3, 2007
“I attended your seminar which was held here. It is with great pleasure that I take a little time to extend my appreciation and I am happy to let you know how much I appreciated your dedication, expertise, and effort with your contributions in this seminar. I was very impressed and found it very informative and helpful. Again, thank you sincerely for the privilege of attending this presentation. I was impressed and inspired. Congratulations on an outstanding job. Thank you!”
September 17, 2003
“Thank you for your willingness to assist me (and so many others). I feel very grateful. My scores are up 85-90 points since the summer. Yippee!”
November 10, 2004
“On February 17, 2001 my husband and I attended the Credit After Bankruptcy Seminar. Before leaving the seminar, we decided to fill out the paperwork we received from the car dealer. We really didn't have anything to lose, but a lot to gain if the dealership stood behind what they said. The rest of the story is history. By Wednesday, February 21st, I was the new owner of a 2001 car. Paul was a dynamic salesman, very personable, not once did he try and sell me a more expensive car. Paul's kindness alone will have me coming back to purchase another vehicle in the future. I was even more surprise when I met Tim, (The Money Man) Tim was honest and concerned about me (the customer), it wasn't about the money. It's very hard to find a honest, kind car dealership. Most of the time, the dealership sees m-o-n-e-y when they spot a potential customer, our experience was totally different. Thank you and your staff for a smooth transaction, I've never had that experience before. You can bet I'll be referring future customers to them.”
March 15, 2001
“I want to let you know that I attended your seminar the first weekend in May and in September (less than 5 months later) I closed on a new house with the assistance of the mortgage company you recommended during the seminar. The representatives I worked with were both fantastic at providing us with the information we needed and answering all our questions. It really didn't make one bit of difference that they were out of state. I had gone through an awful divorce and my bankruptcy was mainly a result of his bills he tried to leave me. He regarded my declaration of bankruptcy as his personal triumph. My 2 children and I have been living with my parents for 4 years (I'm 43 and a school teacher) When my former husband recently heard I was considering the purchase of a house he said "I bet you haven't told your mortgage officer that you declared bankruptcy..." I was so happy to say, "Oh, she knows. That is the first thing I told her."”
October 9, 2001
“Our BK was discharged in August 2005. We have learned a great deal in the past year and a half. My husband had a credit score of 513 and I had a score of 490 when we filed. We recently purchased a 2006 mini van which was like a huge stepping stone for us. The interest we received the car loan was 10%. I know that seems kind of high to some people but for us that was the lowest percentage we have gotten in a very long time. I know people who never filed that are paying a higher interest rate than that. One thing I did after your seminar was to get one credit card for myself and one for my husband. I requested the smallest amount they could give which was $250. We would purchase things and only pay half off one month and then pay the 2nd half off the next month. I wanted to show we could be trusted financially. We made sure our payments were never late. Then after a year of establishing credit history I applied for a loan. I didn't want anything too big, remember I'm just trying to build history. Anyway, I requested $700 and of course they needed security so I used my car. I took the loan at 36%, yikes I know, but 6 months later I refinanced and the loan came down to 24%. I started to do some more homework and because of all my efforts at correcting our credit I was able to get the loan through another bank for 12%. We appreciate the time you took teaching us how to recover. We have taken what you have given us and used it to better not only ourselves but others around us. We are so thankful for the hope that you had given us when we left your seminar.”
Jason and Nydia
March 4, 2007
“A year ago I went to your seminar. To be honest I went into the seminar with a negative mentality. I thought it was going to be another money-making seminar--but after I heard you speak for five minutes, I became interested and began to listen. After hearing you speak I was motivated and inspired by the words you shared.”
New Jersey
August 27, 2003
“My wife and I both filed bankruptcy and have attended your seminars a couple of times. Recently, I went to look at a mini van we were interested in buying. When I sat down with the salesperson and asked him what interest rate we were looking at, he actually told me 16.9%! I told him good bye! He then went to check with other lenders. He came back and said, "How does 4.9% sound?" I said, "Where do I sign?!" They went down 12 whole percent! I was able to do this with NO MONEY DOWN and taxes and tags included. Not one dime out of my pocket! Just a reminder to you and the people you help. Patience and perseverance will pay off!”
June 30, 2005
“I am pleased to tell you that two of my credit reports are above 670 and one is above 710, all of which culminated just today in closing on a home purchase, my first since my bankruptcy. I was able to get 100% financing at 6.125%. My credit scores were also good enough a year ago April to purchase a car at 5.4%. I can not thank you enough for your work in this area. Please know that had I not attended your seminar two years ago, I would not be a homeowner tonight. I also remember very well the doubting side of my mind, when I was deciding whether or not to go to your seminar, trying to talk me out of going due to the embarrassment, etc... a lesson in positive thinking and taking a chance that I can now look back on with some pride.”
December 11, 2003
“I attended your seminar and thought it was fabulous! In fact, it has lead to a domino-effect of events in my life, all for the better. I knew quite a bit about credit before I ever went to your seminar. I think you have taken a pebble and made it a gold mine! If there is anything I can do in return, please let me know. Thank you and have a wonderful day!”
April 19, 2005
“It was so interesting. I would debate that I was there for four hours.”
August 18, 2003
“First, I have to say that I've been a follower of you and ABF since 1999. Less than 6 months after my Ch. 7 bankruptcy was discharged, I got a brand new car thanks to your seminar and the dealer present (I signed the lease papers the day after the seminar and picked up the car 3 days later after prep). I'm currently leasing my 4th vehicle from the same dealership. This year I applied for a mortgage with your recommended mortgage lender (she's amazing!). My scores are excellent and I was granted a mortgage. The last time I pulled my reports at myfico.com/12 I had scores of 704, 725 and 733. I will no doubt pull them again in the next few months to see how my actions this year have affected them. I cannot thank you and your team of caring professionals enough for all you've done for me and taught me. I wanted to say all this up front. Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything, Stephen. Please give my best to Michele, your mom, and tell the rest of your staff how important they have been in my life and in the lives of thousands upon thousands of other bankrupt people like me.”
New York
October 4, 2007
“Stephen, I just wanted to let you know, I watched the video the other night on credit reports. It was a very nicely done piece. Thank you so much for your hard work and many hours in doing all this research and informing the "bankrupt" public. My ex-husband and I attended your seminar probably 8 yrs ago (we were married at the time) and to this day we still read your emails. In the process my ex has been able to refinance our home after our divorce and I am currently in the process of buying my very first home by myself. I'm in the final days of negotiations with a bank foreclosure and getting the price to where I am comfortable with the payments and will walk away with about $25,000 in equity in the home right off the bat. The bank has agreed to pay all closing costs and I am financing 100%. Your principles work if we are willing to work the principles. Thank you again for everything.”
April 27, 2007
“I did not meet the goals I set for myself by the end of December. I met them in August! My highest credit score in August was 701. It feels awesome to have the credit I need to regain my confidence after bankruptcy. Thank you for helping me. My next endeavor is to read the book list you gave us in a previous issue. I've read 4 books so far (or listened to them). My husband was skeptical when we first came to your seminar but I've convinced him it was a very good decision. No, YOU convinced him. Your plans work. I would love to meet you to tell you how your book changed my life. Your book was the tool I needed to help me put my life back on track, regain my confidence and reach any goal I set for myself. Thank you for the work you do, Stephen!”
January 3, 2007
“Your advice has helped me tremendously. I just checked my FICO scores last month and one of them is actually over 700. I'm ecstatic. Thanks so much for your advice.”
March 8, 2007
“Thank you for the advise in your book on how to proceed after a bankruptcy. Using the methods in Credit After Bankruptcy I was able to obtain financing for an affordable new car after my old beater caught fire on the highway! Without your book, I would not have had the courage to walk into a new car dealership. The blank binding allows me to take the book everywhere without having to answer embarrassing questions. It is very apparent that Stephen Snyder has walked more than a mile in the reader's shoes. I read the personal development chapter once a month and you have helped me tremendously. Merry Christmas and thank you again.”
December 22, 2005
“Good news! I have been issued a secured credit card for THREE TIMES the amount I sent in to them. Thank you for such valuable information and the application. My life has improved greatly in several different areas since attending your seminar and reading your book. Thanks so much!”
April 21, 1999
“Thank you so much for your support and words of encouragement! I feel hopeful once again and I am actually looking forward to the future!”
April 17, 2000
“This is meant to be. My husband and I attended Stephen's seminar back on 5/8/99. I've read some of the testimonials and would so love to give ours. Stephen was so wonderful in the seminar, he made us feel so at ease with why we were there. Everything he said hit home with us, we were in the same boat they had been in. Now, several years later, after following our notes taken at the seminar we are presently living in our new home that we built in 2002, driving our 3rd new vehicle (since 1999), paid off all of our student loans, and almost doubled our credit scores. Our only bills are utilities, house note which we locked our rate in at 5.5% (because of our improved credit scores), and our truck note. It is wonderful to get our lives back on track, thanks to Stephen. We would love to attend a seminar again just to see if we missed anything else. But also to be able to take five minutes to tell the others that "It's not the end of the world, but the beginning of a new one, grab life by the horns and make it go where you want it to go."”
Susan and Joe
July 22, 2004
“I spoke with you about a month ago about finding a car dealer that will finance me after bankruptcy. I just wanted to thank you for the information you shared with me. After being taken for a ride and being charged 18% interest at a local dealer, my husband and I went to the dealer you recommended. We traded in our van and leased a 2000 SUV at 4% interest. What a difference that made. It is such a relief to know that there are people like you willing to help. And God bless them for taking the chance on us after just being discharged only four months.”
Robert and Kim
New Jersey
June 28, 2000
“My wife and I had our bankruptcy discharged in September 2005. We attended your bankruptcy seminar February 10, 2007. I went to MyFICO.com/12 on January 10, 2007 and purchased my scores. My TransUnion score was 638, my Equifax score was 539, and my Experian score was 658. My wife and I each got a Visa like you suggested at the seminar in March 2007. I just purchased my new TransUnion and Equifax (my Experian was not available) today May 16,2007. My TransUnion score increased by 36 points to 674, and my Equifax score increased by 46 points to 585. That was just in four months. I just want to say that if you follow the suggestions that you give, you will increase your FICO credit scores. When our two years after our discharge is up in September 2007, we are going to start looking at our options for purchasing our first house.”
May 16, 2007
“I wanted to thank you for the seminar. Your humorous and entertaining style, coupled with a plethora of information, made for a fascinating afternoon. I had attended before but this time I was more receptive and more focused. Thanks very much. Your seminar provided both direction and hope, and I'm very grateful.”
April 19, 2002
“I wanted to say thank you for all of the incredible information which you had available for us at your seminar on May 3rd and for all the help you have given us through email since then. Because of your information, we were able to purchase a new car through through the car dealer you recommended and thanks to the mortgage company you recommended we are closing on our new house July 30th and moving in on August 1st!”
July 7, 2003
“My husband and I filed bankruptcy back in 2002. It was one of the most embarrassing things that I had ever had to do. When I received your invitation to your seminar, like many, I was a little skeptical especially since it was free. Nothing is truly free nowadays, there's always a "catch." But I thought what did I have to lose? The moment you started speaking I started feeling hope. I left your seminar armored with so much information and with such a sense of purpose. Well, two years after our bankruptcy, we have had a brand new home built with a 5.6 interest rate in a great neighborhood and we are purchasing our van with 5% interest rate. Just recently while purchasing back to school clothes for my kids at Mervyn's they offered a big discount if I applied for credit. I thought what the heck, they would still give me the discount just for applying and they approved me for $300 and Mervyn's is one of the creditors that I included in my bankruptcy! It's been approximately three years and it feels like ages ago that we filed. We have come such a long way and the road was hard but so worth it! Needless to say, we are so much more careful with our credit now. It was a hard lesson learned.”
August 11, 2005
“With all the people you meet I am confident you don't remember me, but I attended your seminar in April 2000. After hearing all the information you imparted at the seminar I finally took action and as a result, my credit card lines of credit have gone from $1,800 all secured to $9,500 all unsecured! I now have a car loan through a bank at normal rate. In closing, I thank you for the great information and inspiration that got me off my oversized gluteus maximus!”
April 12, 2001
“I just wanted to drop you a note to tell you thank you and to let you know that I shocked my mortgage broker when he pulled my credit last week. The last time I checked my credit with TransUnion before attending your seminar my score was 551. When he pulled my scores last week, my mid score was 702! My high score was 716, and the low one was 681. It looks like I'm going to get a house that I can afford after all. Thank you.”
March 25, 2005
“I attended your seminar last year and felt 100% better after I left. I called the car dealer on Monday and faxed them the information they needed. I received a call from one of their salesmen later that evening. I was approved at 4.9% with no money down. I'm enjoying a new car with leather interior. Best of all, there was no hassle. Next year I will be ready to buy a house. I'm so excited, it feels as if I have my life back on track. Thanks again.”
July 3, 2000
“I had emailed you a few weeks ago and you talked me into changing my travel plans to attend your seminar and I wanted to thank you in person last Saturday, but you had too many people waiting to ask you questions. My wife and I really enjoyed it and it was very helpful. You are really doing people a service to let them know.”
May 6, 2002
“During the month of October 1998 you conducted a seminar. This seminar was very informative as well as a big eye-opener into the real world of life after bankruptcy. It also empowered us with the right attitude in dealing with all the different offers of junk credit, bad credit, expensive credit, ending in no credit. It opened up our lives to the real world, and the fact that we do not have to be victims to a system of "take what you get and be happy."”
Owen and Mary
November 10, 1998
“I wanted to thank you for helping such a huge group of information-needy people. The financial structure, content, fine-tuned logistics, and third party merchants/services provided were totally awesome. Your program is one of the finest examples of entrepreneurial spirit dedicated to helping people that I have ever seen.”
November 4, 2003
“I had the pleasure of attending your morning seminar last month. I spoke with you briefly after the close of the seminar. Although I am sure that you and Michele hear this everyday, I simply must tell you what a blessing it was to have had the opportunity to have met you and heard your heartfelt message. I have felt so alone and isolated since my bankruptcy. Thank you for helping me to remember that bad things do happen to good people. I feel that I have made two friends in you and Michele. We may never meet to have a face to face relationship, but please know that you are wonderful people to give so very much of yourselves to help so may people. Again, please know how much I appreciate you guys!!”
March 18, 1999
“After attending your seminar on Saturday 8/19/06, I felt like the weight of the world was finally lifting. I signed up with your sponsors, bought your book, and also spoke with the mortgage representative since time is of the essence for me to refinance my home. Your seminar was the first, that I NEVER looked at my watch to see the time. Thank you.”
New Jersey
August 22, 2006
“Our car lease was set to expire in June. We decided to purchase the car. We obtained a 6% interest rate with $2,000 upfront and financed $11,000 for 36 months at $336 per month. The only difference in the deal they offered us before knowing we had a bankruptcy was the $2,000 upfront (which just lowered the financed amount by $2,000 and lowered our monthly payments). We were discharged from bankruptcy only 4 months ago. And the mortgage company from the seminar was able to get us pre-approved for a mortgage of $400,000 with 5% down at 6.99%. that is a better rate than we received on our current home 3 years ago before we filed! and we have only been discharged since December!”
New York
April 13, 2004
“Now, I know why I am on your mailing list. Thanks for going that extra mile or miles to keep us up-to-date. By the way I am one of your disciples. Since your seminar, I have made some major changes in how I pay my bills, who I get credit with, and my wife and I are in the process of purchasing a home at $549, 000. My FICO scores are presently 700, 719 and 735. Thanks to you and your information we have made a 360 degree turn in our habits. You are the man.”
July 10, 2006
“My FICO scores are: 699, 650, and 706 and I owe it all to your seminar. We bought a truck one month after the seminar. I have gotten three unsecured credit cards. I have also obtained several leases on various pieces of medical equipment. and today we were approved for a $0 down, 6% mortgage on a 3100 sq ft house. The loan is through the mortgage company that sponsored the seminar. We were on the phone with them for less than 20 minutes, faxed them our income tax statements for two years, then they faxed us an approval letter for the mortgage. (and I do mean APPROVAL, not preapproved or prequalified.) I have met dozens of BK people who think that they will never get credit again. If they only knew how easy it is to access, and improve their credit.”
July 19, 2005
“Thank you very much Stephen, I appreciate your help. Everything you taught us worked and has enabled us to re-establish our credit. We are able to pretty much get a loan any time we want now for prime rates. Thank you!!”
December 8, 2009
“The seminar was a great help to me personally in my position as a paralegal. It is a great relief to start building up my credit and for my clients filing chapter 7 to know there is life after bankruptcy. I suggest Stephen's book all the time. His ideas in the book are such a relief for them. Grateful indeed.”
March 14, 2000
“I just wanted to tell you how much my husband and I appreciate what you are doing for people who have filed bankruptcy. I wish we would've had some of this information six months ago before we used "other credit" to finance a used van at 21% interest! We'll learn and go from here. Thanks again!”
Barbara and Loyd
April 2, 1998
“Like most people when I heard about your seminar, I was thinking it was just a way to sell something not worth the paper it was written on. However, my wife convinced me to come. I didn't see the need, but Doris wanted to go. "What is it going to hurt, maybe it can help. We have to learn to live a new life. Let's go." Well Saturday morning I got up and decided I wasn't going, but I had to convince her not to go. It didn't work. To make a long story short, it was a great seminar and we learned so much, bought your book and even ran into some friends. You never know how others are doing. You think it's only you. My wife was so excited all the way home. Two months later we went to the car dealer just as you instructed and took home a new 1999 Extended Cab Pick-up for $500 down and get this 0.25% interest on a Red Carpet Lease. Remember I was Bankrupt just two years ago. Stephen and Michele, thank you.”
August 13, 1999
“It's been six months since your seminar and I am happy to report that my credit is score is now 715 from 640 following many of your examples. We just got approved for a $230K mortgage and we will close and move into our new constructed home in October. That's amazing in just one year so much can be accomplished with so little effort focused in the proper directions. Thanks again and feel free to share my testimony with your seminar clients. It really works...”
South Carolina
July 7, 2006
“Well not only were there sponsors at the seminar, but I have since purchased a car through the car dealer that was there! They gave me great service and the respect that I wanted! Thank you for starting me on the right path!”
April 13, 2005
“Thank you to YOU, your lovely wife Michele, and the Organizers and Sponsors who put together the seminar that I listened to earlier today. Awesome!!! Now I feel much better about my recent Chapter 7 filing, and have more hope of recovery. You are a Godsend, Mr. Snyder. God bless you and Your Family.”
August 11, 2007
“Just wanted to thank you for the excellent seminar. WOW- It was great! GOD BLESS.”
November 17, 2007
“My husband and I attended your seminar in December 1999. We were not sure what to expect. We both came away with new hope and excitement. We filed bankruptcy in May 1997. We believed that we could not "purchase" anything for a at least three years. After we got home we ordered our credit reports and noticed a few creditors were reporting late payments after our discharge! We never would have known if it were not for you. After we received updated credit reports, we went to the car dealer you recommended and we were told to pick ANY car we wanted...so we picked an SUV. What we bought on January 19, was a fully loaded four door with leather, at 6.9% interest. It fit our budget and our needs! They even gave us $1,500 for our 1989 Volvo, which was a blessing! Now we are filling out refinance papers for our mortgage! We could not wait to let you know. This will be a "forward looking" year for us! Thank you so much for all the information and may the Lord continue to bless you and your family as you have helped to bless ours.”
Shawn and Alisa
January 20, 2000
“I attended your seminar last year which was great and I am planning to attend the one this year. Recently I received an offer from the car dealership that I bought my used car from over a year ago with 0% financing. I talked to the dealership and found out that that I actually did qualify and had a 680 Beacon score. Thank you again.”
February 29, 2008
“I attended your seminar about five years ago, and using your techniques totally cleaned up my credit report - then built a new house about six months after. I never did say thank you. THANK YOU! I am now an investor who buys and sells houses.”
April 4, 2005
“The Credit After Bankruptcy seminar just blew us away with practical information that was tried and true, with vendors that really performed. Just awesome. I called my mom and told her it was a cold drink of water in a financial desert.”
March 18, 2002
“The seminar was more than what we thought it would be. Job well done. Thank you. We took a lot of notes and believe it or not - my husband even had a lot to say about it!! We talked about it all the way back home. Thank you again!”
Tony and Dianna
March 6, 2001
“I attended your free Credit After Bankruptcy seminar. The seminar was just what I needed. It gave me hope and a new sense of direction. I am already acting on some of your suggestions. I have ordered my credit reports and my FICO scores. I feel so fortunate that you contacted me via mail to attend your seminar. I really did not have a clue as to how I was going to survive the next 7 to 10 years. I have also ordered your book, Credit After Bankruptcy. Thanks for all you are doing for me and others like me.”
North Carolina
September 6, 2007
“Stephen, I did attend your awesome seminar in 2006. I learned a lot and I have already started to apply what I learned. I used the mortgage lender and have now purchased my home. Thank you for what you do and please continue to share and give back what God has given you and you will continue to be blessed.”
January 25, 2007
“Thanks! The seminar was very informative and the book is a wonderful guide as well. It should be required reading for every high school senior!”
Philip and Alyce
November 6, 1999
“Thank you Stephen for all of your hard work and inspiration. I was over my head in debt ($155,000.00), all in credit cards. I am in the real estate finance business and as you know my industry has taken a big hit in the past year. I use to pay more than the required payment but starting Jan. 1 2007 lenders increased my required payment and increased the rates. I got behind very quickly and my accounts went into collections. I did pay a couple of them off with my savings but I needed to survive as well. Anyway, long story short, I became so stressed and ill from the nasty collection calls, treating me like I'm some low life, I decided to stop everything and file chap. 7. My credit scores prior to March 2007 were in the 700's. After late payments, collections and filing BK my scores dropped into the high 400's. My bk was discharges 9-27-07. After listening to your seminar and suggestions I took your advised and started to reestablish my credit. Here it is not even three (3) months later, Dec. 2007, I have an unsecured Visa credit card for $1,500.00, $1,000.00 line of credit through a jewelry store and recently a red card from Target. I had an auto loan prior to the bk which I kept and believe it or not they reworked the loan making my payments lower than before and to be paid off in the same period of time. I recently checked my scores and all of them are now in the high 500's. I can see them back in the 700's in no time. I feel so much better about myself and feel so alive again. Thank you and God bless you and your family.”
December 6, 2007
“It's been 3 years since I attended your free seminar and it has truthfully changed my life for the better. Not knowing where to begin to rebuild my credit after a painful divorce and bankruptcy, I was hoping for some type of divine guidance. Within days I received an invitation for your free seminar and decided to go. It's amazing the blessings can come to you when you ask. At the seminar it only took 15 minutes to know I made the right choice. You gave me the direction and tools I needed to be proactive in my credit recovery. Probably the most important thing was how, through accurate information, you dispelled the fears I had about my financial future. My scores improved in leaps and bounds and I was soon able to acquire a credit card and start creating a positive credit history. To make a long story short that "chapter" of my life is just a fading memory and today my score is 810! You may get tired of hearing this but I just had to say ... Thank You. What you have done and are continuing to do for people is truly wonderful.”
New Jersey
April 18, 2008
“My name is Laura Anderson, and I am bankrupt. I found the seminar to be not only educational, but entertaining as well. I was kinda tired when I arrived, and totally anticipated dozing off. However, that was not the case. I was captivated from the beginning to the end. I left feeling hopeful and even a little energized. I mostly went to the seminar because I want to purchase a house. My husband and I have four sons, and I want a place that we can call our own. We have been renting for almost 19 years. 11 years in the previous house and 8 years in this house. We have spent over $180,000.00 in rent alone and have nothing to show for it. After filing bankruptcy, I thought owning my home was close to impossible. But that is not the case now. Thank you for having the seminar. You are providing a helpful and much needed service to so many people of all nationalities. I will keep you posted on my progress.”
October 2, 2005
“Thank you for the free seminar. I purchased your book, and found invaluable information on strategies to re-establish one's credit. I had a job injury to my back and neck on March 27,1997, that devastated my whole life. I have been partially disabled since then, unable to work at a steady job. I've been fighting for government disability for income into my 5th year now but I am not giving up, even though many obstacles arise daily. I am currently searching for a different living arrangement, by the end of June. My first priority is to find some way to generate income for survival. Then, once stable, I can use your strategies to gain credit. Thanks again for your helpful advice, written in layman's language. Please stay in touch, and good luck with your plans.”
May 7, 2001
“What a great seminar! We came very skeptical, waiting for the catch, so we were surprised when there wasn't one and pleased when we received incredible information in very short amount of time. Further I received such personal satisfaction from hearing Stephen say a lot about what I explain to my clients in regard to filing and the aftermath. I am a paralegal and prepare hundreds of bankruptcy petitions. I have always wanted to have T-shirts done that say "Yes, there is life after bankruptcy!" to give away after their Section 341 meeting. Excellent seminar. Just great. And we purchased the book to have in the office for our clients. Thanks so much!”
Cynthia and Franco
June 20, 1998
“You have helped me a lot. I attended your seminar approximately late 2003 and at that time I couldn't finance a hubcap. Now I have more credit and credit cars than I know what to do with.”
March 15, 2006
“Hey Stephen I did it! 2 years 2 weeks and 3 days I obtained a pre-approval on a home in the amount of 250,000 now we can find our dream home once again. If it wasn't for your book I would not be anywhere close to getting my home again. Thank You and God’s Blessings.”
September 15, 2009
“I attended your seminar in my area. I was skeptical about going, but figured I had nothing to lose. My main objective was to begin to rebuild my credit. I wanted a credit card. The information I received was priceless. I mailed in the credit card application that you provided and in two weeks, just like you said, I had my credit card. My fiancee' and I are now using your information in all of our buying and financial decisions. You are great people. Thank you both for what you are doing to help others recover.”
October 11, 1998
“I just wanted to take the time to thank the both of you for giving me the opportunity to experience your seminar. By attending, it was by far the best decision I have made. In the past few days, I have already put my finances on to a better track.”
September 2, 1998
“I received my FICO scores. My Transunion is 747, Experian is 717, and my Equifax is 713. My previous Transunion score was 698 in November of last year and my other scores were 680 and 690. Your plan works.”
November 10, 2009
“I attended your seminar about two years ago. I now have a house, two investment properties and would be delighted to be available for a testimonial during the seminar. You helped me see there was light at the end of the tunnel, and the tunnel wasn't nearly as long as I thought it was! See you there!”
January 12, 2004
“I just wanted to drop you a note to say thanks for all you have done in our lives. I attended one of your seminars on March 6, 1999. Two weeks after, I drove out of a local dealership with a 1999 extended cab on a red carpet lease. Since then I have been able to get two credit cards. Last August one of those cards went gold with a limit of over $5,000. This past January I drove out of the same dealership with a 2001 extended cab truck on another red carpet lease at payments only $40.00 more than my other truck, which I turned in. Last week I was looking at houses in the hopes of getting out of an apartment so my children can have a real back yard to play in. Sunday I found the perfect house for my price range. Monday I contacted a mortgage broker and filled out an application and also put a bid on the house. At 9:00 pm Monday my agent called to let me know that the seller accepted my offer. Tuesday, I went to the mortgage broker to give him a copy of the contract and the W-2s, bank statements and the like. I had already been approved!!! I will close on the house in less than 3 weeks! If it wasn't for your seminar and your book I don't think I would be where I am at credit wise today. Thank you so much for your time and devotion in your work. I hope that others are sharing in the success that I have gained through you help. Oops, I forgot to tell you that the interest rate on the house is at 7%. That is the going rate for an FHA loan around here. Not bad for someone just 25 months out of bankruptcy.”
April 10, 2001
“Wow! What a great seminar. I feel less the victim and now the victor, and in a few months I hope to be in my best credit position. I learned so much from your seminar and was surprised how little information was out in book stores or the Internet. Your seminar was just what I needed at the "low-point" in my life.”
April 1, 2005
“There is so much information in the book, I will probably read it again and, maybe once again. I can hardly wait to start our recovery. Great book, easy reading and understanding. Your doing great work for those of us who were lost in the world of bankruptcy. Now, with your direction, bankruptcy recovery doesn't seem so far away. I can hardly wait until the seminar next week.”
Ron and Jenny
September 21, 2007
“My bankruptcy was final on my birthday (yuck....that still tastes awful) January 7, 2002. I attended your seminar in the summer of 2002. In November 2003, I qualified for a brand new SUV with 0% interest for 60 months! My payments are only $300 a month! Thank you, Stephen!”
March 19, 2006
“I am writing to thank you for your wonderful book. So much of what was said I am going through. To share with others what you have found is such a blessing. Thank you for giving of yourself and sharing information with people like me.”
July 12, 2001
“I close Nov. 1st on my condo, thanks for being there.”
October 23, 2009
“I attended your seminar almost 2 years ago as a guest. I had not filed yet but due to bad decisions in a divorce, I was considering it. In the seminar I learned a lot. When it came time to either give up everything I had worked to achieve since the divorce or file, your newsletter and books gave me the confidence and the courage to do what I had been putting off for a few years. True, I did not see any other choice but because of the things you teach, I knew it wasn't the end of the world or my financial future. My BK was discharged in March and I am working on increasing my credit scores. I know I will be able to get them high enough to buy a home in a year at a decent rate and that in that amount of time be fully recovered. Best of all, I know now how to avoid the mistakes of the past and how to make the future what I want it to be. Thank You.”
June 15, 2006
“I want to thank you for your seminar. It was the greatest! This is the second time I have attended. My bankruptcy has been discharged for 15 months now. The first time I attended your seminar my bankruptcy was not yet discharged. I was so excited to find out that there was such a thing as Credit After Bankruptcy and that there is also Life After Bankruptcy and it doesn't have to be a 7-10 year prison sentence! Keep doing what you two are doing. You are appreciated!”
October 31, 2001
“Thank you for all you hard work, and this valuable information. I attended your seminar in 2002. I had filed bankruptcy in 2000. I had no direction financially until after your seminar. I was in a bad marriage, so I could not really take full advantage of your advise until I was divorced. I got separated in 2004 and began applying what I learned from your first book and the newsletters. I got my debt down, and my scores up; and when my divorce finalized in June, I went house shopping. I closed 3 months ago today. Even before you mentioned it in the newsletter, I figured out that a spec home from a production builder was the way to go. Because the builder was so motivated to move the property, (it was right before his fiscal year ended) I got a 122k home at my price (109k) with no money down. I also got them to pay all closing costs, and throw in a ton of upgrades. The identical new home around the corner is now selling for 143K!! Talk about instant equity! And, my mortgage is not $30 more than my former rent payment! Not bad for a 1st time home buyer. Your information is truly powerful. I just ordered 'Increase Your Credit Scores-Improve Your Lifestyle'. I cant wait to receive it. I really want to get aggressive now. I new car, and a better life awaits. God bless you and your family.”
January 3, 2007
“Through the seminar and book we really got some great information. We discharged our bankruptcy in April 2000. We leased two new vehicles; purchased a new house (qualified for twice the amount over our old house.) Received credit cards six months after the bankruptcy was discharged...and it continues. We are grateful that your organization exists. Without out it we would have never seen bankruptcy as a way to get back on our feet. We would have been trapped in the world of "credit counseling" trying to tell us that a family of three can live on $50 of food a week. So you do good work. Thank you. Thank you also for continuing to provide the support and prompt response so long after the seminar. It is greatly appreciated. Happy new year!”
January 2, 2003
“After attending your seminar I was able to purchase a new SUV. Please keep me on your mailing list. God bless you.”
February 10, 2000
“I attended your morning seminar as a true skeptic and pessimist. And ever since your seminar I have found myself headed in a much more positive and better direction with a whole new attitude. So far, the things I have tried have worked exactly as you said they would. I bought a new truck. Without your help, I would be stuck in granny gear in the fast lane without a clue! Thank you both for just being there for all the people like me. It is so wonderful to be able to deal with people familiar with my situation without feeling ashamed or totally paranoid. I have yet to tell any of my family or close friends about my bankruptcy. I am just too ashamed and disgusted with myself. However, because of your seminar, I now feel I am in good company and that there is hope. Again, thank you both for rescuing me from a sea of despair.”
October 12, 1998
“Most people would have just moved on with their own lives without considering other people are going through the same thing and may need help or answers. Your seminar was great. To be honest, going in I was thinking--great, a boring four hour seminar--but WOW, the four hours flew by. And everyone was wonderful. It was really a great thing. It was an incredible experience. So thanks again for taking out the time to help me.”
New Jersey
September 15, 2003
“My husband and I attended your seminar held recently and you gave us such hope. Probably like most of the others in there, I was skeptical and kept waiting for the punch line. Within a week after we heard you, we traded in the car we had begun purchasing on credit four months earlier from one of those high interest places and leased a car from the dealer you recommended at the seminar. Thanks for the super advice.”
May 7, 1999
“Thank you for coming down to my area. I came out of there with the frame of mind to stop dwelling on the past and to go forward. We did what you said and took action fast.”
November 21, 1998
“I want to say that I credit the path to my financially successful post bk future directly to your free seminar. I had already read your book prior to attending the seminar, however, it was meeting you at the seminar that started things into motion. I have pretty much followed exactly what you told me after the seminar (not just because you told me to, but because it makes sense). 1) read RDPD (Rich Dad, Poor Dad), 2) buy a house, 3) buy investment property. In less than 24 months after ch-7 I closed on a new house with an A paper loan, ZERO DOWN. Then, I joined two real estate investment clubs and spent about 2 years just watching and learning before taking any action, first I helped my (now retired) parents get into a multi-family partnership with one of the top MF RE investors in town. By the end of this year, I will own 3 SF rental properties, and my own $250k house (approx $650k in total RE value), and be in the process of buying out my current employer. Over the next 3 years I plan to acquire a few more single family rentals, with the ultimate plan to invest in multi-family. If it was not for you recommending RDPD it is likely none of this would have happened, let alone what could be retirement before 40. I am currently almost 35. I have a small library of books now, by Kiyosaki and others. I am now almost 5 years post BK and have over $100k in available credit lines from mainstream credit providers, 2 rental properties and will rent out my own home when I move soon. I have also had no problem buying new or used vehicles with zero down and super low rates, the sales people run my credit and tell me they WISH everyone had a CR like mine. All my scores and my wife's scores are over 700, even with numerous inquiries for new credit including 2 rehab and refi loans on our rental properties. So thank you for doing what you do.”
October 1, 2007
“I am sending you this e-mail from my new home. I am very excited and a little scared too. I was able to purchase this home with an interest rate of 7.2% for the first year and 8.25% after that. Thanks for your help.”
November 8, 1999
“We want to mention how much we enjoyed your seminar. After attending we both have an added hope that we will get through this and in a few years we will look back and say "we made it!" Your seminar was incredibly informative and helpful. Who would have thought. We were very skeptical and wary about receiving your invitation in the mail. Boy, were we happy that we went! You offer a great program, great information and a lot of positive inspiration.”
Rick and Mary
October 19, 1998
“My husband and I attended one of your seminars in 1998 and it was the best thing that we've ever done. We learned so much and we have come so far. Today we were just approved for a new mortgage that we have been working on for over a year. I'm so excited that were getting a second chance and thank you for sharing all your knowledge and also for not making us feel like losers. You are such an inspiration, keep up the good work.”
October 12, 2001
“First of all I would like to thank you immensely for providing an incredibly educational and inspiring workshop last Saturday. It has given me a major sense of relief from worry and confusion regarding my new financial status due to bankruptcy. I now have hope and a workable plan for the future that I know will produce brighter tomorrows.”
February 22, 2006
“I wanted to personally thank you for your seminar. I was so disgusted with myself and your seminar has put a new light on the whole situation. The seminar was awesome. The way that all of it was put together was amazing. You truly have made a difference in my life! Thank you again for everything.”
April 6, 2006
“I went to your seminar in January 2005, I got my discharge paper and in May 2005 I had a new car at a with no money down. I still can’t believe I have a brand new car with NO MONEY down!”
June 19, 2005
“I want to thank you for all of the great information that you are sharing with us. I filed bankruptcy in July 2003 after divorce. I thought life was over for having good credit. Before bankruptcy my credit score was 730 and after filing, I was unable to finance furniture from a local department store. I attended your seminar October 2004 and I can say it has made my life and credit produce a total turn around. In June 2005 I finance a new 2005 SUV and in February 2007 I was able to mortgage a $250,000 home at 5.5% and my credit scores are really improving: 646 EQ, 665 EX and 674 TU. I started with the "crapitolone" for my first credit card and I have paid them and gotten a lower interest rate credit card. I applied all of the information I learned at the seminar and from the Increase Your Credit Scores-Improve Your Lifestyle course I purchased. I want to encourage you and your wife to continue the good deeds and I pray Gods blessings upon your lives. I look forward to more information from you because it is priceless and very appreciated by many people.”
May 10, 2007
“We attended one of your seminars in the Fall of 1999. Your information gave us the courage and information to go forward after an unsuccessful business partnership, that made us file for personal bankruptcy in 1997. In February of 2000 we purchased our first home with a rental unit over the garage, that now brings in nearly what our mortgage is. In 2001 we were able to lease new vehicles and do a home equity line of credit loan. This year we have just purchased our first investment rental property. We feel we have made great progress even though, by some standards it may be slow. We want you to know what a change you made to our lives when we went to your free seminar. Your book has been an invaluable resource for us. Keep up the good work.”
Phil and Marc
September 30, 2003
“Thank you for providing me with a "game plan" and a realistic expectation of how to recover after bankruptcy. I now have much more hope for the future and can see a light at the end of the tunnel. The tunnel now appears much shorter as well. I am putting your action plan into practice, one step at a time. Thank you for your interest, and may God bless you in the wonderful work you are performing.”
March 22, 1999
“I attended your seminar on Saturday and I can't tell you how much it lifted my spirit and changed my attitude about my financial situation. The information was presented in a professional, yet non-threatening manner, which made me very comfortable. You not only told us what to do, but how and why. My healing began when I entered the room and saw so many people in the same situation as I. People from all age groups, races, couples/singles, and every economic background were there. Yet the information you presented was important to all of us. After a separation which eventually lead to divorce and bankruptcy, I no longer feel like my life is over. Before this seminar, I really did believe that I was a cash-only person. Thank you for having the insight and the unselfish spirit to share your lessons with others. Without such help, I would not have known how to become financially stable again. I wish you much success in all your future endeavors.”
August 30, 2000
“My name is Jennifer and I went to oneo f your seminars this year. I want to thank you for sharing your story and also trying to help people get back on track without trying to get something in return or making people purchase something to get all the information. I got a call from the car dealership that was at your seminar and they said they still help people that went to your seminar get new car loans. I decided to go and talk with them. I really made them work for me, I had very little to put down, a car that still had 2 lease payments to go, and I needed low monthly payments. They worked and worked and worked and all they could do for me. The next day called with an interest rate of 4.9% Can you believe it? They dealer you recommended truly cares about people. I want to thank you for mentioning them at your seminar. If it was not for you giving free seminars and telling your story I would not be looking at and driving my brand new car! THANK YOU ! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!”
November 18, 2001
“Back in 2006 my wife and I attended your seminar and learned a lot of things that we would never find out on our own. In a short period of time we managed to raise our credit scores and we are at this time closing on a house with a FHA loan 22 months instead of 24 months. Thanks to your seminar we are so happy and we thank you and your wife for the wonderful information.”
October 17, 2007
“I have been following your advice and have attended your past 3 seminars held in Dallas. They have been life changing for me. I filed Chapter 7 after my wife had a stroke leaving her partially paralyzed without medical insurance. We now have a home free and clear, a new car loan, two credit cards (with a zero balance - paid off monthly) and three credit scores within 5 points (+/-) of 740. Our only re-occurring financial obligations are the car loan, utilities and taxes.”
September 30, 2009
“My name is Mary. My husband and I went to your seminar and we were blessed. The seminar was great. I thank the Lord for you guys and your caring to help people who have gone through bankruptcy. It was the last thing we wanted to do, but we had no other way to go! We were at a loss in what to do, then this invitation came and I told my husband let's go. It was wonderful to see there is hope. Also, I want to let you know the people from the car dealership you recommended helped us get a car. They were a great group of people. Very kind. They did not make us feel like losers and were helpful in every way.”
Mary and Steve
May 13, 1998
“I've been meaning to write this for some time. I received your seminar invite shortly after being discharged in '02. Reluctantly, I went with an open mind and began using your strategies and information right after the event. This got me hooked on changing my scores. I took (very easily since credit is not a factor for low interest government subsidized loans) out a student loan to begin my MBA. I've paid this back since. More and more I've made steady progress in every credit aspect. I've bought two cars with increasingly lower interest rates, two houses (our most recent being a discounted custom spec house that had been on the market for nine months at a conventional rate), and acquired better credit cards. Since that seminar I've also managed to invest $80k in my retirement account and save $29k in cash. Moreover, my salary cleared my longtime goal of $100k for the first time in December of '06 (one of my favorite articles by the way). I feel like I'm nearly over the hump where I'm comfortable talking about my situation and in control of making my money work for me. Now, I plan on taking the next steps in real estate investing, growing my career, and to continue building wealth. Thank you. I look forward to your each of your new articles. Keep up the good work.”
January 4, 2007
“I have attended two of your previous seminars since filing for Bankruptcy in 2001. After surviving a divorce and four years of rebuilding my credit, I was able to reestablish my credit to 701, buy two new cars (one in 2002 and one in 2004) and I just purchased (last month) a home at 5% (30 year fixed rate) with no money down. Thank you for all your help and advice.”
October 6, 2005
“I greatly enjoyed your seminar. Thanks for the timely information and your dynamic presentation. Looking forward to reading your book!”
December 9, 1999
“I attended your seminar and really found it to be a fruitful event for me. I have been spreading the word about you, your organization's work, your book, your next book, and just how infused with energy I have become about my new start. Thank you for giving me the hope and guidance I need.”
September 17, 2003
“I just wanted to thank you and your staff for putting on such an informative and enjoyable seminar. My wife and I found the information you provided priceless. Thank you again and God bless.”
March 17, 2006
“I enjoy everything you have to offer me and other's who need help and I trust you with all I have and I even told some friends that are going to join your web site.”
October 23, 2009
“I haven't forgotten anything I learned at your seminar but I've just now been able to send for my secured credit card that you referred us to at the seminar. I will remember to pay it off each month as well, thanks to you!! I am hopeful to restore my credit through the secured credit card. At least it is a start. Just thought I'd drop a note to let you know. Your seminar is worth it's weight in GOLD and I still have all of my notes from it and refer to them often.”
March 10, 2007
“My wife attended your seminar. She returned with a windfall of information and a renewed level of esteem. We are going to the car dealership in a few weeks to get a new car. A few weeks ago I faxed you with some generalized questions and you promptly e-mailed me back with all positive answers. I want to thank you for that timely reply as well. I really needed the excitement and passion my wife came home with.”
February 12, 2000
“Just wanted to pass along a word of thanks for the excellent fun-filled, information packed seminar I was privileged to attend yesterday. Their message came across loud and clear and I can't wait to begin. Stephen's sense of humor made the presentation less sterile and much more entertaining. I originally signed up for the seminar back in June and was eagerly awaiting the September date. Looking forward to a bright, promising future thanks to you...Thanks again.”
September 28, 2003
“I was nervous and did not want to go to the seminar, but my husband talked me into it. I still did not expect to get a loan. I am now driving a new SUV from the local car dealer you recommended.”
March 18, 2002
“My wife and I attended your seminar. I just wanted to let you know how your information has helped us. After attending the seminar, we decided it was our turn for good things to happen. My credit score went from a 486 to a 683 within months. My wife has always wanted a bigger vehicle to haul our three rapidly growing kids in. I went in at my own leisure and spoke to the finance manager to see what kind of financing we could work out. Well, needless to say I drove away in my 2002 SUV. It's a beautiful truck. Dark blue with leather seats, 6 disk cd changer in the radio, sunroof, ice cold a/c and a towing package. It's now my new baby!!!! Not that I get to drive it much as I have to wrestle the keys away from my wife...lol. In summary, I want to thank you for all your wonderful advice that was received at the seminar. I just wanted you to know that some of us who attend take the advice and run with it. I never would have thought I could have had the things I wanted so soon after filing bankruptcy, as our bankruptcy was only dismissed in September of 2005. That means three months after bankruptcy, I owned my own home and two months later had a very nice vehicle for my family. Your advice helped us achieve what we were after and I thank you immensely.”
September 15, 2006
“In July of 2005, my wife and I filed bankruptcy. It was particularly embarrassing because it was our second filing. Our first was in 1985 over medical bills. This time it was because of nearly 17 months of unemployment I'd experienced after 9/11. We had already sold our home the year before so the bank wouldn't foreclose; we had cut back everywhere we could; and finally one of our creditors demanded full payment on their account. When my wife tried to work something out with the company, their customer service representative told her, "You'll just have to file bankruptcy, then." I don't think she really expected us to take her up on her suggestion (and believe me, her superiors were informed of her comment!). Our bankruptcy was discharged without contest in November 2005. We were resigned to starting over from the bottom again. When my wife saw the information on your "Credit after Bankruptcy" seminar she signed us up. Frankly, I thought it was going to be a waste of time. I could not have been more wrong. You gave us some incredible information about the best ways to recover from bankruptcy. Over the next year we saw our credit scores steadily climbing. By February 2007 we knew the lease we had on our rental house was up the end of May, and the landlords wanted to sell the house. We started looking rather tentatively at buying a home, even though we were not yet two years out of bankruptcy. We were not looking at building, and yet we found ourselves in a subdivision we really liked. We found a floor plan that my wife fell in love with, and we started the entire process of picking a lot, picking the items we wanted for the home, and packing up. We worked with a mortgage broker that worked very hard to keep us out of an ARM, and he was successful in obtaining FHA financing for us. On August 27, we closed on our new home. Stephen, based on things you've said in your seminar and in your book, I can share this with you and I believe you'll understand. There was a nearly three-month delay in construction while the county and the builders tried to resolve an issue getting the correct address for the lot. That delay pushed us that much closer to our two-year mark on our discharge, and definitely helped us in obtaining our FHA loan. There was a very small window where the builder offered $15,000 in free upgrades. We made that window. The day of closing we learned that not only would we not need to bring money for closing, but that we were actually getting a refund due to credits and discounts; we also learned that we were getting a reduction in our interest rate which one usually doesn't get after the rate has been locked in. Thank you so much for your work. You give people hope, and in our case, helped turn our hope into reality. Thank you!”
Danny and Lorrie
September 12, 2007
“I have been to the seminar, took advantage of the information that was shared and I now have a credit score of over 720, a new car and a five bedroom house. Thanks for the diligence, commitment and information that has empowered me to live beyond my dreams a year and a half after filing bankruptcy.”
October 16, 2006
“Thanks for your wonderful book. I bought your book right before I got out of bankruptcy and it was a very good investment. Because of your book, I have four credit cards (two with low limits and two with large limits.) About two weeks ago, I leased my "retirement vehicle."I used your advice in your book. It is a beautiful car. Thanks again for all the wonderful information in your book.”
July 1, 2002
“I e-mailed you a few months ago to see what the best dealership was in our area. We had a Chapter 7 about five years ago and our Chapter 13 was just discharged 12/1/05 I just wanted to let you know that we went to the dealership that sponsored your seminar and within an hour, we were approved by a captive lender and got a two year lease on a 2006 suv! The interest rate was only 2% and the payment is affordable. Thank you so much for your advice! We have never had a new car before and are just thrilled!”
March 1, 2006
“Thank you so much for the informative and enlightening seminar. Thank you for all the time and energy you have put into helping others. I only wish we would have known about it before my husband had to file a year ago. We enjoyed your sense of humor, knowledge as well as your genuine desire to help people. There are angels in this world to help us! !”
Linda and Marvin
April 27, 1999
“I attended your seminar in November 1999. I was very pleased. Thank you. God bless you both for all you're doing to change lives and give people some hope. Please continue the great job you work so hard at.”
November 11, 1999
“We wanted you to know our credit scores are really improving dramatically. Mine is presently in the 680 range and my wife is well into the 700's a little over two years after filing. Thank you for all you've done and for how you taught us to diligently pursue this.”
Ed and Pat
July 7, 2006
“This just gets better all the time. The first time I attended a seminar was in October 1999. The next day I leased a car from the dealership you had there. All thanks to YOU! I am now on my third car from them. Last year I went to start working on fixing my credit. I followed Stephen's advice and got my three credit scores. I had a 658 from Equifax. 600 from Experian and 665 from TransUnion. Exactly 12 months later, I got my scores and now I have 673 from Equifax, 689 from Experian (that's 89 points!) and...drumroll...712 from TransUnion! I can't believe that me, a person who was discharged in 1999 (yes, that car I mentioned was leased only six months after my discharge), can now qualify for grade A paper mortgages including possibly a mortgage with 0% down and 6.5% interest! I plan to use the mortgage person you recommended at the seminar. Thank you so much for all you've done for me and for others like me. Thanks to coming to your seminars over and over again and reading your books, I've learned so much. I don't know that I could have done this without you.”
New Jersey
August 30, 2005
“I am so glad that I attended your seminar on credit after bankruptcy and I want to say thank you so much for your help. I had been driving a leased Honda long before I made the decision to file bankruptcy. As a matter of fact, my car payments were always on time through it all. When it came close to the end of the lease, I kept getting these letters telling me to choose another Honda, no problem. Last Friday, I went to the dealer and picked out the car I wanted, filled out the application and was told I could pick up the car on Wednesday. If there was a problem they would call me. Well, by Tuesday morning, I had not heard from the dealer, so I called them. I was told that my application was denied. Thanks to the information from your seminar, I knew what to do. I immediately got dressed, called the car dealer you recommended at the seminar. I told them about my bankruptcy problem and they said come on in. I took all of the required information and paperwork to them and talked to the finance manager. I filled out the credit application and picked out a new car. That evening, they called and said that the credit application was approved. The next day, I drove home in my new 1999 car with an interest rate of 5.9% which is much less than the interest I had paid on previous car loans when my credit was in top shape! The salesman who was assigned to me treated me with the utmost respect and courtesy. Once again, Stephen and Michele, thank you and God bless you.”
October 29, 1998
“Thank you for the time you devoted to all of us who, because of one reason or another, have had to go through the stress of bankruptcy. I read your book from cover to cover in two days and although most of it I heard in the seminar, it was still worth going over again. Even though it seems sad—I was glad to see the number of people who were in the same boat as we are. We are not alone by any means. People from all walks of life were there. Once again thanks for your time and valuable information and all the research you have done.”
Jack and Pamela
September 17, 1998
“Just a brief note to say "thank you" for bringing such a wonderful, common-sense approach to a situation that quite often is so emotional and gut-wrenching that it paralyzes the us with such fear and shame that we end up doing nothing making everything twice as horrible. We are on our way to recovery and the information you presented during your recent seminar has helped tremendously.”
June 17, 1998
“I just wanted to let you know how extraordinarily beneficial the seminar was. Since attending your seminar, am now the proud owner of an absolutely GORGEOUS 2005 car. Thanks again for the great tips gleaned during some of the most productive and educational four hours ever invested.”
Karen J.
April 15, 2005
“I just wanted to let you know that I did attend the Saturday seminar this past weekend. It was well worth the time and I would be happy to recommend it to everyone. The reason for writing is to say thank you and staff for the effort and making all feel welcome. Everything was exactly like the DVD, no pressure to buy and top shelf event.”
April 17, 2007
“I just wanted to thank you for bringing your seminar to us. As I was coming in this afternoon, I thought I would only stay for a few hours or until the first break. But, then as I listened to you speak, I found that you were for real and everything you said came from your heart. You were there only to give us information on how to help our situation. I learned quite a few things. You were so true that your overhead transparencies even showed some very personal info, like your social security number and credit number.”
April 16, 2000
“I can’t tell you enough how you have blessed my life. Following the guidelines that Stephen and his team have given me. I feel self-worth again. After my divorce I couldn’t finance a toothbrush. No joke. I was one of the fortunate ones who was able to meet Stephen at the seminar he did. He even signed my book. I was so excited and wanted to share the information I was learning. I let the neighbor borrow the book and he never gave it back. I know this sounds silly, but the tools you supplied me with brings me to tears. My son asked why I cried when I was able to purchase my SUV in August. It was my first new car. I’m so thankful that your wonder team touched my life. I’m not a good writer. But I’ve always wanted to tell you folk how wonder you all are. The words were in my heart but I didn’t know how to put them on paper. I’m sorry again my finger just went to typing. Thank you and bless all of you.”
March 21, 2007
“"Life is Good" after bankruptcy...well as you can probably tell from the title of this email I have reason to rejoice. I attended your seminar. I was a little skeptical about a "FREE" seminar. Your advice and actual real life circumstances made me feel that I can do the same thing you did and recover after bankruptcy. Since the seminar we have secured a credit card, purchased furniture from a local store on credit, and traded in our car in for a car loaded-to-the-gills with no down payment. She's a real beauty. And the payment fits our budget. For anyone doubting what your seminar can do for them I hope this letter can nudge them to listen and act on what you as well as the many hundreds of others have done...recover from bankruptcy.”
March 22, 1999
“Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your seminar was the best thing that happened to me after I filed bankruptcy (besides marrying my husband). I filed 4 years ago and was told by mortgage brokers and banks that I would not be able to purchase a house for 10 years. I was devastated to say the least. But after attending your seminar, I was able to dream again. I begin to research my options for a mortgage, FHA, Conventional, etc. I also contacted the bank you referred everyone to and was pre-approved for a mortgage. I was able to get a deal on a foreclosed property. Because of your seminar, I was able to get back on my feet and start over again with my head held high and my back straight! You are a blessing Stephen! I have recommended several people to watch your seminar. I even signed back up last year to watch. The updated information was absolutely awesome! Your the best!”
New York
February 21, 2008
“Yesterday there was a flyer in the mail for your seminar. I attended one of your seminars about six years ago or so. At the time I saw no hope. My bankruptcy came about because of an ex-husband which made me feel like there would always be that constant reminder of an abusive man. The things I learned showed me that I could get back on my feet but that it would take time and the redeeming power of Christ.

Here I am all these years later living in a home I own, I have paid off two cars, and have credit cards, which are all in excellent standing. Not only is there life after bankruptcy, but there is also life after ex-husbands. Just wanted to say thanks and keep up the good work. Be blessed.”
November 6, 2009
“I was able to purchase my first home located in my hometown in 2004 because of your advice.”
October 24, 2009
“I attended your seminar in January of 2001. Since then my FICO scores are pushing towards 700. I have 4 credit cards with about $6,000 in credit, all of them unsecured. I bough a car in 2002 and got a 4.5% interest rate. I am saving, investing and building my FICO scores by building credit and keeping debt low. So I wanted to say thanks, Stephen, for all your help. You have helped turn adversity into a blessing. The bankruptcy and your seminar have completely changed the way I approach my finances. Thanks again. You are a God send. Keep up the good work. God Bless.”
December 15, 2003
“My husband and I attended one of your seminars and purchased your book "Credit After Bankruptcy". After much success our credit was cleaned up very nicely. My husband was able to buy a new truck. We have since been divorced recently and I got one credit card to help build my credit, which it did. I then was able to purchase a home on my own with a rate of 6.625%. That rate may not be the best for some but is great for me. I have recently found out that my credit score has been increased to 790! Now that's amazing! I would not have succeeded in any of this if it wasn't for your class, book & newsletters. I encourage anyone to take advantage of your program if they get the chance. It will change your life and the way you feel about yourself. Thanks again, Stephen.”
April 26, 2008
“I went to your seminar two years ago and I did everything you told me to do in order to increase my FICO scores. I applied for the recommended credit card and my FICO scores went from 595 to 680. My FICO score goal is 750. I just purchase a brand new home at 5.5 interest rate. I thank the Lord for leading me to your seminar.”
February 6, 2007
“I went to our seminar a few years ago and it was the smartest thing I could have done. Yes, I had to swallow much of my pride to make myself attend, but thanks to your information I drive a new car through the car dealer you recommended, and I moved into my new house that I bought at the beginning of the summer. Thanks again. None of this would have been possible without your seminar. Your help has been more valuable than you will know.”
August 24, 2000
“I must thank you for inviting me to the Credit After Bankruptcy seminar in August 2005. It seems so long ago. Anyway there have been wonderful changes in my life. I purchased a home in March 2006. You wouldn't believe the interest rate and used a local bank. The interest rate is 5.5%! Can you believe it?! I haven't purchased a car yet because of tuition that needs to be paid but it's coming soon. Thanks for being instrumental in changing my mind about my fate after I declared bankruptcy. You and your wife are Godsends. God bless you!”
March 9, 2007
“I am writing to say thank you for your seminar in September. The information we received has proved invaluable! As proof of this, I am currently writing this letter from our new home! We closed just one year and four months out of bankruptcy.”
August 29, 1999
“I thank GOD for blessing me through you. I filed Chapter 7 in 2003. I was young, immature and completely financially ignorant. Needless to say, I did not have an exit strategy. I attended your seminar about a year later. I was totally impressed, educated and felt above and beyond empowered throughout the seminar. Unfortunately, my budget wasn't designed to take advantage of any of the offers that day. I eventually lost connection with all of the ideas that I'd taken with me from the seminar. This year you reintroduced your site to me (BOY WHAT A BLESSING). If it were not for the confidence and positive outlook that I've gained from reading your back issue newsletters I would not have recognized the significance of cutting the budget. In close I say to you that your knowledge has been a blessing not only to my credit scores but also to my mental confidence as a business owner and consumer.”
December 19, 2006
“I attended the seminar over a year ago and started immediately afterwards in following Stephen's guidelines. Well, since then, I qualified for two major BANK credit cards, a Home Depot credit card and just yesterday, I qualified for a 3.6% car loan, zero down, and drove out with a brand spanking new 2004 convertible! My average FICO scores were well below 600 when I started a year ago, but yesterday I found out that my score was at 689!!! Thanks for giving my financial future a second chance.”
October 20, 2004
“I'm 57 years old, have been in business for myself (many of them, that's why I'm broke!) for over 35 years, have attended a multitude of seminars during that time covering almost every topic, but NOT ONE of them was more informative than yours! I suppose you hear that all the time, but I just had to tell you that myself. Thank you for sharing what you do, and for pointing me in the right directions to begin my recovery.”
September 28, 2006
“My husband and I attended your seminar this past Saturday. We really enjoyed it! Thanks so much for doing this. I was skeptical when I received the invitation in the mail, and even called your office a couple days beforehand. Anyway, I'm glad we went. God bless you and your wife in your endeavors.”
September 7, 1997
“You are the greatest. I look forward to my newsletters weekly. My credit scores have gone from the 600's to almost 800 on two and over 700 on the other. I bought a new car this year and got an incredible rate because I had "excellent" credit. Thank you for helping me believe in myself when I was at my lowest and teaching me how to be intelligent about improving my credit.”
July 12, 2006
“I attended your seminar yesterday. I almost didn't attend, but something seemed to push me to get off my butt and go. Thank you for an uplifting, positive experience.”
May 7, 2000
“Thank you so much for doing this. Listening to the seminar seemed to have really pulled me out of the embarrasment and humiliation of realizing and making public the fact that I could no longer pay my bills. You have given me hope for my daughter and I.”
January 10, 2008
“I attended your seminar last weekend and was able to get a front row seat. I found the presentation to be exceptional. The information you imparted was invaluable and I cannot thank you enough for sharing your information with me through the invitation. I found the seminar to be extremely informative, humorous and heart warming (i.e. that there are so many others in the same boat--and that was just the morning session!!) Thank you again for your invitation . . . it was the best four hour investment I've made in years.”
August 13, 2003
“I really enjoyed the seminar and have started reading your book which is filled with very good information. Thanks for the effort you put forth to help those of us who are troubled with trying to recover from bankruptcy. I have received a non-secured low-limit credit card from my bank (with 0% interest for 12 months!) and overdraft protection for my checking account. This should be a help in rebuilding my credit. Before your seminar, I was afraid to even ask, thinking they would turn me down.”
April 26, 2007
“Hello I attended your seminar in the summer. I was driving a 94 Mercury Cougar. I went through the dealership recommended at the seminar, and I now have a 2005 car! I have a savings and checking. My next move is my home. Thanks!”
March 30, 2006
“Just wanted to THANK YOU FOR HOPE! Yes, there is LIFE AFTER BANKRUPTCY. Would love to become one of your presenters, this is FANTASTIC information. Peace and Blessings.”
June 26, 2007
“I just had to send a proper thank you for the wonderful seminar you presented in Maryland. I must commend you and your wife for an enlightening experience for me. I was indeed one of those "arm crossers" before attending your seminar. I was even hesitant in attending. Your seminar has provided me with a brand new look at many, many things. I did purchase your book and enjoy it so far. I do not know what encouraged you to perform such a seminar, but I am one grateful person who is very blessed that you did. Thank you and God Bless to you and your wife.”
August 23, 2000
“A few months ago I attended your seminar. The information you gave has served me extremely! I could not stop sending you my appreciation for the time you spent with us in that seminar room.”
June 22, 1998
“Just wanted to write a quick note to say, "Thank you!" for all the valuable tools you've made available to us since we attended the bankruptcy seminar over a year ago. So far, this is what we've accomplished: Our credit scores have gone up about 125-150 points -- from low 500s to high 600s, actually my husband's middle score got to be 677 at one point in time! We were discharged o/a 10/04. Six months later, in June of '06, we refinanced our principal home at a decent rate, and were able to get some equity back. About a couple of months later, we bought a condo for our son. We were able to get a decent rate as well, and got about $800 back at closing. We added closing costs to the contract, above the asking price, and asked for seller to pay our closing costs. Then in December of 07 we closed on our son's 1- year-old home (he sold it because he moved), again, at a great interest rate, plus we got $3,000 back at closing. This beautiful house is now our principal dwelling, and we have leased our first home for $1,275 a month ($475 extra a month) -- the tenants are wonderful and are taking very good care of our property! They signed a lease-to-own contract (while they clean up their credit) and by Dec. '07 they should be buying our house! My husband and our eldest son invested in a small rental property that closed a few months ago, and are netting $250 extra a month. The tenants are very grateful because we waived the deposit in exchange for them to clean up the yard, paint the house, etc. Then this past Friday, my husband and son closed on another property -- a ranch house on 2 acres, which we also plan to lease out for about 50% over the monthly payment until we are ready to retire. It's a little scary at times trying to keep up with the different payments, but we had to make a move on taking advantage of these deals since my husband will be semi-retiring this May. He will be staying home with our teenage kids during the summer and then he will either keep investing and managing the properties, or get a part-time job to supplement our income. Thanks again for your advice and valuable time in getting the bankruptcy issues to us!”
March 22, 2007
“Your book is very, helpful. I don't think anyone has done more to help bankrupt people steer clear of the loan sharks that come to feed on desperate people. The strategies he's suggested absolutely have worked for me. As a mortgage broker, I lend your book all the time to people who need to learn how the credit system works and how to raise their credit scores.”
December 17, 2002
“I wanted to thank you for making this seminar available. It was reassuring to have it reinforced that I can realistically recover from bankruptcy. The resources you provide are priceless to me, and I wanted to thank you and Michele for all your hard work in our behalf.”
September 26, 2007
“I attended your seminar and got your book last February. Your information has definitely helped me in re-building my credit! A year after my discharge I have two major credit cards and one is unsecured. I call every six months to get credit increases and it is working! Without your help I don't think I would have been able to achieve this. Your information was so valuable and I really did the things you suggested. When I went to the car dealer I brought my own credit report and asked them to review it first. Then I got approved. That's when I actually went and looked at the cars!”
April 15, 1999
“First I would like to thank you very much for your genuine sincerity and dedication to helping "us folks." I attended your afternoon session yesterday and learned much. I left the seminar with my head higher, thanks to you. As you will see on my cover sheet, I'm an accountant, pretty embarrassing for an accountant to file bankruptcy and live in a small town. You helped me gain back my self-esteem, knowing I am not alone. Thank you.”
March 8, 1998
“I would like to tell you that four years ago my husband and I attended your free seminar. We followed your helpful advice and after building our credit up to par, we did in fact get a mortgage and moved into our new home two years ago. We spread the good word about you and your seminars, books, etc. to everyone we know. I would like to thank you for sharing your amazing story and sound informative advise on how to get your life back on track financially (emotionally is a fabulous side effect) after bankruptcy. Thank you.”
July 10, 2006
“The seminar was wonderful by the way! At first I wished the time counter moved faster, but later watched it in horror wishing for more time with you. Thank you so much. God Bless You!”
May 5, 2007
“Thanks, Stephen. I just refinanced my house with a 30-year fixed mortgage at 6.5 percent with stated income. My middle FICO score was at 731 thanks to what I have learned from you. That is not too bad because I was discharged from a Chapter 7 in March 2001.”
July 7, 2006
“My husband, a friend, and I attended the seminar this past Saturday, just like the commercial you see on TV: Gas-$10.00, Lunch-$30.00, Seminar-PRICELESS! We left that seminar so empowered and with so much knowledge that we are so excited about what the future holds. My friend has not done bankruptcy yet and felt the need not to pass up the opportunity to know what to expect after. I want to THANK YOU for sharing your information. May god continue to BLESS YOU!”
Tene and Ray
August 9, 2004
“I attended your bankruptcy seminar and really enjoyed it. It was very informative and enlightened my thoughts about bankruptcy tremendously. I no longer feel that I must keep it a secret. You two are doing a great service to all of us.”
March 27, 1999
“Thank you so much for all the information that you gave all of us at the Phoenix seminar. I never fell asleep once. Plus, I learned more positive information from you than any other seminar so far. Thank you so much.”
January 31, 2002
“I wanted to thank you for all the help and information. My FICO scores are 764-778-804 now. My slate is totally clean. Thanks to you we have a second chance. I am going to order your book today. I promise you we won't blow it again!”
December 8, 2005
“WOW is all I can say! My wife and I attended your seminar and our lives were already changed when we left at noon. Before the seminar began, we had little to no hope of getting anywhere in life living with our bankruptcy. You have given us such hope and excitement that we can beat this thing. Thank you so much for your generosity and for all the hard work you've done to make it easier for people to build a bridge, get over it, and move on with our lives. The service you provided is second-to-none, and without it, we'd still be lost. I am ordering your book today, and looking forward to the next one. Thank you so much. You've truly made a difference in our lives, and in the lives of the hundreds of people you touch everyday.”
George and Jen
August 23, 2003
“I just had to write and thank you for all the useful advice you've provided and the weekly message of hope that you've sent us! I only wish I had found you sooner! My husband and I lost our jobs in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, and the dot.com bust made the tech job market virtually impenetrable. If only we had known the truths you've taught us about how to manage a bankruptcy then, things would have been so much simpler! Instead, we unfortunately got nothing but extremely bad financial advice for the next four years - so we tried to do just about anything to avoid bankruptcy. What a mistake that was!!! We kept wallowing in our maxed-out credit card debt and paying one off by charging it on another one; we lived off our savings and our 401(k) until they were depleted; we sold our house in a short sale since the market was in such a slump from all the unemployed tech folks in this area. Within four years, we had effectively decimated our good credit by making just about every mistake you outline in your book! I had no job, no more money, a destroyed credit history, no more hope, and no one offering me any useful suggestions as to how to make things better. So back in the spring of 2005, my husband and I were getting ready to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. I was completely lost, and was at the total bottom of my rope. But just as I was about to make yet another credit mistake and was preparing to live off of cash alone for the next 7 years, I got a letter that has completely turned my financial decision making around – a letter from the After Bankruptcy Foundation. I'll be one of the first to admit that I was skeptical. "Great," I thought, "just what I need - another scam artist looking to make a buck off my weaknesses!" But the seminar was free, it was being held in a public hotel conference room in a decent part of town, it was on a weekend (so I could go while my husband watched our daughter), and it wasn't asking me for any personal information. "The worst that can happen is that I waste my Saturday afternoon getting useless information," I thought, so I decided to sign up. I am so grateful that I did! Before I left that seminar, I was hitting myself in the head. "If I had known this four years ago and we had declared bankruptcy then," I told my husband on the phone at the break, "we would have been able to get rid of our credit card debt, keep our savings and 401(k), and kept the house. They should be teaching this stuff to everyone in High School!" It has been a long, slow journey to rebuild our creditworthiness. But what a difference it has made! With the help of the steps you outlined in your seminar and in your books, and with the supportive and positive weekly messages from your newsletter, our FICO scores have gone from less than 480 across the board to 700 or higher across the board! We're replenishing our savings a little bit at a time, every month. We're budgeting what we can spend and sticking to it. We opened a secured credit card with our bank. And – perhaps the most impressive of all – we just financed a brand new vehicle at 0%! That's right, ZERO PERCENT!!! I am SO IMMENSELY THANKFUL that you showed us how to navigate these treacherous waters. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being our Voice of Reason over the choruses of negativity. And thank you, most of all, for helping to give us back our Hope.”
July 6, 2007
“I just wanted to drop you a note and let you know that you, your wife and your whole staff did a wonderful job this past Saturday morning. All of the information was great and very stimulating, motivating stuff. But what I appreciated most was the spirit in which the seminar was presented. You don't find that too often from a person on your level, reaching so many people and in such a diverse audience. I really do look forward to meeting you again.”
May 22, 2000
“I attended your seminar back in March. At the time I had already purchased a car at a high interest rate. On June 18th I was involved in an accident that left my car totaled. I remembered what you said about the car dealer that was at your seminar. My husband and I went to see the finance manager yesterday and picked out what we wanted. Today they called us to come and pick up our 1999 SUV. Our interest rate is 1.9% I am still in disbelief that I got this type of rate and that they financed my vehicle. I wanted you to know that I believe in everything you told us. I will follow your book to get the rest of my credit problems straightened out. May God bless you and your family. Thank you.”
Tim and Denise
June 25, 1999
“I attended your recent seminar, which was fabulous, by the way! It was so awe inspiring that I called my brother up after the morning session to invite him to the afternoon session. He enjoyed it as well.”
March 16, 2006
“I attended your Torrance, CA seminar 7 years ago, and you've been a great help to my wife and I in those years, financially and spiritually.

We have made incredible progress over that period of time. We own a beautiful home, I earn over 150K annually, and have a life-time (college teaching) job that will keep that income flowing as long as I live and choose to teach.”
September 16, 2009
“I am moving into a condo tomorrow and am still in shock that this can be happening after just two years from my bankruptcy! The house that my husband and I lived in our whole married life sold after just three showings and that was another amazing feat with the housing market like it is. Just 6 months after we attended the bankruptcy seminar my husband died of a massive heart attack and my life took an abrupt turn. He had been very ill for 18 years, lost a leg and a kidney to hardening of the arteries and had numerous surgeries with mounting medical bills. If we hadn't attended the seminar I probably would have assumed (incorrectly) that I wouldn't be able to buy a condo for 7 years. I have been working very hard on my credit since his death and it paid off. I want to extend a huge thanks to you for helping me get my life back!”
September 30, 2007
“Let me just say that your seminar was the best thing we could have done after our bankruptcy. It was fun, informative, and incredibly helpful. We're grateful for the information you shared with us. And thank you for ABF!!”
July 17, 2004
“I attended your seminar in September. I'd just bought a used 1997 Mustang at 19.75% interest. I wish I would have waited until after your seminar. Well, the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, as I approached the intersection before my apartment, a guy in a pickup made a left turn in front of me just as I reached the intersection. We had an accident. This sent my beautiful Mustang to "Sheet Metal Heaven." The car was a total loss, but thanks to my seat belt, I walked away with minor injuries. I was bankrupt, and I needed another car. Then I remembered that in your seminar there was a car dealer that was willing to work with bankrupt people. I contacted them and they assured me that they could help. The Wednesday before Christmas I drove my rental car down to their dealership. We made an excellent deal on a new 2000 car as well equipped as my 1997 car. Here is the good part, they financed me at 6.9%! The dealer did what he said he would do in your seminar. I recommend you invite them to future seminars in the area. The attorney who handled my bankruptcy was amazed, and wants to read your book. I am following your advice and pay my bills early and no later than on time. Thanks for the help that your seminar provided, and feel free to use my story.”
January 12, 2000
“I attended your seminar in February 2000. Your ideas have worked for me! I have reestablished credit history with bank cards and also managed to start a modest savings account and to start re-paying my charged off debt.”
October 11, 2001
“I attended your seminar in 1998 and I want to thank you for sharing your information and knowledge with others. Deciding to file bankruptcy was not an easy decision, but since I attended your seminar I am on the right path to rebuilding my credit and finances. Your information is invaluable.”
March 16, 1999
“My husband attended one of your seminars and we bought your book. We now own a home, not even 6 months after first attending the seminar. We followed the advice in your book. That one act has completely changed our lives and for the better. God Bless you and your family!”
July 26, 2000
“I filed in 2001 and spent 4 years not using credit at all, I was fearful!! I did not know I should have "jumped back in the saddled" right away. I attended your seminar in 2006 and just purchased my first home last week with a mortgage from a large prominent bank with a credit score of 679 up from 512.”
October 10, 2007
“It was worth the drive! I now have the confidence to approach my bank for various items, and am developing a business plan for which I expect to receive financing soon.”
November 17, 2001
“Prior to attending your Credit After Bankruptcy seminar the LOWEST interest rate we were quoted on a new car was 12% interest. Less than 90 days after your seminar we went into the dealership with boldness and laid the cards on the table. They gave 5.25% with no money down on a new car!”
Gary and Angel
April 25, 2005
“Hi Snyder's. Wow! Thanks for such a great seminar, and a great book. You two have helped change my life. I have taken your advice.”
April 15, 1999
“I attended your seminar and I have your book. More importantly, I'm applying it. Stephen you can just call me a believer. You said "share your success." Well, I've established a checking account, I have a cell phone (I didn't have to pay anything), I'm a member of a good credit union and I have a secured credit card. Next I plan to lease a new car. Stephen, if I can help in any way, let me know.”
July 12, 2004
“My husband and I watched the seminar Saturday evening and we were amazed at the information you shared. Most people/companies would charge lots of money to share the tips you did. We have signed up for more information on the mortgage, auto dealership and another service. I also love that you personally answer these emails and do the seminars. Again, thank you and God Bless.”
October 15, 2007
“Not tossing your invitation into the garbage was the best decision I have made in a long time. Thanks again for creating such a fantastic resource.”
May 4, 2006
“I attended your seminar in my state. As an attorney, not only do I represent debtors in Chapter 7 cases, but I have also been discharged myself. Until your seminar, I had not told anyone that I had also filed bankruptcy. I'm still not ready to tell colleagues or my office staff. But I must confess that it was a relief to tell a total stranger that day. I purchased your book and read it after I got home. Your book is a great tool for laypersons. In fact, I thought so much of it, that I sat down today and wrote all of my former bankruptcy clients and recommended that they purchase it to help them rebuild their credit lives. I will keep the book in my office and recommend it to all future clients as well. Frankly, I never would have considered a new car without your seminar. Finally, after talking to the creditors you suggested I am confident that I will be back to "A" credit in two years. I applaud you for helping others with this difficult transition period in their lives.”
February 28, 1999
“I'm 14 months post BK discharge; been following your "plan" for the last year. With the help from getting a secured card, ALWAYS paying my bills early, and most important - giving a portion of my earnings to help others - I'm excited to share with you my latest FICO scores: 667, 667, 658!! Again.....this is only ONE YEAR after going to your seminar and learning the tools! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for your commitment to helping others recover from this "financial bump" in the road of life.”
October 3, 2007
“I attended your seminar back in September, two days after my meeting with the creditors. I used your information and I leased a brand new car one month after your seminar. I also received a credit card. I find it to be amazing. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.”
December 31, 2001
“I cannot believe it! I started receiving pre-approved gas card offers and I received an offer from a Bank (not Banc) for a personal loan of $5000. I feel like I can live again. I don't have to share credit cards with my mother! I was an authorized user on her card. I felt like such a leech, although I pay my own charges it always made me feel like I was living off of her. Two months ago I applied for a card online and I was denied. Two months later I applied for it again and they approved me! I will protect my credit like I would protect my son. I promised myself I will never put myself in that position again. Thank you Stephen and Michelle. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Meeting you and your wife was the best thing to happen to me.”
March 18, 2004
“Thank you for such an informative seminar. The information learned was well worth the four hours I spent. I couldn't wait to get home to read your book. To your continued success, and the beginning of mine.”
Washington D.C.
October 2, 1999
“Thank you very much for the opportunity to participate in the seminar. You have shared with us so much valuable information. I needed this information 2 years ago! May God continue to bless you and your wife with prosperity and excellent health.”
March 22, 2007
“I've had much success from what I've learned through your foundation, book, seminar and recommendations. My credit scores range from the high 700s/low 800s, I own 2 businesses as well as a home and my second luxury vehicle with no debt outside of mortgages. I give you my thanks and gratitude for your help!”
January 19, 2008
“My wife, Theresa, and I would like to take a moment of your time to say thanks for caring enough to invite us to your bankruptcy seminar. We secured a bank card and a credit card for both of us. Then Theresa and I decided to move our family. I walked into the office of our lender and introduced myself and said my sound bite. We were approved for a $150,000 loan at 5.5%. We just closed on our brand new home in January. Shortly after the house closed we determined it was time to buy a new car. Walking into the car dealer I presented the same open to the FINANCE manager. (I added the mortgage we secured) He said he appreciated us being so prepared and diligent in rebuilding our credit. I almost fell over when he came back to me and said with a puzzled look on his face: "Theresa's score is 780 and yours is almost 700!! How many times would you like my help!!??" We left the dealer that evening with the model car that Theresa wanted. We received the price we wanted and get this...the interest rate was lower than what we were expecting!!! Your name is a common subject in our house. It is possible that we might still be in the same situation we were in or worse if Theresa had not made me go to this seminar. Those are the reasons I felt it was so necessary to thank you. Good luck to you in all of your ventures.”
February 10, 2005
“I'm absolutely elated at how fast the mortgage company at the seminar responded to my application. They actually want to work with me. I am a believer! There is life after bankruptcy thanks to you and your foundation. You are a blessing. Your book is on its way to becoming a classic. It will remain in my library for life. I look forward to your new book.”
March 9, 2005
“Thank You very much!! It is really amazing what you do for people. You are like guru for bankrupt people. Because of you a lot a people see light in the dark tunnel! I love what you are doing and wanted to say thank you long time ago. Thank you one more time. God bless you and all bankrupt people!”
New York
November 6, 2009
“In planning to volunteer at your seminar, I ran an update on my credit report and FICO scores. Here are the results: Before I filed bankruptcy and began your program my average FICO score was 545. What a mess! Now my average score is 678. Now THAT is real progress. I'd be happy to share this information with the attendees.”
October 7, 2004
“YOU ARE MY NEW HERO OF HOPE.... I took your seminar last Saturday and I feel so empowered by the information you taught...AND I don't feel alone. You graciously have lifted the shame surrounding my plight. Thank you for sharing your phenomenal resource list and your gift of experience and wisdom in such a very delicate area of our lives. I wish you and your family all the prosperity, abundance and love that you gave me with the hope and possibility of rebuilding my (financial) life.”
October 10, 2007
“Ever since I attended your seminar almost a year ago, my bankruptcy has been nothing but a positive experience. Your consistency in helping me (via your book, emails and phone meetings) has been so greatly appreciated.”
February 14, 2000
“Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that my wife, Robin and I are well on our way to a full and speedy recovery. We attended your seminar and just wanted to tell you that not only was it extremely informative, but it was also fun. We had a great time and have told many others about it. Let us know if you are in our area—dinner is on us. Thanks again.”
Michael and Robin
March 24, 2000
“I had undergone a very ugly divorce, which resulted in my having to file chapter 7 bankruptcy, due to marital debt that was to be satisfied by my ex, but since he did not keep up his portion of the divorce agreement, the collectors were coming after me, as well. Unfortunately, I lost everything that I had worked many years to accomplish. . .automobile, dream home, and pride. I had hit rock bottom, but was determine to rebuild my life, back to a normal state. I received your invitation to attend your seminar, and I immediately accepted. I learned so much the first year, that I continued to attend the next year it was offered, and the year after. Totaling three years in a row, you have provided a plethora of information on rebuilding your credit. I have followed all of your steps and have received every newsletter to-date. During my first year of recovery, I was able to purchase a brand new car. I moved into a town home, where I made payments on time, and was able to get two major credit cards unsecured. After your second seminar, I was determined to plan for my future home, so I managed all my finances carefully, and watched my FICO scores climb. Finally, after your third seminar, I was pretty much on track with where I needed to be to get the best possible financing. To date, I have purchased a brand new home financed by one of your sponsor's. The interest rate was originally 7.25%, which was a little higher than I had expected, but soon after, the loan was purchased by another lender, and they have invited me to lower my rate to 6.25%, and I just did! Without gaining the knowledge from your seminars, as well as your newsletter's and assistance from your sponsors, it could have taken me a lifetime to rebuild. Thanks for all that you do to help people like me, your average person, on gaining your self pride back, while rebuilding your credit the right way. Keep up the good work, and may God continue to bless you with helping others, as you have helped me!”
May 13, 2007
“I just submitted my review on Amazon.com as well as www.bn.com. I originally found your book through Barnes and Noble's website, but ran to my local bookstore to pick up a copy. Five stars on both. Your book provided answers to all of the questions I've been asking myself, and contradicted all of the advice I've been told by friends and family who, despite good intentions, have never experienced a bankruptcy or have a clue what I've been going through. It was extremely well written, and the personal anecdotes helped illustrate your points so well. Your book will be well used in the next several years!”
October 2, 2002
“Stephen, you are an excellent speaker! Your seminar was just what I needed. I am truly starting all over again. Continue to teach others. You are a great team.”
March 28, 1998
“What we liked best about the seminar was that you gave us a lot of really good information about how to get financed for a car, or a house and not let people take advantage of the fact that I declared bankruptcy. I liked that you promote that people look around for products before they buy them and get set on what you will pay for an item and then not budge, and not let people talk you into something you don't want to do. My wife was the one who was most skeptical. I wasn't ever skeptical, I just didn't want to go and waste 4 hours in a seminar on a Saturday. We were both very impressed with the seminar and it certainly wasn't a waste of time to attend. Thanks for the information and keep up the good work!!”
Robert and Angi
May 21, 2001
“I just wanted to let you know that I went to the car dealer you recommended this weekend and purchased a brand new 2002 SUV! My interest rate is 4.9% and I cannot believe that I was able to purchase it. he finance manager treated us like real people and not deadbeats. That has never happened before. Again want to thank you for the referral to her and our next task is to talk to the mortgage company about refinancing our house and lowering our interest rate.”
Lisa and David
October 15, 2001
“I must say I was thoroughly impressed with the way the seminar was run from top to bottom. I was a little skeptical but amazingly enough it was fluent and quite entertaining. I think it was one of the best seminars I've ever been to...even got a little choked up at the end! (just a little. lol) I thank you very much for your invitation because getting my credit score improved was something that was weighing heavily on my mind. You see I am a customer service rep at a major credit card company and how bad is it that even as an employee I got turned down for their card. It was quite depressing and embarrassing when all my fellow employees were able to get approved. Anyway, I am another witness that I have learned more in this seminar than anything I've read or have heard in the past. You have saved me several years of headache with this program. Thanks again for everything!”
March 17, 2007
“This letter is coming to you from our new home! My wife and I attended your seminar in 1998. We made contact with the mortgage company and realtor at your seminar. Several weeks later, the mortgage company called us and approved us for $150,000 over the phone at 9% interest. Within weeks, we found a great house for us. We closed December 21st, with no money down! Thank you so much for your seminar. We wouldn't even have thought it possible and would have probably stayed "renters" for years to come. We also got a low interest Visa, too!”
Patrick and Susie
February 1, 1999
“I greatly appreciate the work you do! I found out about you via my wife (girlfriend at the time). She filed for bankruptcy during divorce and wanted some moral support at one of your seminars. You pounded Rich Dad, Poor Dad. I read that book, then Cashflow, then Richest Man in Babylon...and hundreds more. We aren't wealthy yet, but we're stable (found out my FICO is about 800!!). We don't own a business yet, but have several solid ideas and plans to attain. You are responsible for a defining moment in our lives! Thank you and keep up the great work!!”
March 17, 2006
“I must say that I owe my success after BK to you and your seminar. I got into financial trouble in 2006 due to a family that pushed a business on me. I took his word that this would be a great opportunity and it was not. So, I filed in March of 2007 and I received my discharged in June of 2007. I took your advice and I now own three credit cards and a new BMW X5. My life is finally getting back to where it was prior to 2006. However, I look back at my BK experience as an expensive degree program. I feel that I have learned so much about credit and how the FICO system works. My friends whom have perfect credit now comes to me and ask my advise about their credit cards and their FICO scores. Thanks to you Stephen. I will be the first to announce that I don't have the answer to every thing but I feel that I learn a lot from you.”
December 5, 2007
“Count me in for volunteering at the seminar. I'm so glad he was there to help me know which way to go next. My credit scores have improved dramatically, and just yesterday I received in the mail my first unsecured credit card with a $2,000 credit limit. Getting this card is an incredible boost for me and for the financial plans I have to continue rebuilding my credit. I attribute it all to Stephen's seminar that showed up in my life when I needed it most!! It truly was a lifesaver for me, and I know it is and can be for so many others. So...YOU BET I am willing to help out. Sign me up and let me know where to be and when!!!”
January 27, 2005
“You don't know what an influence you have had on my life. You gave me hope when I thought there was none. At last, our life is on the rebound and I am happy to say we survived much better than I had ever imagined thanks to you. Thank you for all your hard work.”
September 26, 2003
“My wife and I attended your seminar in 1999. At that time, you recommended a car dealer that was the best dealer to go to for a car loan. Just wanted to thank you and let you know that we appreciate the call you gave to the dealership. We got approved! It was almost too easy. We got 5.9% interest rate on a new car. We were treated like we were before the bankruptcy. They were very professional and polite. They also gave us a fair price on the car. We were very thankful for the loan and the opportunity to get a new car. We plan on being at your seminar in February and would be happy to testify on their behalf. Thanks again for your knowledge and assistance.”
Gary and Kyla
January 10, 2000
“Just want to give you a little update. I took your seminar March of 2003, I am two years and seven months out of my bankruptcy. Last weekend I bought a 2004, 4 door, leather package, long bed, $24,000 truck at 1% interest for five years.”
August 27, 2004
“THE SEMINAR WAS AWESOME !!! That was the best thing I could have ever done. If I had known these things earlier, I would not have had to file bankruptcy.”
September 17, 2007
“The seminar was a goldmine of information. I was so excited that all of this advice was being offered at no charge. My only regret regarding the seminar was that I waited two years after my discharge to attend. I can only imagine where I'd be now if I started with Stephen's principles right out of the gate. The seminar was a tremendous start on my journey to financial recovery. It helped me to feel empowered--to be in control instead of to be a victim. The books, the advice, are all great tools. Rebuilding my credit almost feels like a hobby now. I look forward to the next step--the next reparation. I thank Stephen for making the process an easy one. I would not only read Stephen's books, but I would keep them handy and refer to them often. They are not a "read-once" endeavor--they are valuable reference tools along the road to financial recovery.”
December 31, 2004
“You made us feel like life wasn't over, and that we weren't the only people to have gone through this. Having never had to deal with credit issues before, we were clueless as to how to get back on track and start going again. Your seminar gave us practical advice on re-building credit and helped us emotionally deal with it all. Thanks.”
January 19, 2004
“I received my Chapter 7 discharge in January 2003 and had FICO scores hovering around the low 500's. After attending your seminar a few months later, I was given hope. Unfortunately, I didn't start taking action (other than changing my spending habits) for almost a year after that. But having subscribed to your weekly newsletter kept your advice in the forefront of every financial decision I had to make during that time. I own my own business and had to make several changes to increase my income rather than rely on incurring further debt. Thank God for your help! Now my wife's and my FICO scores are all around 700! We have a house 4 blocks from the beach, with nearly $550K of equity, that we have a 30 year fixed mortgage on at 6.7%. All three of our cars are paid off, and I recently purchased an investment property using the equity from our primary residence. Your advice on using real estate investment is very important, especially here. I have close friends that are mortgage bankers, real estate company owners, and developers that share their knowledge of surrounding markets freely. The fact that I now volunteer my time for the local community comes directly from you. Giving back to others what you so freely gave me is truly one of my life's greatest rewards. Thanks again and God Bless you!”
May 18, 2007
“Greetings. I went to one of your seminars a few years ago and thoroughly enjoyed the talks and the mountains of information we received. I also enjoy your newsletters immensely. Keep up the good work. I have several of your books and will purchase a few more. I enjoy reading them and try to incorporate issues in my life since I, too, have had a bankruptcy. Again, thank you for your overwhelming amount of information you have given all of us in this situation. Wishing you and yours a happy and long life together.”
March 29, 2007
“Thank-you for your wonderful presentation today. I found your style of presentation genuine, sincere, and your humor helped to relax the audience. Your sincerity was obvious. I specifically appreciated the helpful information about taxpros. Perhaps the most satisfying aspect of your seminar today was witnessing the relationship that you and Michele have. As a divorced father of three boys, it is wonderful for me to see a husband and wife committed to each other, even through some difficult times. Financial problems were one of the main stresses that broke up my marriage. You obviously work together as a team and have a great deal of love for one another. At first, I couldn't imagine how the two of you could have stayed together through all your financial difficulties. Then I opened your book and I learned the real secret to your success. I'm excited about applying the things that I learned from you and Michele.”
June 14, 1997
“FYI: I just got my Offer in Compromise accepted! The IRS accepted $1,100 in one lump sum for my close to $100,000 in back taxes.”
March 31, 2004
“My name is Lori Brenneman. My husband Mark and I filed bankruptcy. We received the invitation to your seminar and attended the seminar in May 1999. I was skeptical at first, fearing that it was all "ear candy" and that we had no hope of recovering from the bankruptcy. It did not take long before I felt a lightening of my spirit...I knew we had come to the right place. We received our discharge in June 1999. In October, we purchased a brand new car from the car dealer you recommended at the seminar and everyone there was awesome. It was better than any car buying experience we had ever had, even when our credit was triple A! In July 2000, we closed escrow on our first home. A beautiful, completely re-habbed three bedroom with a huge backyard for our 10 year old daughter only a mile from where I grew up. We got 100 percent financing, no down payment, a 30-year FHA loan at 8 percent, and only $800 in closing costs. It was like a dream. It was more than I would have expected even with perfect credit. I thank God every day for Stephen and Michele and the priceless information given at the seminar, which gave us the tools we needed to quickly recover from bankruptcy and purchase our car and home. We also have two major unsecured Visa credit cards. It all happened just as Stephen said it could. Thank you so much for your seminar and the wonderful book, which we refer to even now. God bless you both!”
May 6, 2001
“I wanted to thank you for letting me attend your seminar this past March 06. By learning from what you teach at your seminars I was able to close on a new home purchase this past Friday, October 27th, by using one of the mortgage lenders you requested at that time. Again thank you.”
South Carolina
November 2, 2006
“I attended your seminar in August 2000. Approximately two years ago my wife left me and my son of 3 months. I was devastated. I had to file for bankruptcy and move back with my parents. With horrible credit and no checking account I thought for sure I would live a cash life from now on. Well, I went to your seminar as a last resort. I was shocked to say the least. Not only was Stephen able to personally speak with me about my situation, but told me how to obtain a checking account. Thanks to you both I am now on my road to recovery. I will stay in contact to let you know the progress. Thanks so much you've given my son and I a new lease on life.”
September 4, 2000
“Just want to let you know that after attending your seminar, we took your resources. We have raised my husband's credit score to 662, qualified to buy a new home, bought a new 2003 pick up at 4.9 % interest, and have a credit card to use when we need it. All of these resources were exactly what you said they would be. We could have never gotten this done on our own. Our mortgage broker said he has never seen a score like ours 12 months after a discharge. He was amazed. After 9/11, our business went downhill and we thought we would never recover. Thank you all for what you do, there is hope for everyone to feel secure again and not be ashamed of what we could not control. Thank you for sending me that little postcard!”
April 19, 2004
“The information you provided at the seminar was extremely helpful. I refinanced my home to a 15 year mortgage and have reestablished my credit with two credit cards that have no annual fees and no application fees as well. I have been able to resurrect my life.”
September 16, 2004
“Just wanted to send a quick note and let you know that the seminar we took a few years back was absolutely the best investment of time my husband & I ever made. After going through terrible divorces, child support, alimony, attorney fees and debt to our eyeballs, we did everything we learned at your seminar. About a year ago we purchased a newer SUV with a very decent interest rate. Two weeks ago we purchased a $240,000 home with a conventional 30 year mortgage and a very competitive interest rate. Our credit scores have increased over 100 points. Had we not received the flyer in the mail and attended the seminar, we would surely be twice as many years behind in achieving our goals. The best thing is that we learned how to move forward budgeting and managing our finances to avoid pitfalls of falling back into debt (granted not all of it was completely our "faults"). My husband & I are college educated and would never have believed that we would have been in the financial mess we were in. We generally have little or no faith in seminars, as they always try to sell you something you don't need. Why we decided to pick up the phone and find out about this was nothing short of a miracle. My husband and I are Christians and we truly believe you are doing God's work by helping people to turn their lives around. We can't thank you enough for the tremendous role you have played in changing our lives. We will keep you in our prayers tonight as well fall asleep in our own home!!”
November 14, 2004
“Thank you so much for your time and dedication to a cause no one else would care about. I was very surprised with the quality and the amount of information you presented. Keep up your good work.”
November 17, 1998
“My husband and I attended your seminar and it was the best thing we could have ever done. In May we leased a truck from the dealer you recommended and were able to break even on unloading a worthless Oldsmobile. In the last few month we have come a long way on the road to recovery and we refer to your book all the time. Thanks for your help.”
July 9, 1999
“I was discharged from bankruptcy July, 2005, and my partner was discharged September, 2004. We attended your seminar this past autumn. We both now have major credit cards with small credit limits using your recommendations. In February, 2006, I purchased a gorgeous car at a local dealer using all your wonderful tips. I went in knowing my scores and talked first with the Finance Manager. Then I dealt with the salesman. He went the extra mile for me and visited the head honcho at the credit union and managed to get me a loan with payments under $200 and a decent interest rate. Now my partner and I are purchasing a home, no money down, with three mortgage companies approving our applications. I am amazed how much we have accomplished with less than two years of bankruptcy behind us. Your seminars and newsletters have proved invaluable. We have recommended both to a number of people we know in the same situation. Life is a lot easier knowing that bankruptcy does not mean failure.”
May 4, 2006
“I wanted to say to you both that this was by far the best seminar I have ever attended. I attend many seminars, however none could compare to yours. I came out of your seminar with a new positive outlook on my life as well as learning many new ways to begin to establish credit again. I almost didn't attend. I found each part of your seminar very enlightening and informative and I would not have known where to turn for help now that my discharge is over, if I had not been at this very important seminar. You all put on a wonderful presentation and your positive attitudes along with your great style and humor made the event a lot of fun. I laughed throughout the entire presentation and not once became bored as in other seminars. I could have sat there for a few more hours listening to your stories and information. I can't remember a seminar where I took so much with me when I left. You both showed me that there is life after bankruptcy and I have a lot of new hope now. When you file bankruptcy, you feel all alone and that you have failed. I am divorced with two children and I felt like I had let them down. After your seminar, I felt that I was no longer alone and that this could be a good thing in time. From the moment your seminar began, I felt comfortable and felt I belonged there. There were so many people just like me with the same situation or even worse. I felt that your knowledge and personal experience truly showed in your stories and information and you were very well qualified to share this topic with us. It is wonderful to know that people like yourselves care enough to take the time and effort to help others who have been through what you went through. Who better to understand our situation than someone who has experienced this. You proved that success can happen and great results can be accomplished with time and patience. I also think it's wonderful that you actually had sponsors there we could talk to and ask specific questions as well as provide us with the phone numbers of so many helpful contacts. It was also wonderful that you both stayed during the entire seminar even during the breaks and afterwards to answer our specific questions. You both took the time to answer each one of us until the lines disappeared. A lot of speakers would not have given so much of their personal time to their audience as you both did. I was scared silly that bankruptcy would ruin me and my financial future. But now, after being in your seminar I feel it is a temporary situation and that things will definitely get better with time and effort. Again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wealth of knowledge and just for giving me a new outlook towards my future. You truly are both a success story and it's amazing what you have accomplished in such a short time. Like an old friend once told me "never say never." You proved that in many ways and I wish you both a lot of success in spreading your information on bankruptcy as well as happiness and success in your personal life. Thank you for a truly wonderful day.”
September 23, 1999
“I went to the seminar early this month, and it was the best thing I ever did. Since then I have obtained two credit cards with $1,000 limit each; a credit card from Target; a $2,000 secured loan from my credit union that reports to all 3 credit bureaus; and I traded in a car that was included in my BK for a $31,000 new SUV. My FICO score is now at 655!”
April 28, 2003
“Good news! Since I started following your advice four years ago after my bankruptcy, my credit scores are up to 728!! Thank you!! I was able to refinance my van from 21.95% to 8%, bought a new car for 2.9%, and got a new $10,000 credit card with 0% interest. I am applying for a mortgage now. So far, with my income, I am qualifying for up to $160,000. Thanks again for all your advice!”
June 30, 2005
“Thank you. Your seminar has given me so much hope where there was none before.”
August 18, 2007
“I wanted you to know that attending this seminar and seeing that "I'm not the only one" lifted a weight off my shoulders. I look forward to getting debt free and being able to finally start enjoying my life again!!! Thank you so much!!!”
May 23, 2007
“I just wanted to thank you for all the information you have provided through your Life After Bankruptcy Seminars and website. I would not be where I am at today if it wasn't for you. My husband and I filed Bankruptcy on June 2, 2003. It was the worst day of my life but we did not have any other choice at that time. We were buried in debt and were behind on our mortgage payments. We were ordered by the court to vacate our home 5 months later because we were not able to come up with the amount due in late payments and fees to pay the mortgage company. We had lived in our home for 10 years and my 3 children were born and grew up in that house. Now, we had to pack up and move within 30 days by court order. I was sad, scared and cried the whole time. We rented a little house and worked on starting over but I still felt like I was at the lowest point in life. I was coming to terms thinking that we would never be able to buy a house again. Then one day, I received an invitation to your seminar scheduled. I attended your seminar and when I walked out of there, I felt like there was hope again! My husband and I followed your advice and now we recently bought a brand-new, 2-story, $280,000.00 home. The house was built in 9 months and we moved in on November 25, 2006. Then just 3 months ago, we bought a brand new 2007 Jeep Commander. We walked into the dealer and said, we want a new car, with no down payment, no trade and an interest rate no higher than 3%. Well, because of our credit scores, we were approved for a $33,000.00 car loan at 0% interest - that's right, no interest! We were so happy. Stephen, you are truly a life saver.”
December 12, 2007
“I was at one of your seminars a few years ago, and it was very helpful. So helpful, that I am fully recovered now and very educated. Thanks again!”
April 16, 2002
“I'm happy to report that since attending your seminar earlier this year, we have implemented a lot of your advise and worked hard to turn things around. We took out a secured personal loan to repay and reestablish credit worthiness, etc... None of these steps was a miraculous cure... however the cumulative effect has resulted in my wife and I improving credit scores to high 600s low 700s and were successful in buying a $372,000 home on Sept 15 through our bank at 6.75%. I wanted to thank you for your encouragement to folks like me.”
October 19, 2006
“I had written to you several months ago after we went to your seminar that was held on May 22 thanking you for all the information. Our bankruptcy was discharged last year and it hasn't even been a full 12 months yet (discharged on 9/03). We went looking for a car last week since one of them decided it wanted to start breaking down. We went to a local dealership and did exactly what you told us to. "We did not pass go, we didn't collect $200".....we went directly to the finance manager's office and told them when our bankruptcy was discharged and asked them the questions that you had set forth. He was very understanding and I told him that I only wanted one lender to be used---your recommended lender. I asked him if he had a "ballpark" figure of what kind of interest rate that we might be looking at. He told me that since he wasn't able to look at our information (because I wouldn't give him our SSN until I knew for sure) he thought that I would probably be financed for 10.9-12% and if my requested lender wasn't able to finance me, he new he could use another finance company that had an interest rate between 12-24%! I told him I appreciated the offer, but I was only using one lender and I wasn't wanting to pay 12-24% interest. He said, "I understand, but given your situation, I just want you to know that it may be a little higher than what you are wanting to pay because of the bankruptcy." He put all the information in and within minutes, he showed me on the monitor (the application was being processed on-line) where the lender I requested had a FICO range of 620-659 for me. He said, "wow...normally the bankruptcies that I see are well below 600!" Needless to say, we financed a brand new $22,000 car for 3.9%!!!!!!!!!! We did have to put a down payment of $500 down only because this was the first re-establishment of credit since our bankruptcy. When he told us that they were going to finance us for 3.9%, my jaw about hit the floor. Four years ago when our credit was pretty poor (prior to bankruptcy), we bought a brand new Nissan Sentra with a 10.5% interest rate---almost three times what we just bought the new car for!!!!!!!! I can't believe it......I know it is cliché, but knowledge is power. Again Stephen, I can't thank you enough.”
Cris and Deedee
August 2, 2004
“I attended the seminar a couple of months ago and bought the Credit After Bankruptcy book. I'd have been lost without you guys. You are wonderful. Thank you so much for doing what you do.”
November 15, 2007
“We attended your seminars and followed your guidelines. We have purchased a $220,000 home with no money down and today we went to the boat show and purchased a boat for upward of $20,000. Thanks for the help and I look forward to more of your advice.”
January 13, 2007
“I recently attended your seminar and simply wish to thank you for sharing your insight into life after bankruptcy. For the first time since filing I don't feel like a loser. The opportunities that your seminar provided and offered are tremendously valuable. Knowing that car dealers and mortgage lenders exist that will assist those who have filed bankruptcy and low interest rates creates an entirely new perspective about "starting over."”
December 13, 1999
“Just wanted to "thank you". I learned so much at the seminar, I've told everyone about it. Even if your not in a bankruptcy, you should attend. IT WAS GREAT.”
March 7, 2007
“I pushed myself, quite literally, to get to the afternoon seminar. I learned many useful things even though I was a zombie due to sleep deprivation. My notes are precise enough for me to take action on the things that are most pertinent to me. The seminar was well worth the effort it took to get me there Saturday.”
February 25, 2003
“I attended your seminar on February 17, 2001. It was incredible. We took your advice and went to the car dealer you recommended. It was meant for us to attend your seminar. We about signed for a used truck loan from someone else at 18% the day of your seminar. After your seminar we got a new truck from at 6.5% We now want to try to get a home loan. If anyone knows the best place to go, it has to be you.”
March 5, 2002
“Just a quick note to say thank you for your work. When my Chapter 7 was discharged, I called my attorney and said I wanted to rebuild my credit as quickly and efficiently as possible - what advice can you give me? He said "You don't rebuild your credit quickly. You just have to wait until it's off your credit report". Although I knew nothing about this really, intuitively I knew that wasn't right. There's always something to do to make your situation better. Then I got your flyer in the mail and took your seminar. You give such good information and your newsletters are just packed with good stuff. Thank you so much for sharing what you know and helping people move through this situation with more ease. I really appreciate you!”
August 30, 2007
“I attended your workshop three or four years ago. My daughter was unable to attend the seminar with me, but she has been the beneficiary of a lot of your "Life After Bankruptcy" newsletters. She has build up her credit score, purchased a new car and home and she is doing wonderfully well. The best part is that she's now taking care of me and is doing a fine job! I'm extremely proud of her and her accomplishments. However, I know that a lot of what she has accomplished has been gleaned from your step-by-step guidance through bankruptcy. Thanks so much for giving so much of yourself to us. I can't speak for everyone, but I know you've given me and my daughter the necessary tools to traverse through this area of our lives and I'm truly grateful that you've played such an integral part in our coming out of bankruptcy so easily. Be blessed and have a very Happy New Year!”
December 28, 2006
“I thought about you today and have you to thank. About two years ago I went to your seminar. I followed what you taught in class and your book. Since that time, I took it slow and easy. Now I have two un-secured credit cards with $10,000 line of credit. On Friday I am closing on a brand new $125,000 home. I owe this all to you. I am so glad I went to see you. I have no idea what would have happened if I didn't. Just wanted to thank you. I will never forget it.”
July 27, 2000
“My credit scores have dramatically improved. I really appreciate your great help! I want to know when you'll have another seminar in my area to invite some friends!”
December 31, 2006
“Hi, my name is Bob Rivers and I filed chapter 7 bankruptcy in 1999. Prior to that, my wife and I had been fighting for 4 years after losing my job to juggle the bills and meet expenses. My sons went without good clothes, any luxuries, and occasionally good food, but all my bills were paid. One day my wife came to me and said, Bob, I can't do this anymore! I reluctantly filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy and we were discharged. We've since purchased two trucks, just moved into a wonderful home, and am now working on sending my two sons to college. I think you may have saved my life.”
November 6, 2000
“Well, once again, more magic! As you recall, just two weeks to the day after your seminar in April, we purchased a new car. Well, just two months to the day in June, we received our pre-approved letter for a mortgage loan in the amount of $400,000. We will start small and build.”
July 1, 2006
“I figured the invitation was some junk mail (like the millions of credit card and mortgage refinance letters I am getting now). But I said to myself, "I've tried everything else; why not this?! I figured it was free and only four hours of my time. To me fours was nothing in comparison to the struggles I had been through. So I gave it a shot. And low and behold...more valid information than I could shake a stick at. Again thanks for your help.”
August 15, 2006
“I have implemented your recommendations and my bankruptcy cleared in February. Today my FICO score is 627. I had 49,000 of debt. Today I owe nothing. I own a vehicle, I have credit cards, I have an investment acct, and a mutual fund acct.”
November 5, 2009
“After I got your invitation to the seminar about a month ago I visited your website and started implementing some of the things I read (Of course I made a few mistakes because I had not taken the time to read as much as I could. Like you say, too little knowledge can be dangerous). Many thanks for your advice and guidance! It works even when we don't do it right! The seminar was life changing - I am working on fixing my credit and learning as much as I can about financial management, saving and investing. I will be in touch with more successes as they come!”
May 3, 2007
“My credit is recovering nicely and I just refinanced my home with "A" paper at 6%. I feel my recovery in large is attributable to what I learned in your seminar and services offered. Thanks!”
January 17, 2002
“I wish I would have had this advice 9 years ago!”
September 21, 2009
“Thanks to your seminar, we have been able to refinance our high interest mortgage, take $60,000 out of our equity and actually reduce our monthly payment! Thanks again.”
September 20, 2004
“I recently attend your seminar. I enjoyed it very much. It renewed my hope that I can get passed the fact that I filed for bankruptcy and can move forward. I look forward to seeing the results of putting what I learned in practice. Again, thank you.”
September 23, 2003
“I attended your seminar and I am proud to say that your seminar was the best seminar that I have ever attended. I have attended other seminars and considered them nothing but a rip off. I would have had to pay over $1,000 to hear half of the information that you told us for free. I think that the service you and your wife Michele give is a blessing. I am presently an investigator with the Police Department, and in 1973 I was a consumer fraud Investigator. Thanks for the information.”
April 27, 1999
“I attended the wonderful seminar here and I have absorbed all the information. It's wonderful to go to a creditor and interview them! They're amazed at what I know about FICO scores. Thanks again!”
April 29, 2002
“This is the Just A SIMPLE "THANK YOU" for your help. Keep fighting the good fight for others, we're not bad people, just people in need of help!!!”
January 31, 2008
“My husband & I attended your seminar last weekend. We learned so much. We began our plan of action immediately. The first thing I did was call the local banks to ask about secured loan. After I basically read him my seminar notes and the chapter in your book, he said "Oh yes, we can help you. You must put up the initial collateral in the form of a CD or stock." They wouldn't accept cash. Can you believe that? Also, the minimum amount to begin was $1,500. I hung up, laughed out loud and said "next." I called another large bank in the area and didn't have as much trouble explaining what I wanted, but the best they could do was have me put up initial collateral in the form of a CD or savings account balance and the minimum amount accepted was $1,000. I forgot to mention to you that I have checking accounts with both of these banks and that was their best offer. Again, I said "next." I made a third call to another bank and the man who answered the phone not only knew what I was wanting, he said they have a special account just for that purpose. It's called the "Credit Builder." You can start with as little as $50 and they match your deposit. After one year you qualify for an unsecured loan at their bank. I was amazed. Then I proceeded to tell him I would also like to open a checking account, but I had some standards. He assured me that he could get whatever I wanted. I said I want free checking and a debit card. He said "no problem" and that he could also provide overdraft protection if I opened a savings account like the one I needed for the "Credit Builder." I smiled (and remembering your advice about staying with a good banker) and said "what is your name? What branch are you with?" and "When can I see you to take care of this?" He said come in anytime I needed him . I am closing my checking accounts with the other two banks asap. Thanks again for the valuable advice you gave at the seminar and in your book. I have to tell you, I've cried myself to death about our financial situation. I thought we'd never own our own home or drive a new car. I am 24 years old & I thought all I have is all I'd ever have. That's a very dim perspective to have at my age. I left your seminar feeling like a million bucks, even if I don't have a million bucks. Another plan of action we are taking already is the giving part of our budget.”
Beth and Eric
November 20, 1997
“Thank you for that seminar you held here. It was very encouraging and inspiring and gave us direction in where we are going and what we can do to build up our credit again after bankruptcy. You made us feel good and inspired us to start a new life to hope and to dream big things again. We thought it was going to be difficult to attain our dreams, but you made it sound easier to get where we want to be. We are following your guidelines and step by step ways to build credit. Again, we thank you for making our way to a new life lighter and brighter.”
July 17, 2001
“I attended your seminar last May. I also bought your book and am reading parts of it a second time. I've learned a lot from your seminar and book. I only wish my husband could have come with me. You made me feel like I was a human being and entitled to put my life back together and get credit again. Thank you.”
August 14, 1999
“I just attended your seminar. I bought your book, and bought your course. I am truly in full belief that you know what I am going through because you were actually there and actually took the stairs to raising your FICO and now telling your life experiences so I can take the elevator to credit perfection. Your years of experience of trial and error will boost my scores back up into the 700s where they used to be before my separation in a very short period of time. And that alone will let me regain control of my life and business. Peace and thank you.”
April 14, 2007
“Thanks again for the great information! You are one of my heroes!”
February 27, 2002
“I can't thank you enough for coming to my area some five years ago. Your seminar I attended saved my financial and personal outlook. I was bankrupt in 1997 stood around and did nothing for 4 years then used your knowledge as a roadmap to bring my credit score up to 674 Equifax, 714 TransUnion and an unbelievable 777 for Experian. CREDIT IS POWER! I started with a small secured credit card of 500 dollars, made ALL my payments on time to build up my score over a long period and practiced, rehearsed, and studied almost every page of your book. Then came dealership time. I drove a beat-up van with 265,000 miles on it for 5 years. I interviewed 10 dealerships over the phone like you suggested. Spoke only to the general manager. We began the game. I knew every move he was making before he did. Told him my score of 777 with Experian and he said that is who they use for their factory direct financing. He called his credit manager in and asked what they could do for me. I was shown 4.99%! I said can you guarantee that rate. They said we'll have to call the bank (with a K). But we won't know till Monday. By Monday I was sitting in a new Toyota Tundra SR5 loaded mint condition, had extended warranty and Gap insurance thrown in. 4.99% $395 month. I WIN. If you would ever want me to come speak at one of your seminars anywhere anytime it would be an honor.”
December 4, 2005
“Thank you for your informative seminar. I plan to vigorously put your plans into action. I wish my husband had attended to "forgive himself!" Thanks again and I look forward to your updates.”
March 6, 2000
“Thank you! Thank you ! Thank you! You just turned what I once thought was a hopeless situation to a very hopeful expectation.”
New York
October 30, 2007
“I have to say...I think your stuff is wonderful. It was so educational to learn beforehand what can happen, and how to live on after it.”
New York
April 18, 2007
“First of all, I just finished watching your conference and I want to say that it was very entertaining but most of all very helpful, informative and inspiring!”
August 15, 2007
“My name is Kevin Harris and I filed bankruptcy two years ago. I had the awesome pleasure of being at the seminar that was here on May 22nd, and I just wanted to say how much of a blessing it was to be there. I have been feeling ashamed for the last couple of years because I filed chapter 7. However after the seminar I left feeling as if LIFE isn't over and I can recover all that was loss. I really do appreciate the time that you have taken to gather information, try the information and then pass it along to us and for FREE. You are the first person that I can say that I trust since all of my situations. I also told several people that the book has been a blessing as well and I'm glad that I got it before the seminar. Thanks again for being a blessing to me.”
May 24, 2004
“I attended your seminar in October 2004 and my bankruptcy was discharged in November 2004. In January 2005 I bought a new van and a new truck! I called the mortgage company you recommended in March, and with their help, I closed on my first home April 13th at just 8.58%. MY DREAMS HAVE COME TRUE! Thank you so much for the knowledge and power to know how to make it happen!”
April 19, 2005
“I just wanted to let you know that your seminar is terrific! I attended your seminar in October 2000. I really felt that the information you gave was informative and very useful. It was uplifting to know that their are solid and practical solutions to my family's financial survival. My heartfelt thanks for your courage in bringing your seminar to folks like my wife and myself.”
October 22, 2000
“Thanks for the awesome seminar. You rock, dude!”
September 21, 2004
“I attended your seminar in Sept. 2004. The first step I took to reestablish my credit was a secured credit card. About 1 year later, I applied for an unsecured credit card. I had zero hard hits on my credit report for 14 months, paid my credit card bills on time, reviewed my credit reports carefully, and just waited. That patience paid off. Upon filing Ch7, my scores were: TransUnion 561, Equifax, 584, Experian 604. Now after 2 years, my scores are TransUnion 672, Equifax, 685, Experian 692. WOW!!! And upon applying for a mortgage, I was required to attend a mandatory FICO score "education" class. I impressed the "teachers" with my knowledge, that they gave me exempt status. I could not have recovered from bankruptcy without your expertise and guidance. THANK YOU!!!”
April 18, 2007
“Thanks to the info I received in both your seminar and your book, I have truly made a financial comeback since my bankruptcy three years ago. I significantly raised my FICO score. (It's close to 700 now!) Since then I have refinanced (and remodeled!) my home at a much lower interest rate, and even lowered my mortgage payment some. (To top it off, my home has more than doubled in value since I purchased it ten years ago, so I still have plenty of equity left) I was also recently pre-approved for a new auto loan at a great rate! In addition, I have a platinum VISA card with my credit union. So as you can see, I am recovering nicely from my bankruptcy, and I will always be grateful for the wonderful advice I received at your seminar.”
April 18, 2004
“Thank you for your warm reassuring words. I have not put your book down since I received it. I have read it several times already!”
May 7, 1999
“We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for putting on such a wonderful seminar. I feel like I need to tell you the story of why we attended. We received the invitation weeks ago and kind of just put it to the side. I am a stress freak, so I am always stressing over everything, especially our finances and not getting "credit after bankruptcy." I was at my wits end when I prayed for help. I was cleaning off our computer desk, and I found the invitation. I thought that we had missed it, and then remembered your web site. So, I'm browsing through the web site when I went into the tour schedule to see if there was another time or place we could attend. Low and behold we didn't miss the seminar. I was so excited. I hurried and made arrangements with my husband and then I got a baby sitter for our 13-month old son. By the time Saturday came, my husband didn't really want to go. Saturdays and Sundays are his days off. He said "lets just buy the book." Being a woman and having my "sixth sense feeling" I put my foot down and told that I was tired of being in this "situation" and that I was going with or without him. I also told him that I felt like it was an answer to my prayers. So reluctantly, he went. And to his surprise, he was glad that I through my fit. Thanks again for all that you are doing for people like us!”
Lisa and Phillip
May 19, 1999
“Thank you SO MUCH for presenting this seminar. It truly gave us hope, and has made a dramatic difference in our focus, confidence and recovery.”
July 23, 2004
“My husband passed away in 2002 leaving behind a lot of debt. I filed for bankruptcy that year and attended your seminar also in 2002. Attending your seminar was a blessing for me. I followed your advise from the seminar and the newsletters and read your book. In 2004 I got an FHA loan at 5.875% fixed for 30 yrs by just putting 3% down for my primary residence. In 2006 I got my new SUV and now I have 2 investment condos at 6.875% fixed rates. From 540 FICO score in 2002, now my middle score is 697. I thank you very much, for without your help I would not have achieved all this. I am a single mom with 2 kids If I could do so with your help so can others.”
May 29, 2007
“This letter is to let you know that I have bought a house. Stephen, you were right when you said don't take no for an answer. I didn't give up easily, and instead talked to someone higher up when necessary. The seminar I attended and the book have helped. Please update your mailing list with my new address and send all future mailings to my new home!”
January 24, 2000
“Just a short note to let you know how pleased I was with the way your seminar was conducted. It was truly educational and informative, and the best part is that I will be able to avoid the pitfalls of high interest auto financing(17%) that I was in the middle of. Thank you again for your seminar.”
February 25, 2001
“My wife and I attended your seminar in October of 2004, just 13 months after the discharge of our bankruptcy. We are excited to share that in March we purchased a used vehicle at 7% interest at our local credit union. And on October 14 will be closing on a home just 20 days after the two year anniversary of the bankruptcy discharge. Our interest rate, just 5.75%!!! Thank you for the great seminar and information.”
Kevin and Kimberly
September 27, 2005
“Stephen, I just wanted to say that at your seminar was awesome and I have told many friends about it. Take care and continue to help other's who have fallen into hard times and had to file bankruptcy. May you and your file continue to be blessed!”
April 19, 2007
“Your seminar made me feel like I walked away with a whole new lease on life. For that I thank you. Keep up the great work. You are truly an inspiration of HOPE. Thanks again!”
May 9, 2004
“I just wanted to take a couple of minutes to personally thank you for all of the information that I've received from you thus far. I purchased both of your books and I've read both already. The information literally gave me hope again and for that I would like to say YOU ARE TRULY A BLESSING! I've purchased my FICO scores and I was really shocked to see they were actually higher than I thought..but not high enough. By the way where were you two years ago when I first had my chapter 7 discharged?! I truly wish I had the knowledge that I have today because I would be further along in my recovery...but it's never too late to start on the right path, right? Stephen I just would like to really say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart I feel like a truly have a chance to live the "American Dream".”
August 31, 2005
“I attended your seminar on Saturday, 01/29/05. I loved your seminar! The service/information you provided is invaluable to recovering from financial disaster! You ROCK!!!”
February 1, 2005
“I just wanted to let you know some wonderful news about our lives. My husband and I filed Chapter 7 and attended your seminar. We were the typical depressed, forever doomed types who were skeptical about EVERYTHING! We had needed to replace our aging truck, but didn’t feel comfortable doing that right away. However, at the seminar, we made some good contacts with the dealer you had there. We finally decided to look into getting a new truck. We had re-established our credit with a Visa card and another card, but we weren’t sure what kind of truck we could get approved for since trucks are so expensive nowadays. Well, I am writing to you as the proud, owner of a new extended cab truck. Not a stripped down model!! This truck is loaded with A/C, six CD changer, the works! This truck had many manufacturer’s discounts on it. I also got a rebate which we applied to the down payment and the equity from my truck. If it hadn’t been for your seminar, your book and your wealth of information and contacts, we would still be limping along pouring our hard-earned money into constant vehicle repairs. We also have a savings account, we are both working again and for once I feel “normal”! I cried at the dealership when they told us the news about our approval and the great rate. They were tears of joy!”
Kerrie and David
September 24, 2001
“I thank you for your kind words of wisdom over the past 18 months (I attended your seminar in August of 2005). I have gotten back on my feet, and purchased a new home, 0% down, 6.25% interest rate just about 3 years from discharge of my debt. It is lovely home and I am really happy here.”
New Jersey
July 3, 2007
“Thanks for helping me understand the mistakes I have made, and for helping me to find my true inner self. Since you were here, my wife and I purchased a home with an FHA mortgage at a great interest rate of 7.125% and very little down. I got the keys for the house February 28, 2001 on the two year anniversary of my bankruptcy discharge. Again, thank you for sharing your book. To me it's a guide to follow.”
December 5, 2001
“It has been months since we have felt so empowered over our lives. We see only better things in our future and just want to thank you all for helping us feel this way. We feel reborn tonight. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”
Lisa and David
September 23, 2001
“Awesome seminar! I went there with my husband expecting to be bored. After sitting and listening and taking notes I looked at the time and two hours had gone by. I was impressed. Thank you so much for doing all the research for us.”
December 3, 2005
“My husband and I were at your seminar last Saturday. I didn't want to go, but he, in a rare show of initiative, asked me to accompany him. So there we were. Boy, was I pleased. You know what really prompted me to write this, though? Tootsie-Rolls. You threw Tootsie-Rolls during the seminar and as we were driving home, just down the road from the hotel, we were stopped at a red light where some guys were collecting money for a fund for retarded children. My husband, who will not give of his money to anyone but himself and his family, reached into his pocket and said, "Well, we might as well start living what we learned." Guess what the guy gave my husband in return for his dollar? A giant-size Tootsie-Roll. Is God at work here in my family or what? You were a blessing. Your message of encouragement, faith and hope was just what I needed.”
March 11, 1998
“Since I met you a year and half ago things have really changed for the better. I followed a lot of your advice from seminar and book and I'm starting to see the light at the end of a very long tunnel.”
June 19, 2003
“I normally don't give feedback on things I read, but I felt like I owed one this time. After a failed business and failed marriage I found myself filing chapter 7. After I had filed I was in need of a new car. I had always bought new cars with no problem, but I found that new car dealers would not hardly talk to me. I felt awful. I did not even know what my FICO score was and what was on my credit report. I had received a card from your company about a seminar. So I looked at your website, signed up for the newsletter...then a few weeks later ordered your book. With new knowledge I felt like I knew how to recover much quicker then I thought possible. I got my discharge letter this last Saturday in the mail. I went back to the dealer on Monday that I had liked dealing with the most. I got there at 3:30 pm and was driving out at 5:30 with a new 2006 car...loaded. I got a 10.2% loan with no money down. Car payments of $350 including Gap Insurance. I just wanted to let you know that I got more then my moneys worth from your book and now I read every thing I can find on credit and how scores work. Thank you for you help.”
New York
January 25, 2006
“I attended your After Bankruptcy seminar and I would like to thank you for helping me. Your positive and enthusiastic attitude, along with the information on the correct steps to take have really changed my life. I now drive a nice new car and I have also purchased a brand new townhouse. Not to mention my FICO scores have increased tremendously. I cannot thank you enough for setting me on the correct path. I feel like a new person! Thanks Again!”
April 15, 2004
“I was at your seminar a few weeks ago. I was uncertain about the reason I felt compelled to attend. However, I know now. Thank you for the book and tools to reclaim my self-esteem and confidence. I am a teacher and was a farmer with failed dreams. I was sent to your seminar to continue to grow. God bless you and your family.”
October 23, 1998
“Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience at the seminar yesterday. Your success is a great example that "problems" can become the seed for growth and giving to others.”
December 5, 1999
“So many good things have happened to me because I listened to Stephen. I am in the process of buying the house of my dreams after attending the workshop two years ago. So if you ever come this way again please allow me to volunteer for anything including cleaning bathrooms...I am serious. This information has been a life saver...really...thank you.”
January 19, 2006
“Great seminar last Saturday morning! It will be a year in May since Ch. 7 was dismissed and am working toward improving not only my credit report but my credit. Thanks again for offering such a great seminar and the contacts you provided! I would be happy to do a testimonial if called upon. My bankruptcy attorney here told me he'd heard good things about the seminars...that's a biggee!”
March 6, 2008
“I want to thank you for all the knowledge you have provided to me. Your seminar and the questions you have answered for me have helped me get two revolving lines and an installment line. I am now on my way to getting any kind of credit I need, and I owe it all to you. Thanks a million.”
August 25, 2004
“Thank you for your email this afternoon regarding who to contact for a new car. My husband contacted her this afternoon and just arrived home with a new car. So in approximately five hours he had a new car with no hassle. Everything was done over the phone so that when he got there all he had to do was fill-out the paperwork. He said that everyone at the dealership was very nice and made him feel very comfortable. As a matter of fact, they even waited for him to get there since he had to travel almost two hours and they closed 30 minutes before he got to the dealership. Richard walked away with a 6.9% interest rate which is wonderful since everyone that he had talked to previously would not go below 15%. I want to thank you again for your help.”
Carolyn and Richard
February 29, 2000
“I have been a subscriber for several years, and really enjoy your advice. We had our bankruptcy discharged September 1, 2005. We purchased our first home in May 2008 with almost no money down (less than $200) with a 30 year fixed rate on a loan of $75,000 of 5.875%.

Our mortgage payment is $582.61/month. We make payments of $600 every four weeks, so that we make one extra payment each year. That should cut the payoff time from 30 years to around 22 years. Thank you for all your advice. My wife and I attended your seminar in Phoenix in February 2007. We have purchased almost all the material that you have made available. Thank you very much for all of your help again.”
Steve and Ramona
April 17, 2009
“WOW - what a great seminar on Saturday - thank you for sending me the invitation. I have been to too many seminars/ trainings over my lifetime and I can state yours just may have been the best. Why? It was respectful of our time, and quickly informed us of what we need to do, why, how and the easiest way to...all in an easy to follow format.”
Mary Beth
October 3, 2005
“My husband filed for bankruptcy last year, discharged last October. We attended your seminar which was very useful. Since then my husband's credit score went up a 100 points. Thank you.”
March 16, 2006
“I just wanted to drop you both a note to thank you for the recent seminar. I have been waiting for someone like you for a long time. My hope in my future has truly been restored and revitalized. All that I can say again is thank you.”
New Jersey
September 18, 2000
“I attended your seminar on 11/15/2003 and I want to update you on my progress. After reading your book and attending the seminar, I was on a mission to get back on track. I had a leased car and it was expiring on April 10, 2004. I wanted out now. I went into my dealer, same people that had my existing lease. I told the salesman I had nine months to go and want a new car. They ran my credit. I had a 650 score. I checked it the month before and it was at 620, so I felt great. I got one heck of a deal and when the finance manager told me I got a 1.4% interest rate I smiled, shook his hand and drove my new SUV out of the lot. 3 Year lease. Thanks to your information, I feel good and KNOW I will hit 720 this year.”
August 21, 2004
“Thanks for your seminar, it's recommendations, and your newsletter. In just over six years from bankruptcy discharge, I own a modest home outright, as well as an older Class C motor home, and a small SUV. The credit cards are paid off, except for the ones at 0.0% and 1.99%. As I recently retired, I am obsessed with being debt-free, living within budget, and saving. Attending your seminar was the start of all this! My credit is in good shape, as it was all my life prior to the "bankruptcy years." Thanks for being so passionate about what you do and helping bankrupt people feel good about themselves.”
July 9, 2006
“My husband and I filed bankruptcy in December 2006 due to downsizing of my job. It was the lowest point in our lives. We were in the process on losing our house of 20 years, our car, our camper, etc. My husband, who never likes going to things received your postcard and felt we should go. We attended the seminar last spring. Never before had we both been so motivated. Like many others we felt we never wanted to charge anything again, but we knew we had to in order to find a place to live and car to drive. We followed all the steps you suggested, and our credit score went up over 140 points. Before bankruptcy our score was over 800, and it dropped into the high 500's. We are currently over 700 in our score. We were able to purchase a new fifth wheel at 6.7% interest rate, which was the lowest that anyone could have purchased one at, and we just purchased a car for 2.9% interest. Thank you, thank you, thank you Stephen Snyder for helping us get our lives back. We would recommend this seminar to ANYONE that needed it. My husband and I cannot thank you enough...if not for you we would not have gotten where we are today, only 16 months after bankruptcy. Its been amazing!”
April 22, 2008
“I got a loan. I got a loan!”
August 27, 2003
“My FICO scores one year ago were Trans Union 512, Equifax 507 and Experian 487. Now they read: Equifax 607, Experian 704 and Trans Union 798! Neither my lender nor I could believe what we were looking at. It was totally unexpected. Thanks!”
January 29, 2004
“I got a signature loan from my credit union for $3,000! Additionally, I got a $107,000 mortgage from the mortgage lender you recommended. My used SUV is great. Never late for 15 months. I used all the steps you discussed and I am on my way to financial stability! Thank you so much for all your insight.”
June 19, 2001
“In March 1999, after a lay-off, company buy-out, and pay cut that devastated us financially we filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy. To say our hearts were heavy as we did it is quite an understatement. We attended your seminar and were stunned that there was actually hope of recovering from bankruptcy. We received our discharge and bought a brand new car. A few months later, we were approved for a mortgage and are now looking for a house. Without your seminar we would have had no idea where to begin. Praise God for you both! Our prayer is that God will richly bless you and the wonderful work you are doing. The wisdom you shared has so greatly blessed us.”
Lori and Mark
December 19, 1999
“My husband and I filed for bankruptcy in April of 2004 after a failed business venture. We attended your seminar and followed the guidelines that you recommend. We had reaffirmed our mortgage and home equity line at the time of the bankruptcy and our vehicles were paid off. We have since increased our credit scores, my husband currently has a 710 with Experian and we are continuing to follow your advice and are making excellent progress!”
October 17, 2007
“I just wanted to drop you a letter to tell you thank you for your seminar you gave. After your seminar I went to the car dealership your recommended. I was turned down that afternoon. A week later the salesman called me up and told me that their finance manager pitched my deal to the lender again. One week later I drove out with a $15,000 1999 extended cab truck! Not only did they approve me, they gave me a two year lease with only $500 down. They even wrote me a check for the difference I owed on my trade-in. When they pitched me the offer that the lender gave them I couldn't sign the papers fast enough! Do the math. It is like 3% financing. I was discharged in February! I just finished reading your book and have already applied most of your recommendations. My goal, within the next year, is to own my own house again. Your book is a must read for anyone in financial straits. You and your wife are a blessing.”
March 27, 1999
“I came to your seminar on April 1st. Who would have thought on this day, it could change my life for good.”
April 20, 2000
“I recently attended your seminar on Feb. 10th. I must say that the information that I received was excellent. I wish I had known about your foundation 2 years ago. The seminar was packed with information and was fast paced. It's the first seminar that didn't bore me to death. Just wanted to thank you for all your help.”
March 1, 2007
“Through our diligence (with your lessons) we were able to get one of my wife's score above 800. With your initial advice, we brought my wife's scores up to where they are today. In the case of her 803, we brought it up by over 100 points.

We also just purchased a new car yesterday under her name, and got the best rates possible.”
June 24, 2009
“The second seminar I attended on 8/26 was great. Keep up the great work. I truly believe you are continuing to offer very valuable advice through your seminars and e-newsletters. My credit scores were in the high 300's to low 400's less than a year ago when my discharge was final. Now they have risen to the high 500's with one at 624; and, one of my Auto Industry scores is at 640! This enabled me to be approved for a 0.0% interest new vehicle loan with a captive lender for 72 months. I utilized the local dealership sponsor you invited to present at this event to achieve this. He did a great job. Thanks again.”
August 29, 2006
“My husband and I attended your life after bankruptcy seminar March 3, 2007. We walked away feeling very hopeful. At the seminar a dealership was introduced. First of all I have work for a dealership for the last 5 years and know many of the pitfalls consumers get caught in, especially people with bad credit. So I was a little skeptical, we contacted them and we purchased a new 2007 car with a interest rate of 5.9%. We were treated with dignity and respect it was truly the best experience in a long time. Thank you for leading us in the right direction. We are now looking forward to refinancing our home!!!”
April 29, 2007
“First let me say how much we enjoyed your seminar. I have been to a number of different types of seminars and this was the most helpful, productive, and entertaining seminar that I have ever attended. I had just received my discharge, so I was in much need of some kind of direction and course of action.”
December 3, 1998
“We purchased a new home this past August and used the mortgage company you had suggested. We put almost nothing down and got a 5.84% interest rate on a $250K loan. We were so surprised at what we qualified for and can't thank you enough for sending us that postcard to come to your seminar a year ago. We are about a year and a half out of bankruptcy and our recovery hasn't been as difficult as we thought it would. Thanks so much for giving us this second chance!”
October 20, 2005
“I wanted to write you a letter to let you know how much your seminar helped me. I can't believe that there are people in the world like you two that are willing to share such great information with others. When I looked around the room I couldn't believe that there were so many people just like me. I learned a lot of things that I did not know regarding credit after bankruptcy. Since your seminar I've found a bank to transfer to from the credit union. I've started a relationship with a mortgage company regarding buying a home. I've contacted the car dealer about leasing a new car. And most of all, I've started to give 10% of my income. Your seminar has let me know that I can do anything with time. I'm telling everyone to look for your book, because I'm keeping mine for support and reference. You two are great!”
April 9, 1998
“First, I wanted to thank you for your seminar I went to. It was very informative and I learned a great deal. I admit I was very skeptical at first. Then I called Michele in December for a referral for the card dealership. She gave me a name and I went to the dealership and purchased a 2000 car. They gave me a good deal at 11.9% financing. They called me back a week later and lowered to 9.9% which in turn saved me $3,000 more. I couldn't believe it. I have since bought a new computer and started my own business. I am swamped with work and I'm back on the road to recovery. I just want to thank you for your referral and time you came down here. May the Lord truly bless both of you and your company. You are both in my prayers. If I could be of any assistance to you, please do not hesitate to call me.”
February 7, 2000
“Your book has been a constant source of aid throughout my bankruptcy. I filed in 1998 after our business failed. My wife gave birth to our 2nd and 3rd child 75 days prior to my filing. Today my salary is six figures and although we are still living modestly. We have made voluntary payments to the creditors and rebuilt our credit. Much of the credit goes to your willingness to share your experiences with others. For that we are deeply thankful.”
Tim and Lynn
November 13, 2001
“Yes, I am receiving your newsletters and they have been a great help. I also took great notes and bought your book. Thank you for sharing your information. I wish you had been around when I first filed bankruptcy 20 years ago. I wouldn't have had to do it again. Hindsight is way too powerful. I know I will get it right this time and I can teach my children better financial habits. I am determined to break the cycle my brothers and parents had. Good luck and keep up the good work.”
April 16, 2006
“We attended your seminar in August 2004 and bought a vehicle in November, two weeks after we were discharged! Thanks for you help! My husband and I are so grateful for the knowledge you have provided to us. We have bought your book and attended your seminar. Thanks for all you do. We are recovering well.”
April 21, 2005
“We just got home from your seminar. There was a lot of good information and it was very entertaining too. We are going to put the information to work and try to get back on track. Thanks.”
May 20, 2000
“I called the dealership, told him my credit situation, and he told me he thought he could help. He said his lender would talk to me about financing if my credit score was above 620 (mine was, but just barely). Well, I'll cut to the end of the story and tell you I got a 60 month, 0% interest loan with no money down through mainstream credit! I have never been more pleased. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction for buying a new car.”
May 30, 2004
“I filed for BK in 1997. I went to your seminar in Philadelphia in 1999. The information you provided has helped me to this day. I encourage others with the financial advice provided in your newsletter. Please keep this going. I have since bought a house and am making my mortgage payments early. In fact, I am on pace to pay off the mortgage in about 6 years. Thank you for providing the information you provide.”
January 4, 2007
“We were thrilled with the seminar. The guidance from Stephen has already been proven successful in our recovery from bankruptcy. The entire experience from beginning to end was terrific!”
Lori and Bryan
August 22, 2003
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank the After Bankruptcy Foundation and especially Michele and Stephen for an excellent seminar. I have attended a few seminars and work shops but never nothing like this. The information was just overwhelming "in a good sense" If Stephen decides to run for President he has our votes.”
March 5, 2007
“Hi, my name is Laurie Rivello. I went to your seminar back in March of this year. I learned a lot and it was very fascinating. In April I went to get a car and I couldn't because my credit was bad from the bankruptcy. I ended up buying a 1994 Jeep but had to put the loan into my mom's name. My credit score at that time was 498. Pretty bad! The Jeep didn't work out for me because of mechanical problems so I went to another car dealership last Wednesday. They asked me my FICO score. They ran my credit report and found that my score was 671. Wow! I was able to get into a new car with no money down and 3.9% interest rate! Unbelievable. My payments are $220 a month. I couldn't believe this! My bankruptcy just closed two weeks ago. Imagine that! Your seminar is fantastic. It makes you think of what you're doing and and to do it right. I recommend your seminar to anyone who goes through bankruptcy. It's like a new world to us. I feel like we didn't even file.”
October 21, 2003
“I'm 25 years old and I filed bankruptcy because my dad needed to use my credit because of his financial situation. Then he ended up not being able to repay the debt he incurred in my name. To be honest with you, having all the resources you have provided on my side I know my credit future will be very promising. Here's how I see it - I'm actually better off now that I filed and was able to come across your website and learn all that I have, than I would have been if I didn't file. I didn't realize there was an art to having good credit. You are the Picasso of credit scoring. Can't wait to get my results to you! Thanks again.”
April 6, 2006
“We wanted to write to let you know what a blessing your seminar was to us. When we got your invitations in the mail we almost threw them away, but then decided to check out your web site. We read your testimonies and were about to go offline when we read one that said. "Thanks for your ministry." We decided to register and be cautious while listening. We believe you should be careful in who you receive counsel from. Needless to say, we were surprised and blessed. We have half the battle won. We began reading your book. Again thank you so much for your help and for listening.”
David and Suzann
February 27, 1999
“I really have gotten a lot out of "Life after Bankruptcy" and it's really been the only thing that has kept me sane throughout all of this. I'm beginning to regain my dignity again. If it hadn't of been for the wonderful seminar that Stephen offered I don't know where I'd be and I truly mean this.”
November 5, 2007
“Please allow me to put into writing my experience with the dealership I met back in 1999 at my first After Bankruptcy Foundation seminar. I attended the seminar on a Saturday morning. Sunday morning I was at the dealership choosing my first leased car. I was able to pick the car up on Wednesday. The finance person was amazing and fought to get me approved for credit. I made sure she was never sorry as I always pay on time or early and pay more than the monthly amount. In late September/early October I will go into my fourth lease with them. I'm already studying the line to see what I want this time. They have been great to me. I see their sales people for maybe an hour once every three years (which is normal) but it's their service department that makes them head and shoulders above any other dealership. I drive 45 minutes each way to go to them every 5,000 miles. My lease has the bumper-bumper service built in so I never pay a cent for anything, not even an oil change. They even change my wiper blades every other service! I happen to be a frequent seminar participant. I can tell you that the Sunday I signed the papers for my first lease, the showroom was filled with people I met at the seminar. We may be bankrupt, but we are good people who can be wonderful customers. I hope the next time ABF comes to my area they will be represented. Sorry for the long-winded email. I can't sing the praises of the After Bankruptcy Foundation and the many ways you've helped me. The car was the first. I'm now going to start the process of pre-approval for my first home. I'm so excited! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
New York
May 9, 2007
“I wanted to let you know some good news. It has been eight months since I received the discharge for my BK and four months since I attended your seminar. Two weeks ago, I used your strategy for purchasing a new auto. I didn't even set foot on the premise of the dealership until the deal was all but signed. I dealt only with the Finance Manager by phone. He actually complimented me twice and said, "it was a breath of fresh air to work with someone so prepared." I was able to lease a new car at 3.5% from a mainstream lender with nothing but 1st payment down!!! I just set the car payment up on EFT from my checking account two weeks before it is due to show an early payment every month. I am truly thankful for your help. Thanks for helping us change our paradigms in how we approach our finances and credit - I actually have a plan and am working at implementing other strategies you shared at the seminar. UDA MAN!!”
September 21, 2006
“Thank you. Your seminar was great, interesting, informative and fun. No pressure, no hassles, and with total understanding of the situation and the future. I am convinced you are both motivated by the desire to help others in your effort to help yourselves. That is admirable, and not as common as it should be in this world. Bravo! And keep up the good work! Ten cases of Tootsie Rolls to both of you!”
March 7, 2000
“I just want to take a moment to thank you for educating us about so many things involving our credit that we never knew before. Our credit score have already raised almost 100 points! I now have a watch put on both mine and Bret's credit reports and I've almost gotten to the point of becoming anal about my credit scores and credit reports. We never would have known what we know now had we not taken a step of faith and attended your seminar. Our lives are changing so much for the better. We now have excellent credit building in our names and we are on the road to financial success a little more every day. Bless you and your wife and thank you so much.”
Tracy and Bret
May 1, 2006
“I've been meaning to write you for a couple of months now. I attended your seminar in October 1999. I really enjoyed the helpful information I received. I pray that God allows these seminars to continue to take place. The seminar also helped me not feel like such a low life and to remember that all things work for good.”
January 16, 2000
“Just a note to thank you for the very eye-opening seminar you gave. It was the first time that I had attended a FREE seminar and came away with so much information and felt so optimistic. May God continue to bless you in everything that you do.”
January 10, 2000
“I do not know what I would have done without all your information and help since the seminar I attended in April 2007.”
November 6, 2009
“I just want to thank you for the seminar that you gave. You are right about learning a great deal. My friend and I came together. We both work in a credit department. We learned more in your seminar than all those years working combined. Thanks again.”
January 6, 2000
“I attended your seminar that was given in December 1999 and want to let you know how glad I was to have such wealth of information after bankruptcy. I have been doing all that you advised us to do. Thanks for all your help and may God continue to bless your efforts with success.”
January 19, 2000
“Thank you very much for your newsletter and for your seminars. I attended one of your seminars four years ago. It was a few months after my husband and I got discharge papers. It was our dream to be able to buy a house, but you know how it is. We implemented everything you taught us and I am now an owner of a 2-family house and we just bought brand new car. Thank you very much for your help. Please continue what you are doing and spread the good news for other people. God bless you and your family.”
December 28, 2006
“Your news letters have been so helpful! I don't have time now to tell you in detail, but the short version of our recovery is less than a year after it was final we were able to get a loan from a bank to purchase a used Mercedes SUV and a mortgage lender gave us $350,000.00 to purchase our dream home on a beautiful setting of 3 1/2 acres with a fishing pond, huge workshop, and gorgeous swimming pool...oh...and a barn. We attended your seminar in either late '02 or early '03. Extremely helpful and gave us tremendous confidence to forge ahead! Thanks for your more than generous information!”
March 28, 2007
“Hi Stephen, I attended your seminar almost 2 years ago, about 6 months after my discharge and was so sorry that I didn't know about it right after the discharge. I have used your advice and knowledge to get my credit score back up to 680 so far and it keeps moving upwards. I have been able to purchase a new home and 2 new cars using what I learned at the seminar. I am now helping a woman that I work with to get her debt situation in order and her credit score raised to a respectable level. I feel that the help your seminar gave me should be repaid by helping someone that's in the same situation that I was in previously. Thanks so much for all you do.”
October 3, 2007
“Just wanted to let you know that my wife and I attended your seminar Saturday morning, and we truly enjoyed it to the fullest. What an excellent job you did! Thank you so very much.”
Mark and Melody
April 15, 2002
“This note is long overdue. My husband and I attended your seminar in January. We purchased your book there. We immediately put a recovery plan into action. And we've had success. But the best thing about having been to your seminar is the number of people we have been able to help and offer hope to since attending it! Because of your seminar and book, we were able to help my brother and sister-in-law reestablish credit after going through a credit consolidation plan. We were able to help our 25 year old nephew, who had hidden his bankruptcy for four years begin to reestablish credit. He was afraid to apply for credit, afraid to buy a house, and afraid to complete his education, because he had totally messed up. He's in a new job, got a secured credit card, has a real estate agent and mortgage broker lined up, and has signed up for college courses. Thank you. We were able to help my husband's cousin and his wife, who had to go through the bankruptcy process because of their little boy's health problems. They now can take care of his special education needs and begin to save for a down payment on a house, again thank you. Your plan gives people very practical things to do, but it also gives them hope!”
August 23, 1999
“It has been two years since my husband and I filed Chapter 7. Since attending your seminar we have improved our credit rating, purchased a new car and are in the process of building our first home. Your seminar really opened our eyes as to what you can do if you just have the information to get you on the road to recovery. Thank you for giving your seminar it was a huge help.”
January 17, 2002
“Our bankruptcy discharged in January of 2002, we attended Stephen's seminar on October 5, 2002, which is the BEST thing we ever did! I followed all of Stephen's advice from the seminar and from his book "Credit After Bankruptcy" and the following month in November 2002 we went to a car dealer to purchase an vehicle. I called several car dealers, as Stephen suggested, asked all the right questions, gave all the brief information about our bankruptcy and when he checked our credit our score qualified for the second best interest rate. We were so surprised and so happy that we were on the way "back up the mountain"! The Credit Manager told me that what I did about calling in advance and being up front with him about our bankruptcy was the best thing we could have done. It felt wonderful to know I had some power and that we didn't have to crawl in to a dealership like snakes in the grass. We went in very confident because we were armed with information from the seminar and from Stephen's book. Stephen, Stephen's book and Stephen's seminar gave us strength and dignity back into our lives! In the Fall of 2007 we refinanced our house and both of our middle credit scores were in the upper 700's. We bought a 2007 Monaco Coach in November 2007! When we were with the Credit Manager we told him about the bankruptcy, but that we had worked hard to get our credit built up better than before. He was shocked and very impressed that we had one credit card and had no credit card debt and that our credit scores were so high! But I also wanted to tell you that my husband retired 2 years after our bankruptcy. We were afraid he might have to work longer because of our financial situation. But again, we followed Stephen's advice. I am now retiring, after working for 20 years and at the age of 60. So life is good!”
June 20, 2008
“We read your book, attended a seminar, and applied what we had learned. Our FICO scores averaged 540 at discharge. Within the past three years after discharge, we now are living in our very first ever house (FICO scores at 720 and climbing), own a summer vacation house in the mountains (outright!), and own both of our vehicles outright. We also financed an airplane through our bank at 7.5% at two years out of bankruptcy, when the going aircraft lending rate is well above 8.5%. And all of this on a combined income of $65,000 a year. Thank you once again for helping our family. We are truly appreciative.”
Jay and Andrea
May 5, 2005
“Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the seminar! It was soooo informative. I think I just may have some hope now of rebuilding my credit.”
March 22, 2007
“In January 2004, I found myself divorced, a mother of two with a recently discharged bankruptcy. In February I received a flyer in the mail to attend your seminar. I had made up my mind to cope with the after effects of 'bankruptcy' by living on a 'cash-only' system. My car was five years old and I never expected to be able to purchase another one for quite a while. After listening to your information presentation, I was amazed. Everything I thought I should do to recover from bankruptcy was wrong. I learned from you the proper steps to regain credit. Not only did I learn the steps, but I followed each and every one of them. By the end of February, I had purchased a new SUV with a 7% interest rate! I received a credit card and used it as you taught us in the seminar. Additionally, I established and lived within a budget. By October, my credit score had increased by almost 85 points! I was pre-qualified to purchase a home. In November, I closed on a new home with a zero-down 6.3% interest rate. Thank you very much for sharing your experiences! It has encouraged me to share with other people who are having financial challenges and have gone through the process of bankruptcy! It lets them know that indeed, there is Life After Bankruptcy!!!!!”
December 28, 2004
“I'd first like to say that I went into the seminar with a lot of trepidation. I am NOT a "seminar kinda gal." I was sure I'd walk out early. Wrong! It's the first seminar I've ever attended where I was riveted to the information from the first word to the last. It was like attending 12 months of school in 4 hours. Both my husband and I very much appreciate the background leg work both of you have done, and your ability to help us loosen the stigma a bit. Thank you so much, and blessings to you both.”
October 29, 2000
“Thank you, thank you, thank you for your seminar which I attended. I was very impressed by your enthusiasm, expertise, sincerity, compassion, and self-disclosure. You are truly making a very dramatic contribution to people's lives. You remind me a lot of Tony Robbins who I highly respect and appreciate for what I have learned from him. Being a marriage, family and child counselor I am committed to facilitating people's emotional, mental and spiritual growth. I am so thankful that I was led to clear up my own issues about money and your program was absolutely the "icing on the cake."”
June 24, 1998
“Thank you so very much for your courage to spread this message nationwide. I was thinking that I would have to operate on cash only for the next five years, but you showed me there is another way. The most important things I learned from your seminar were: exactly which mortgage company, car company, credit card, tax pro and legal firms to deal with. Also the importance of paying bills on time. I'm so grateful for the stand you take on "how to spend a dollar."”
November 24, 1998
“YOUR PROGRAM AND THE NEWSLETTER ARE THE BEST THING TO COME DOWN THE PIKE IN WHO KNOWS HOW LONG! If they would teach HALF of this in high school, the world wouldn't be in the mess it is in now. You are SUCH a blessing to us! Our credit score is now at 720 AND RISING!”
July 3, 2007
“Thank you again for all of your hard work. You are so needed in this time of financial crisis. Your seminars were ahead of their time making ready the whole scenario for this moment.”
November 10, 2009
“I want to start by saying "thank you" a million times over for all your knowledge, research and energy you put into keeping all your readers informed. I sat down with the bank representative and interview her (at your suggestion). I also explained that I am trying to rebuild my credit and she understood. Gave me all their guidelines and encouraged me to move forward with the application. I received a personal loan and a line of credit.”
New York
March 15, 2006
“Stephen, I remember when I attended your bankruptcy seminar. You gave good advice, and I have practiced it. Thanks for what you do.”
April 6, 2009
“Thank you Stephen for such a great WEALTH building program. We recently purchased a house, after 18 months of filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy and followed your advice every step of the way!”
October 1, 2007
“My wife and I would like to thank the After Bankruptcy Foundation for the information we received from the seminar. It's been over a year since we have attended and in that year we have been able to reestablish our credit, buy a new car and build a new home. We believe that the information you have provided and the business partners you company uses are great. My wife and I have been pleased and we have referred many people. Once again thank you for the information and continue your success.”
Andre and Sherre
October 22, 2004
“first of all I wanted to thank you for inviting me to the seminar. It was very informative and I took a lot of notes. You made the time fly by keeping us entertained and dishing out so much information. I learned that I have made a couple of the mistakes you talked about by getting a couple of those low limit cards thinking this would help rebuild my credit. I guess I just wanted you to know that I enjoyed the seminar and would recommend it to everyone in our place. You see yes my name is Danny Mills and I am bankrupt. You are doing a great thing to help people and I will recommend it to all of my friends. Thanks for the invite.”
October 23, 2006
“Your invitation to the seminar changed our lives. Our bankruptcy was discharged in June 1999. That October, we financed a brand new car. In May 2000, we mortgaged a home through a mainstream lender at a prime interest rate. We also got two unsecured bank cards. We have since moved and were able to sell our home and realized a $32,000 profit. Thank you Stephen and Michele.”
April 20, 2005
“I want to thank you for writing this book. It's amazing how little my husband and I knew about our finances. Your book makes sense! Our current monthly debt to income ratio is 13.5%! My husband and I feel that we need to continue to discipline ourselves, similar to you and your wife did, and develop a habit of saving money.”
Christopher and Kathleen
January 4, 1998
“Hello, I attended your seminar and am pleased to say that I followed your advice and now have a nice new car at a great rate!”
March 1, 2001
“We only have a success story to tell because of you. So let us start with a big THANK YOU. We filed bankruptcy in our 40s and thought we would never recover. Believing it would take years and by then we would be living on social security so what would it matter. We attended your seminar in November of 05 and you set us straight. We followed your advice and in nine short months we have raised our scores by 260 points!!! You've put the power back in our hands and if a lender isn't talking low numbers we just say "no" and move on to the next one. We are forever grateful.”
Tim and Rebecca
August 21, 2006
“What I have learned from you should be a mandatory class for all high school students about their future credit. Your information is that important. I attended your seminar just a few months after my chapter 7 discharged. My middle credit score was 478. After following your advice for six months after your seminar my credit was 598. Six months later my credit is now 628. I still have a long way to go but that is a 150 point improvement in just over a year. I am so proud of my credit achievements. I will be closing on a new condo in March, something I could not have done without you. I didn't even think homeownership was possible until I attended your seminar. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing me the light at the end of the credit tunnel.”
December 28, 2006
“My wife and I attended your seminar one year ago. We had two mortgages that we wanted to combine into one at a lower interest rate. I contacted the mortgage people from the seminar and we were able to close in less than a month. We took both mortgages (old interest rates of 7.35% and 13.99%) at a new rate of 8.7% . We just want to thank you for allowing us to attend your seminar.”
March 31, 2005
“I just wanted to write and say "Thank You" for giving me such good advice last weekend. I briefly spoke with you about my situation and how I was trying to buy a new car. After getting the complete run-around and practically being lied to by most dealers, I was able to go to the dealer you recommended and drove home in a brand new 2000 car the very next day--all in less than 24 hours.”
A. M.
October 12, 1999
“I must say Thank God for both of you. I have attended many seminars in my days, but this was the BEST. I wish I could download a copy to show others that there is life after bankruptcy. My wife and I would love to do what you guys are doing. Thanks and may God continue to bless you guys and all that you do.”
August 21, 2007
“I attended the seminar in November 2004. Since then my scores have increased from 525 to a high of 668 in December. I have practiced what you have taught. Thanks and keep up the inspirational work.”
April 3, 2006
“I just wanted to thank you for giving me a chance to go to one of your seminars. It was excellent and exciting. I have told several people about the seminar and I get excited every time I mention it to someone. Thanks for everything and thanks for inviting me. I thank God for people like you and we all know that filing bankruptcy is something you really don't want to do, but for some reason; we do it anyhow. Thanks again. Your staff was awesome and they really made people feel welcome.”
September 13, 2006
“Shortly after my divorce and Ch.7 discharge I attended your seminar in 2002. I found your information very sane, logical, and useful. I was already doing most of your advice. My TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax scores all exceed 770. Unfortunately due to alimony payments I still am unable to afford a home for my three children and myself but with good credit health, and an upcoming court challenge, I expect this to change. I look forward to your newsletter every week to see what I missed/can use in my credit rebuilding adventure. All the Best.”
January 1, 2007
“Wanted to just give you an update. Two years ago on Oct 27th, 2007 my BK was discharged. What a relief I thought. Then, a few months later I checked my FICOs. OUCH! My lowest score had dropped to a 590. Last week I applied for a mortgage. As you can imagine, I was sweating bullets, my fingernails were chewed to stubs of their former selves. Even my mortgage lender was skeptical about how my scores would affect my interest rate. I was actually on my phone in the car (hands-free of course) when my lender pulled my scores and I heard him say...’That's interesting’...I thought about driving right off a bridge. He informed me I had a 718 and a 713 FICO. He proclaimed I was good to go for the mortgage and was highly impressed my scores were that high. Just wanted to let you know and to say thanks as I pursue the American Dream!”
November 20, 2009
“My husband and I would like to thank you for the seminar. Your seminar and book have been helpful and we appreciate your time and effort to help people.”
Diane and Frank
April 30, 1998
“I wanted you to know that you have helped me a lot after our bankruptcy. Our credit scores have improved greatly in less than one year. I leased a brand new luxury car just six months afterward. After learning so much about credit, I have become a mortgage broker. Thanks for all you have done.”
July 19, 2006
“First, I would like to say that I was very impressed and pleased with the Credit after Bankruptcy seminar that we attended. You seem to be a positive person that needs to be in people's lives. I wish your seminar had been a few weeks earlier so that I would have not made a few of the mistakes listed in you material. Please keep up the good work. It is rare to actually get something of value for free.”
April 27, 2007
“We are currently building a new house and will be closing escrow and moving in July! Your seminar was VERY instrumental in us "moving on" and realizing our dreams. I'm sure we would have eventually recovered, but never as fast as we did without your help! Thanks so much and best of luck!”
April 22, 2004
“I bought the book at your seminar and have used it to the T. I have 3 houses, 2 very nice cars and credit again. Life is good and I agree that book is worth the million you teach us to make! I am looking for 2 more properties and I will have reach my goal! Thanks. A very satisfied customer.”
June 28, 2007
“I attended your workshop last week. It was great! Thank you for putting all this information together. The gift of hope is no small thing.”
April 28, 1999
“First let me say your program and seminar really changed my life. I thought I would never recover from my BK but thanks to you I am. It's slow, but it's progress when I thought there would never be any, so thank you and that is a very sincere thank you.”
May 8, 2007
“Wanted to let you know the latest. We followed your advise and interviewed nine different dealers. We finally found a dealer that would work with us and aquired a loan at 7.9% for a new SUV. It worked well.”
August 29, 2003
“I did enjoy your seminar. My story. Life before BK: High debt, no fun, lived in apartment. Life after BK: No debt, lots of vacations, bought three homes. Sweet!”
April 28, 2004
“Just recently wrote you...but wanted to add that I just checked my FICO scores from myfico.com/12 and I have scores of 644, 719, and 753!!!!! I discharged from a chapter 7 in November of 2004!! I could not believe my eyes, thanks to you guys. I just found out I am going to purchase my home with a no money down loan with 5.8% financing...my second home since my bankruptcy. I truly cannot believe how much you have changed my life. And an added note, my ex-husband who said your seminar was not worth going to did not go and his credit scores last time he checked were all below 550 and he has no house and no credit...not that I told him so...but I told him so. Thanks again so much for your seminar and your desire to help those of us that want to be helped!!!”
May 3, 2007
“I just wanted to tell you that you guys are really awesome. I have been reading your book and have been to your web site, it's great. I can't wait to get my life back on track and I am grateful that there are people like you that have provided a guide for us that is successful and leads to responsible choices and a balanced view of credit if applied in the manner directed. Thanks for all you do, hope you never stop'”
June 6, 2006
“I just want to thank you for that wonderful and informative free seminar. I learned so much and left feeling like I had so much knowledge and with this knowledge I, too, felt empowered and felt less of a victim. It also felt good to know that there were so many others like us who have had to file for bankruptcy. We were not alone. I was very ashamed of what we did and I have never told anyone except two very trustworthy friends. Since that seminar, we have moved out of our small two bedroom rental house that we had lived in for 13 years in a very bad neighborhood. With a lot of hard work, perseverance, prayers and further research, we were able to have a brand new home built in a wonderful neighborhood. We have been living in our new home for six months now. I can hardly express in words the feelings and emotions that I have experienced in having come so far. It has truly been an amazing journey. We are only paying a 5.6 % fixed interest rate on our house. We also have an eight passenger van that we pay a 5% interest rate on. All this, we accomplished first by attending your seminar. With knowledge came action and hope.”
January 20, 2005
“We attended your seminar last summer and were grateful for all that we learned. Our bankruptcy was discharged in August of last year. In March of this year we totaled our car in an accident and were faced with the daunting task of replacing the vehicle. I found the exact car I wanted and was able to secure the price I had hoped for. They agreed to finance my car AND my interest rate would only be 3.9 percent, seven months after my discharge. Every time I make my payment I am still awed. Thanks for everything.”
September 5, 2005
“I attended your seminar last Saturday and finally realize what I need to do to have a life after bankruptcy. I thought that operating on a cash-only basis was enough. I was turned down for financing a condo last fall and felt hopeless about all of it until I attended your seminar. Now I'm on the right track...following all the tips you presented. I know you hear this all the time, but you have changed my life.”
February 23, 1999
“I hope that everything is still going well. I am one of your success stories and I wish the best to the program so that you can continue to assist those that need guidance in recovering from bankruptcy. The greatest gift that you gave me was HOPE. From that I was able to never give up. Thanks again Stephen.”
June 12, 2007
“I heard very good things about your seminar from my wife and we plan to follow your recommendations. Thanks for your help at this difficult time in our lives.”
May 21, 2000
“My name is Jim Lurtsema. My wife and I were discharged in April 2000. We lived on a cash-only basis after the bankruptcy. Then we attended your seminar. Your seminar changed everything. At first I was very skeptical, as a matter of fact, I didn't even want to attend (my wife made me). But let me tell you, you have changed my life! We are now on the road to recovery. Things are looking good. I am even thinking of going into business for myself.”
March 29, 2002
“I wanted to thank you so much for all the information you have provided. I was discharged on September 6, 2005 and am pleased to announce that I will be closing on a house tomorrow December 29, 2006 with 100% financing. I also purchased a new car in August 2006 with financing from a mainstream lender. I attended your seminar in May and found that my credit scores were 598, 599, 601. Last week they were 625, 629, 639. I couldn't have done any of this without your help. May God continue to bless you, your family and your company.”
December 28, 2006
“I was really encouraged and inspired through this seminar unlike any others. This is truly a blessed ministry and I would like to share it with others who are in the same situation I once was. Once again, thanks for your inspiration and all your help.”
January 20, 2000
“I attended your seminar here last year and I am proud to inform you that I will be closing on my new home April 30th! I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate all that you've done.”
March 26, 1998
“In December of 2004 my Chapter 7 Bankruptcy was discharged. I was heartbroken that I had to go through it and I had cried the entire time when I had the actual hearing. Once it was over I swore that I would never get myself into another mess again. It wasn't until May of 2006 though that I heard of the Credit After Bankruptcy seminar. I was eager to attend and wrote so many notes throughout that my hand was tired. I absorbed it completely and began to follow the advice that was given. My middle FICO score has raised to 688. Next week I'll be closing on my first home. When I went in to get financing the loan officer even commented on how great my scores were considering that I had filed bankruptcy. I had no problems whatsoever in securing my home loan. It's the proudest moment I've ever had. I've come very far! Thank you Stephen for all the useful information you provide to people such as myself. I may not have been able to do it without you!”
February 8, 2007
“I cannot thank you enough for your informative seminar! I filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in June 2003. It was later discharged in October 2003. Around April 2005 we received one of your flyers/invitations about the "Credit After Bankruptcy" seminar, in the mail. Of course, I was a little SKEPTICAL - I don't usually respond to such things I'd consider "junk mail" but for some reason, I decided to take a chance on this.... My wife and I attended a seminar in May/June 2005. At the time, my FICO scores were: 569 from Equifax; 575 from TransUnion and 596 from Experian. After attending your seminar and following your instructions, as of September 2005, our scores have dramatically IMPROVED in only THREE MONTHS!!! Our FICO scores have improved to 655 on both Equifax and Experian! TransUnion seems to be a tough nut to crack, though, (570) but we're committed to seeing our scores improve to that magical 720 you explained in your seminar. Now, we can purchase a house that we really WANT and not have to "settle" for whatever we could find. I highly recommend your seminar to anyone who'd pay attention. For anyone wondering if they should attend: Don't be ashamed of making a mistake...you can fix it! Thank you for teaching us how.”
September 20, 2005
“You and Michele positively changed my life, and I would love to share my testimonial. Last August, I moved into my dream home, a 5 bedroom, 3 bath, 2600 square foot builder's model in a peaceful new development in a beautiful wooded area, yet close to everything in the city. It happened just as you said it would in the seminar...we bought our house at about $35,000 less than others are selling for in this development (on the biggest, nicest lot of all), and the builder threw in central air conditioning, too. Three weeks before moving into our home, we paid cash for a brand new 2005 car. Our bankruptcy was discharged in June 1999 and, while the road since then hasn't always been smooth and easy, your plan for recovery has worked 100%. God placed you in our lives at a time when I was praying for direction in extremely adverse circumstances, and I will forever be thankful for that.”
April 3, 2006
“Thank you for an outstanding seminar two weeks ago. Your seminar was packed with great and useful information which I am now putting into place. After being turned down by Chrysler, I walked into the car dealer you recommended on Monday following your seminar and by Friday afternoon I was driving a 2001 vehicle. I personally heard her in action advocating other applications and she truly has the ability to make the deal happen. She is very professional and compassionate. The entire dealership was a pleasure to deal with. Keep up the great work.”
Michael and Rosalyn
New York
September 27, 2000
“My successes are small, but will lead to bigger ones! I have my credit card and today, May 29, 2007, I purchased my 3 FICO scores. I expected the 3 scores to be in the 300's or 400's but they're a little higher than that! I am totally blessed in this small success. Thank You Stephen for doing all of the leg work for us bankrupt folks. I will share more success with everyone as it happens to me. But in the meantime I say everyday that I will recover from bk. Keeping an upbeat outlook is one of the best things one can keep.”
New York
May 29, 2007
“Thanks so much for everything you are doing for all of us. It is greatly appreciated. You have given me something to look forward to. I'm 58 and everything seemed so hopeless when I first filed in June. You have given me reason to believe that I can still have an abundant life. Thank you!!!!”
October 3, 2007
“I must tell you that I have attended many different seminars and most have been a waste of time. Yours is the only one I am truly glad I attended.”
February 25, 2006
“I also wanted to tell you that my husband and myself would love to write a testimonial for you if you ever need one. Because of the knowledge that we obtained from your course we were able to BUY OUR FIRST HOME ON LAST YEAR!!!! It is 2200 square feet with plenty of space for our children with a garage and carport. We took the information and guidance that you supplied us with and we really were able to turn our life around. We began to work on our credit right away and with your help we were able to obtain the credit needed to purchase a brand new mini van which we sincerely needed because we have four small children. Thank you Thank you Thank you for offering this course. If there is anyone out there that has filed bankruptcy that is unwilling to come here you speak they must not want to have all of their dreams come true.”
September 12, 2007
“My name is Mary Simpson. My husband and I attended your seminar this year and we were very pleased. We bought your book and read it. We found out things that we wished we knew right after we filed for bankruptcy. We are in the process of reestablishing our credit now. We are paying our bills on time and using only one credit card. We have given your book to a friend to read and they think it is an eye-opener as well. They don't think they are going to file bankruptcy now because the book gave them some insight. Thank you for all your hard work. We are finally getting ahead.”
November 30, 1999
“My husband and I attended your seminar. Since that time we have been able to lease a new car and we are now in the process of buying our first home—a new one to boot! We have been pre-approved by our lender. The house isn't my dream home, but it will be brand new. It meets the needs of our family and it is well within our price range. I am so glad that we attended your seminar because by doing so we were infused with hope! I just thought you'd like to know.”
September 21, 2000
“I just attended your seminar last Saturday. I would have gladly paid to attend it. I found it very informative and very helpful.”
September 8, 2003
“I saw the book, "Credit After Bankruptcy" and read a little bit of it at the book store and decided to buy it. WOW, it was a really powerful book. We were able to refinance our mortgage and we were able to take our rate from 8.5% to 7.125%. We also paid off the credit debt we had accumulated from the past two years and now we are just left with my student loan, our one car and our mortgage payment. I finally feel that we can take a breath and start to make good money decisions. Well, the reason I was emailing you folks was to say, "thanks" AND to inquire if you will have another seminar in our area anytime soon? My husband and I would love to come.”
March 26, 2005
“Just wanted to thank you for your advice. I asked where you would suggest I go for a new car. My lease was up in October and I needed to look for a new car. What a deal I got! I now have a new SUV with $2,500 off the price and 0% interest through the car dealer you recommended. The SUV is fully loaded with leather and wonderful safety features. I really felt like an important person by the way the General Manager and owner and the salesman treated me. Thanks Stephen. I really feel I am on the road to GOOD CREDIT.”
September 23, 2002
“My husband and I filed for bankruptcy two years ago and lost our home in foreclosure. After attending your seminar in September 2004 we were so excited - we felt that we had just been given a new lease on life. Since that time we have bought two new cars, opened two credit card accounts and bought an RV. I just found out today that we made it through underwriting for our new house, with an interest rate of 6.6% and no money down. We did all of this within nine months of attending your seminar. Thank you.”
Charles and Debra
June 20, 2005
“I would like to thank you for allowing me to attend your seminar. After attending I began to take my credit more serious. My kids then began to ask when are we going to buy a house so I kicked into full gear. We had the seminar in August of 2006 and when I decided I would talk to someone about purchasing a home, in December 2006, I was 4 points away from receiving 100% financing. I was overjoyed and I owe it all to you because of the information you gave me and the positive info you gave us, as a bankrupt community. So thank you so much Stephen and I plan to be in my FIRST home by July 2007 and my SECOND home by December 2007 (if I stay focused).”
January 18, 2007
“I attended your seminar and learned so much. I took a lot of notes and the next day went to my local bookstore and bought a copy of the books you recommended. I really enjoyed your seminar. I felt comfortable. I found you to be honest. I spoke with you once on the phone and you were so kind to me and helped a lot with your positive attitude and up lifting spirit. I felt confident you could help me with my situation.”
June 25, 1999
“Your seminar was excellent! The knowledge I gained there was exactly what I needed in my situation. It empowered me to take an active role in my financial recovery. I have since qualified for two credit cards with substantial credit limits. When your seminar came to our area it was everything I had hoped for and more. I can't thank you enough.”
New Jersey
April 16, 2005
“THANKS!!! I know you get tons of testimonials, but I have to add my opinion about your seminar and products. I filed almost 36 months ago, and until attending your seminar (online--how convenient!) I was still living under the self-imposed stigma of being a second-class citizen. In the past I had read several books and reports on credit, how to bounce back after a bankruptcy, etc only to find them incomplete at best or downright fraudulent at worst. This will probably sound odd, but your seminar has already changed my life in more ways than I could have imagined, and I'm just in the very beginning stages of following your recommendations. Not only have you shown me a step-by-step plan on regaining a solid credit rating, but you have injected HOPE into my life, which is an emotion I'd almost forgotten. Stephen, thank you (and Michele, and your whole staff, of course!) so very much for taking the time to do the research and to create such life-changing products. At the risk of sounding dramatic, finding your invitation in my mailbox began a process that is not only life-changing, but from my perspective life-saving in a very real sense. You are living proof that in order to receive the abundance the universe has to offer, one must give of themselves first. We need more people like you in this world.”
September 29, 2007
“I am now driving my dream car--a C240 Mercedes. My debt is still under control, and I am saving money on a regular basis. One of the wisest things I did in my life was to go to your seminar and follow the plan. You were truly a blessing sent to me. Thanks so much for all your help and advice.”
New Jersey
September 9, 2003
“I want to express my thanks and appreciation for the program you have by assisting people after bankruptcy, It really is remarkable. I finally secured an auto loan from the car dealer you recommended.”
December 12, 2001
“My husband and I attended your seminar and it literally changed our life. We were so ashamed of declaring bankruptcy (1998). You see, we had always paid our bills on time and always had good credit. It was more a personal need than financial, we needed to move out of our house and we could not sell it for the amount we owed. So after very serious consideration we made the difficult decision to declare bankruptcy, and were prepared to suffer the consequences for the next seven years, when we received your invitation to a free seminar (thank you for it being free). I never would have paid to attend, we felt like everyone was out to take advantage of us, we were being inundated with offers of credit cards at outrageous rates but your information was so very important to our life. We came home and immediately started to vigorously reestablish our credit and in January 2002 bought a new home, 2003 a new car and have now completely reestablished our credit rating. I read your newsletters and I just wanted to thank you from the bottom our hearts for your seminar.”
Michael and Jane
July 10, 2006
“I just wanted to take the time to say thank you for the information you have taught me. I have been wanting for so long to get my life back on track without knowing how to. I have a son who is turning 4-years old in a couple of months and I want to get us a home to call our own. He is my strength and thanks to you my dreams for him will someday come true.”
August 1, 2000
“Attended your most interesting seminar in May 1999. Two days ago we were well received by the car dealer you recommended. And only eight months after the discharge we have a brand new car at 6.9% Thank you for your interest in our cause. God Bless.”
August 31, 2000
“Your seminar was the most informative seminar of any kind that I have ever attended. Although it has been a few years, I do not want to ever loose touch. I read all your newsletters.”
September 7, 2007
“I just wanted to take the time to say "Thank You" for such a wonderful seminar. Your seminar was a blessing to me indeed. The seminar was very informative and helpful in that it provided avenues to those of us who have filed bankruptcy by providing valuable resources and information that can be used to re-establish credit. I enjoyed Stephen and his humorous method of projecting the information that so many of us needed. I also found it very amazing your method of establishing the seminar for free. This idea was incredibly innovative in that you are providing a valuable service with the assistance of sponsors who are willing to help you reach millions of people. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for providing such valuable information and for projecting such positive attitudes towards helping others. You are both gifts from God. May he continue to bless you in all of your endeavors and I wish the both of you much success.”
October 6, 1999
“I just attended your seminar. Thank you. It was tremendous! You blend a great mix of rock solid information and good humor. The information dissemination was incredible, and gratis to top it off? I purchased the Improve Your Lifestyle workbook and look forward to leveling out with a 745 FICO. You really have a good heart.”
May 13, 2006
“Today, 10 years after my bankruptcy, my credit score is 780 and I am debt free thanks in part to the information I received during one of your seminars”
South Carolina
June 26, 2009
“Thank you SO much! I, along with my husband, have increased our credit scores to the 700's and 800's in the past two years. Thank you for teaching us how to look at credit card offers and read the "Fine print" so we will find secured cards that match our interests. Thank you for the updates in your new book, too! Before I received the card in the mail inviting me to the seminar, I didn't know anything about how to fix my credit reports/scores. I was humiliated by my bankruptcy and felt like a decade was an infinite period of time before my life would be back to "normal" and the bankruptcy would be off our credit reports. You have taught me so much about being proud of all I have learned and you continue to teach me that ANYTHING is possible if you set your mind to it. You are living proof of this and now, so are my husband and I! I will continue to be an avid student and be ready for all of your new discoveries with the ever changing world of credit. God Bless, you Stephen! If I may ever be a spokesperson for you, about how my life has changed, I would be honored to share my story! It is an honor to know you!”
October 4, 2007
“I want to thank you! My wife and I got invited to one of your seminars shortly after filing for bankruptcy. I can't begin to tell you how much you helped us through that rough period of our lives. That seminar and your weekly emails gave us the strength and determination to bounce back. And you gave us a roadmap to get our credit life back.

Thank you so much!”
Ray and Maria
October 22, 2009
“Thank you, thank you, thank you for your referral to the car dealership. They were able to secure financing for me at 6.9% with a bankruptcy and foreclosure. TOTALLY UNBELIEVABLE. When will you next be in my area? I don't care if I have to travel to attend. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
August 25, 2000
“I attended your seminar in November 2005, my BK was official October '05. I signed up with or participated in your step by step program and had successfully turned my credit worthiness around, to where my highest FICO since the BK filing was 726, 701, 698!! Pretty good for someone who started with a 560.”
March 23, 2009
“Before I attended your seminar I felt very depressed and felt like a complete failure. I thank you for your time and for letting me know I am not alone. You have given me hope and hopefully one day we will be able to help someone like you helped us. It was also very helpful in your seminar to know who we can go through directly to get a home and car loan instead of wasting a lot of time being declined. Once again thank you.”
December 10, 1998
“I have to tell you that I repeatedly tell people that the four hours I spent at your seminar on Saturday was well worth it. Thank you for putting together the free seminar and your book. What great resources! Thank you again.”
April 21, 2000
“Thanks a lot for your seminar. We now have a 2001 truck with a 2.9% interest rate which I think is fabulous. Thanks again.”
Rick and Kim
January 17, 2002
“I've been singing your praises, to anyone who'll listen, ever since we closed on our house!!!”
February 27, 2007
“My husband and I attended your seminar a few weeks back, and I first have to say that we so very much appreciated your information and the time you put into making the seminar available to us at no cost. Simply put, the information we received was priceless! I only wish that we had known about you 18 months ago. We would be light years ahead of where we're at today.”
Vaughn and Patty
March 26, 2002
“I attended your seminar in September 2003. Since then, I've obtained a Visa card through my credit union, and I just applied to have my credit limit raised from $1000 to $2500. Not only did they raise my limit, but they offered me a Platinum card, with a $12,500 limit! Also, just last week I was approved for a used car loan through a local dealership with a 9.25% interest rate. Upon applying for the loan, the dealership finance guy told me that he was very impressed with the way my credit report looked and the way my scores have rebounded since I began rebuilding. He said it’s rare that people improve as much as I have in such a short period of time. It's all because of your seminar and book and the help I've obtained from following your suggestions. Thanks for all the help you've given me over the past nine months.”
April 11, 2004
“This thank you note is long overdue. We want to express our most sincere thanks to you both for an invaluable day. Stephen, you are an excellent and entertaining speaker. The information we received has been most helpful in our lives. My husband was able to purchase the new truck he wanted. It makes his long days of freeway travel not so tiring. Thanks for helping us to realize we have options after bankruptcy. You are doing wonderful work!”
Chris and Bev
April 21, 1998
“I can't thank you enough for what your seminar did for me. It was the best four hours of my life! Now I feel back on top of the world, because I can now see how to restore myself and my business, all thanks to your great in-depth and genuine knowledge and ability to teach.”
April 16, 2002
“There are two things that bankruptcy does to you besides mess up your credit rating and erase your debt. They are: cause shame and create fear of finances & fear of the future. Your seminar gave me the feeling that I can finally start to take charge of my life again—it lessened the fear. Seeing a room full of bankrupt people lessened the shame—a bit. Thanks for the pep talk, the tools & the humor—I needed it!”
September 26, 1998
“I contacted the dealership that sponsored your seminar and your guy was on vacation. I was directed to another Sales Manager named Keith. He was very familiar with the After Bankruptcy Foundation seminar. I went through your program, asked all the questions for the lender interview and was assured he could help. I drove into the dealership at 11 am and drove out a 1:30 pm with my new vehicle, ZERO DOWN PAYMENT, I have bank financing and my payments are $300 a month. Thanks so much for your advise, I am sending my secured card application off when I get paid next week. I am bankrupt but I am also getting back on track.”
March 3, 2006
“I drove into the car dealership you recommended and drove out with a brand new truck the same evening. I went to the new truck leasing manager and said, "My name is John I filed chapter 7 bankruptcy and I've just been discharged. I have my discharge papers with me." It was a $24,000 vehicle. I had about $3,000 in equity built up in my truck. I got a red carpet lease for 36 months at $419.00 per month, slightly more than I was paying for my other truck which was starting to develop mechanical problems. The sole point of this tale, is that, I, a bankrupt debtor, discharged less than one week, am driving a luxury vehicle. Thank you Stephen, your program works!”
February 5, 1999
“Your inspiring book boosts me to establish and commit to my goals. I look forward to start all over again with a fresh, new credit status - Excellence!”
August 9, 2000
“Thanks again for all of the information you passed on. I’m confident your referrals will lead me to the road for a better credit rating. After filing bankruptcy I became very depressed, because I've been unable to get refinanced at a better interest rate on both my home and car. But, attending your seminar gave me a boost. I'm grateful that you were placed in my life to pass on all of your knowledge and experience.”
October 14, 2001
“Thank you for your seminar!!! When I left, I was so inspired that I told one of my girlfriends and just went on and on and on. I have learned a lot from you. Thank you very much again for the time you spend helping other people from your experience. You have changed my life in the 4 short hours that I listened to you. You have given me hope, and that hope, I hope I will some day give some one else. Have you ever seen the movie Pay it Forward? Well, you are an angel and you did pay it forward.”
March 4, 2008
“I want to thank you for all the information you have provided to get people back on track after bankruptcy. In less than six months, I have been able to purchase a new 1999 car. If I had not attended your seminar and gained the knowledge you provided, I would not have had the confidence to try to get my credit back.”
July 8, 1999
“Buying a home after one year of bankruptcy is really unbelievable to me. I'm still pinching myself. Stephen you are an angle sent from heaven, it's really true that the lord will bless you through other people. I've been kicking back waiting to send my success story, and now I'm ready. I thank you for all of your information. We filed for bankruptcy in September 2005, we were discharged in February 2006. Since then we have incurred two credit cards each, the ones that report to all three credit reports. All three of my credit scores were running around 447, ouch. My credit scores now are running around 618 to 647, and with about six payments of my house note, I'm looking forward to hitting the 700 club, boy I feel like I have a score of a 1000, even when I know that they don't go that high. Well more good news, my husbands scores are running higher than mine. We were looking for a place to rent, and the rent was just so ridiculous, we knew that our scores had changed and we were one year discharged. We contacted a lender just to see if we would be approve for a loan, and wow, with the loan amount, we could purchase a home paid off. We started home searching, which we found one, and we know that we're getting a little beat up on the interest rate, but there's not two much to say with the loan amount and the 1 year discharge, and the credit score still ranking low, but good. With your material, we knew what to ask, what to look for, and we also learned how to say NO. Without you, we will still be lost, we are very well trained to tear up all the advertising that comes in the mail, with the high interest rates and high fees. Well back to the house, escrow will be closing around or about May 15th, we are purchasing with no money down, and the seller is paying all the closing cost! We even fussed about the appraisal fee, but felt like we had to give something, ha ha. With learning and studying your material, we have learn how to live in the world, and not let the world live in us.”
April 18, 2007
“We would like to thank you for your seminar that you had here on September 1999. Your greeter at the door was so friendly and personable, we started to relax. We met Michele, who was directing people to find seats, we didn't know who she was at the time, but she was so friendly. We sat there people-watching. My husband's arms crossed, both thinking we aren't like these people, what are we doing here, but remembered our pact we made in the car that we could leave any time. Well, we couldn't take enough notes. As we got into the car we both were excited. We looked at each other and said "what do we have to lose. Let's go to the car dealership Stephen suggested and talk to them about a used car." So we did. When we left the dealership we were driving a new 1999 car. We call her the silver bullet. We can't thank you enough. We have learned so much.”
Steven and Nancy
November 11, 1999
“I have read Stephen Snyder's book, but need to go back and re-read it again. It has helped me get my credit started again. Before reading the book I didn't think I could ever get credit again and really didn't know that I should start right away instead of waiting ten years. Earlier this year I received my first unsecured credit card with a $7,500 and interest under 10%. My banker said I had a better credit score then she did and she didn't have a bankruptcy.”
November 14, 2002
“I have had so much strife from bankruptcy, single mom of 4 and helped raised 35 other children and today you have gave me hope. Thank you are words that can not express my emotions. Hug your neck and your wife, much love to you and yours.”
North Carolina
December 18, 2007
“There is nothing that can compare with someone who has "been there" when going through tough times. I remember when I was listening to you in the seminar I just couldn't get enough. The sense of hope was so strong. Even though we haven't done everything we needed to do, I knew exactly where to go for the answers. I haven't forgotten what you taught me that day. Keep on doing what you are doing. Thank you!”
September 6, 2000
“My wife, Renee, and I wanted to write to your organization to let you know that we absolutely love this seminar! This information is invaluable to the person who has filed bankruptcy or is on the path to do so. The information that is in this seminar far surpasses the "common knowledge" on the street in recovering from a bankruptcy. Most of that information projects a mediocre recovery in five to seven years, and most of that information used in that projection is inaccurate and ignorant. Your information can help a person recover in 6 to 24 months. How amazing! My name is Will Beverlin, and I'm bankrupt! :-)”
Will and Renee
November 13, 2004
“Just a note to say thank you, thank you, thank you! Our progress report:
1. Purchased a new vehicle for a very decent interest rate!
2. Our Credit Card Company just sent us a letter dated 05/07 stating; "Based on your excellent credit history with us, we have upgraded your ... credit card account to UNSECURED status and have increased your credit limit."
3. Have approval from our Credit Union for a loan which we will secure in August, 2007 to upgrade our computer system.
4. Will be able to secure conventional financing in March, 2008 in order to purchase a home.
Vernon and Louise
July 3, 2007
“Since attending your seminar a few months ago, I bought a new 2001 car from the dealer that was at your seminar and financed it for five years at 0% interest. I was current on my mortgage and have now paid it down so that my equity was enough to avoid paying almost $70 a month in PMI. I have all the credit I really need right now.”
November 27, 2001
“I really appreciated your "Credit After Bankruptcy" seminar. My mom and I are bankrupt debtors and learned exactly how to build back our credit worthiness for the future. You were right; we learned more in those few hours than we could have ever learned on our own. Stephen & Michele, thank you again for taking the time to bring all of your valuable and worthwhile information all the way down here.”
January 21, 2000
“I just attended your May 2000 seminar. It was so encouraging that I felt inspired to write. Thank you two, for being of high moral principles. I've taken plenty of seminars over the last ten years. I want to say that your "humor" and "honesty" went a long way. If we can laugh at our mistakes and get on with life then we can enjoy the journey. Your excellent way of presenting this seminar gave me much encouragement that I can personally take charge of creating a positive financial future for myself despite the bankruptcy. I wish you the best.”
May 13, 2000
“I was at your seminar in December and you were right; I learned more in those four hours than I would have ever learned my whole life about the credit industry. Thank you very much.”
January 18, 2000
“My name is Keith Barrand and I attended a seminar I think about three years ago. After following Steve's advice, I brought two of my scores to over 700 and qualified for a 100%, no doc mortgage for a house I bought in February of this year. My lawyer, who handled my bankruptcy and my closing, says I'm his #1 success story.”
New Jersey
July 22, 2005
“Just wanted to write and say thanks for all you do. My husband and I had filed for bankruptcy in Oct 2005 we thought we could outlive our business failure and were making progress however when I couldn't get our manufactured home on 8 acres refinanced and the interest rate on our ARM was going up every 6 months; we decided now we just had to bite the bullet and file before the new laws changed. We thankfully got your invitation in the mail and attended your seminar in Aug 2006. We signed up that day for your wonderful Bradley Ross Law and they started to work right away. In November 2006 I traded in a 2004 vehicle with a 21% interest rate for a 2006 with 2.9%. In Feb of 2007 we purchased a $225,000 home that had all our dream features. We did have to put 10% down due to the change in regulations but we were also only 12 months after discharge!!! Your lessons taught us to be ready and we look forward to climbing that credit ladder to the lofty 800's Thanks again!!”
August 12, 2007
“Just completed watching the seminar in the convenience of my home... what a GREAT Idea. What a blessing in spite of my many tragedies, illness, bankruptcy with the loss of home and pending divorce all in the last 5 years. Coming to this seminar lets me know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Having experienced the 700+ credit scores it gives me hope that that is attainable again. And looking at Stephen's weight transformation gives me the push to start my NUTRITION and EXERCISE regiment in the depression of it all that has gone to through all of this I have gained over 20+ pounds. Stephen You LOOKED 10 Years Younger. You Looked GREAT. Thanks AGAIN and I am on my way to a FRESH START in MIND, BODY and SOUL.”
August 16, 2007
“I attended your seminar on April 1, 2006 and immediately took action. My credit scores increased and my middle score is 690 with the highest at 700. I felt brave enough to contact your preferred lender and she was great. My husband and I were able to purchase a brand new spec home, get a great fixed interest rate, no money down and get a tax lien paid for all through escrow in less than 30 days. I told her if the loan did not close it was definitely not because of her as she did everything she could and I mean everything to get me approved, funded and closed with a Chapter 7 being discharged in August 2005. I recommend this lender to anyone. Thank you!”
January 17, 2007
“I have to admit I was really skeptical about attending. I've been in attendance at many seminar in the past and was very bored and left asking myself why I wasted my time. This was not the case on Saturday. I really enjoyed myself and left there feeling very positive about my future of becoming a homeowner. I learned a lot. I've heard about FICO before, but had no idea what it meant. Thanks to you. Now I do. I also purchased your book. It's hard to put down. There is so much useful information inside that I intend to use for the rest of my life. Once again thank you!”
New Jersey
September 15, 2003
“I have followed your book to the letter, it really works. My biggest problem was IRS. I received an offer of compromise from IRS. All I had to pay was $769.00 and file my taxes on time for the next five years. After 2 years in bankruptcy I bought a house. I was pre-approved for $143,000 dollars. I got a fixed rate at 5.85% with no points, that was great. I went to car dealer you recommend and bought a new car. I also applied for a credit card. It worked! Thank you.”
May 26, 2003
“I was so impressed with your seminar this morning, that I wanted to write and thank you. I went just to check it out, hoping to find something that I could use, but not expecting much. We spoke during the break in the morning session, about my discharge of Chapter 7- March 1997, but I was now in the 3rd month of 54 month Chapter 13 due to taxes. You joked about it being a Chapter 20. I was impressed that you took the time to talk to people, and that you shook my hand. You are an genuine, entertaining speaker, offering real help, and delivering what you promise, which is very rare and unexpected in this day and age. I did come away with a lot of points that I can use. I am using my bankruptcy as a teaching tool for my boys. They are aware of our financial situation, because they are very much a part of it. Better things are planned. Thank you. Bless you.”
June 19, 1998
“I just wanted you to know the information you gave us at the seminar was very helpful!! We had our bankruptcy discharged in Feb.05 and already we have raised our credit score by using your guidelines. We are working on owning our home again real soon.You also made me feel that I was not the failure I thought I was. I just wanted to thank you for giving me the assurance that we will live again.”
Gloria and Rick
August 19, 2005
“No question. Just a big hug and a thank you. We attended your seminar this past month. Following your advise, we went to see the auto dealer that was at the seminar that evening. They did everything they said they would. We ended up leaving with a $25,000 truck at 7.9% compared to the clunker that we were paying a 24% rate on. We are in the process of getting pre- approved with the banking lender and it is looking great! Thank you again.”
October 11, 2006
“This is my beginning. I attended your seminar this year. I learned quite a bit from your words that morning. Stephen, thank you for teaching me one very important thing about life...being honest every step of the way gets you respect and a new circle of friends who are willing to help because of that honesty.”
March 28, 2007
“My bankruptcy is gone as of Dec 07 and my FICO score is about 785. Going to that seminar on March 1, 2000 was the best thing I ever did! I got my a new vehicle a month after the seminar and still have it until this day.”
June 17, 2008
“After attending your seminar, my husband and I, who had already filed and discharged a Chapter 7 bankruptcy and were on a payment schedule on a Chapter 13, were heartened about our prospects for recovery. We also bought a new SUV using your suggestions and contacts. People must be patient and persistent in dealing with potential creditors after bankruptcy. But your book and seminar, added together with your terrific contacts, has made a couple of our most remote dreams come true. Thank you for opening our eyes to the possibilities hiding within us, and for pointing us in the right direction.”
Carla and Carlos
June 30, 1999
“Thank you so much for your Credit After Bankruptcy seminar in April. It gave me the courage to go to my bank and ask about a credit card. I had enough in savings to apply for a secured card, as you had suggested, but I decided to take a chance and apply for a regular card first (swallowing my pride and telling the assistant manager, whom I know from banking there for many years, that I had messed up my credit a couple of years before). To my great surprise, they gave an instant approval for a Platinum Master Card with a rather ample credit limit and an excellent rate of 9.95 %!!! While I was waiting for the computer to reply, I remembered that a "No" would just mean "Next". After that I ordered my FICO score (which I did not know about before your seminar), and in a strange and benevolent coincidence, my bank used only one of the credit bureaus to check my record, and that bureau had a much higher score than the others. So I am on my way to total credit recovery!!! What a relief! And I learned my lesson of staying within a budget in spending and sticking to my plan for savings and investments. Thanks so much Stephen!”
July 9, 2007
“Attending your seminar one year ago was the BEST decision I ever made. I have TWO BK'S on my credit report. I filed chapter 7 in 1997 and I filed chapter 7 in 2004. I had to do something to increase my credit scores so the creditors would not focus on the two BK's. I read every newsletter. I set goals with dates. I opened accounts. I got a secured credit card with a Bank not a Banc. One year after attending your seminar, I was ready to purchase a car. I knew my credit score and my debt to ratio. I called and spoke to the owner and the finance person. I got approved for a 2007 MERCEDES BENZ with a single digit interest rate. I was given options. I had two deals going with Mercedes Benz! Unbelievable! This is truly a dream come true. I could not have done this without your help. Thank You.”
January 7, 2007
“My name is Frank Morales and I would like to take another moment to thank you all for you priceless contribution to my financial life. I attended your seminar in the Spring of 1999. I have recovered from my bk and own nearly $2 mil worth of property with much more in the pipeline. The last time I checked, my mid score was 709 and I have been able to get many unsecured lines of credit from the likes of Amex, Discover and mortgages. I do not know what I would have done or where my fiscal life would be if I had not been blessed with your story, lessons and knowledge. If I can be of service to any of your clients in the future, please do not hesitate to use me and I will give this testimony to anyone. Thanks a bunch and You too keep smiling.”
April 18, 2007
“We just came home from one of your seminars and can't thank you enough. We are a middle age couple and have made some very poor choices. Thank you again for giving us back some hope. We thought we were in a hopeless situation. Because of your seminar, we have the hope and motivation we need to help us get back on the right track.”
Dave and Patty
May 6, 2006
“I would like to thank you for taking the time to share the information you have learned. I knew I could rebuild my credit, but had no idea how. So instead of doing everything wrong, I did nothing at all. You have given me a direction to start heading and I cannot thank you enough for that. All my best to you both, you are an inspiration to others.”
March 21, 1999
“My wife and I attended your seminar. We had no idea what we would learn from you about recovering from bankruptcy. We wondered if we would be the only one's there. After all, it was our own private guilt that we were enduring. Much to our surprise, there were about 450 people in the seminar room for the afternoon session. Gee, we were not alone. There were others experiencing the same frustrations. Forty-three years of excellent credit went down the tubes when we filed for bankruptcy. Our main concern was obtaining a car for my wife. We have always had 2 cars until six months ago when one of our cars had expressed a will to retire after 180,000 miles. Purchasing a new car seemed out of the question when we tried numerous times to make a purchase. At your seminar, you mentioned a car dealer as the place to go for all of us looking for a vehicle. Well, you were right. Much to our amazement, two day's after making contact with Joe at the dealership, my wife is on cloud nine as she is driving all over our hometown in her new car. We want to express our thanks to you for all your advice and candid talk to us at the seminar. There are probably many more people like us that you can help all over the country. Keep up the great work and thanks again.”
Jack and Shirley
November 23, 1999
“I am in the US Navy and currently stationed in Japan. I filed bankruptcy two years ago after a bitter divorce. I was convinced that credit was evil, especially credit cards. I came to the realization, after reading your book, just how wrong this thinking is. I have been in the Navy for 24 years and with no debts I have plenty of disposable income. For the time being I am just investing in "I" savings bonds. I do want to regain the credit I once had. I know I will never make the mistake I made in my earlier life with credit once I regain it. I purchased your book from Barnes & Noble from their online web site. Your book is great. I read a bit of it each day and during my work day the following morning I find myself thinking about the things you have written. I used to think that I would purchase everything with cash in the future including my first home when I retire from the Navy. I realize that perhaps this thinking may not be the best. Your book has convinced me how important credit really is. I just finished reading chapter 15 and realized that I could contact you. This is an amazing thing you do asking your readers to contact you. I imagine you must be overwhelmed with people writing to you. Thank you for your book and thank you for the opportunity to email you.”
U.S. Navy
February 5, 2002
“I just wanted to express my appreciation for your holding the free bankruptcy seminar in March 2001. It gave my friend and I a lot of hope! You were very entertaining while sharing such important information. Thank you for the light side to such a sobering concern. I will remember this seminar forever!”
April 17, 2001
“My husband and I attended your seminar in April 2000. We had filed bankruptcy in the fall of 1998. I also filed personal bankruptcy prior to our marriage in 1992. It seemed as though we were never going to be able to get decent financing for a car, let alone ever own a house again. We were extremely embarrassed. When we received the invitation in the mail, we immediately signed up. We weren't sure what to expect. After we left your seminar, we contacted the car dealer from the seminar and drove home a week later with a new 2000 car with 6.5% financing! They were so helpful and understanding. That went so well, that we contacted the mortgage company you recommended to find out about home ownership. I am happy to inform you that we just moved into our new $185,000 home with 8% financing and no money down. Our discharge is not even two years old!! You are truly miracle workers. Thank you so much for doing such a wonderful thing and helping the millions of people who have been forced to file bankruptcy! It did turn out to be a blessing in disguise.”
Roger and Angela
December 26, 2000
“I went to your seminar over a year ago and cleaned up my credit to the point that when I went to buy a car two days ago my score was 779. WOW! Thanks for the help.”
November 15, 2004
“I just finished reading your book "Credit after Bankruptcy" and I know that I'm finally heading in the right direction. My wife attended one of your seminars about a year ago and purchased your book. I never found the time to read it until now, and it couldn't have come at a better time. Why didn't I read your book sooner! I wasted a year, but all certainly isn't lost. I have hope and I'm excited about my chances. At the end of the six-month period I'm going to visit the car dealership and lease a car. Doesn't matter how plain or simple it looks, any car will do. As long as has automatic locks! I will refer to this book regularly to keep me focused.”
May 19, 1999
“My success started right after attending one of your seminars in 2002. My bankruptcy was discharge in June of 2002. In August of 2004 I purchased my first home, using the mortgage company you suggested. There were no problems at closing. I have since purchases a second vehicle without a high interest rate. In addition, my credit is now 701. Everyone says I can purchase anything I want, no one pays any attention to the bankruptcy on my credit history. I currently have a contact on my second home, and have banks begging me to use them. I am so excited, there are so many other things that I have on my agenda to complete. My goals list is long and specific. There is nothing holding me back now, nothing. Thank you all so very much for teaching me about these processes. I would have never known had I not attended that seminar. I maintain all the contacts that you had with you at the seminar and I read everything suggested.”
August 23, 2006
“We attended when you were here in 1999. Before we attended we never would have occurred to us to work on our credit. But thanks to you we are in a totally different place. After your seminar, we bought a new 1999 car, which we still love today. It was so exciting to me to have my new car. I did not think that would be possible. The folks at the dealership were great. We also got a credit card which now has been unsecured for some time. Because of this I was able to finally get a Target charge. I wanted this so I could participate in their community giveback program and 1% could go back to the school I work in. We pay everything on time and have worked hard to restore our credit. Our biggest thing occurred last week when we closed on a conventional bank home equity line of credit with a 6.5% interest rate. In my wildest dreams I didn't think this would happen 3 years after our discharge. We are now able to make some small home repairs and take our children to Disney World this summer. The best part is our payment will be the same as it was before. If we had not attended your seminar we would just be plugging along waiting. Things are much better this way. We cannot thank you enough.”
Toni and Harvey
July 13, 2001
“I attended your seminar a few months ago, and wanted to share this experience. During the seminar you recommended a credit card. About 1 month after my BK discharge, my wife and I applied for and received the card you recommended with no hassle. My wife and I have been very responsible with the card, keeping our charges under 25% of the credit line and paying the balance off each month. Thank you for recommending a respectable bank to do business with. Also, I took your advice on the dealership for the best interest rates on a vehicle after BK. I tried many other makes first and ended up purchasing where you said, as their interest rate was 3.5% less than my second best offer. Thanks for the great advice.”
February 27, 2008
“I got an invitation to your next seminar in the mail today, I was very excited to see myself quoted in the flyer. My story gets even better - last year when interest rates were low and because I had saved a 10% down payment, I was able to build my dream house. In a years time the value has appreciated by about $22,000.00. In addition to my new home I am about to purchase some income property, if everything goes according to my plans. I would be able to quit my construction job and live off the income from my property, within about five years - retire at 55 sounds good to me! Your seminar is about the best thing that happened to me it redirected my focus totally. Thanks again.”
August 11, 2004
“I attended your seminar this past Saturday. The contents and presentation was just outstanding. Keep up this good work.”
March 17, 1998
“It is Saturday 1:15 in the afternoon and I've just returned home from your seminar. I just wanted to say thank you right away. Let me say to you that the tears are flowing as I type this. I shed a few during the seminar as well because your intense desire to help yourself and others is both touching and healing. There is hope for me and I can not repay you enough. From my home office I send you love and gratitude to your home in Indiana. Thank you so very much!”
April 10, 1999
“I attended the seminar. Thanks for your help. I've already purchased a brand new 2000 car from the car dealer you recommended and have applied for two bank cards per your suggestion.”
November 4, 1999
“I was discharged from bankruptcy in July of 2003. The last time your seminar was here, I decided to attend. I loved your advice and purchased your book. I followed your advice step by step, and now my wife and I have just closed on our first house ($162,000.00)! I couldn't believe we were approved, much less for that much. And our monthly note is within $100.00 of what we were spending in rent! Thank you again, and if there is anything we can do for your seminars, just let us know.”
Alonzo and Jacqueline
April 11, 2004
“Thank you, thank you, thank you. If I wrote it a thousand times that still would not convey the depth of my gratitude. I attended your seminar back in April 2000. Needless to say, the information you shared with me that day literally turned my life around. Four years ago you blessed my life in innumerable ways. Peace and continued blessings to you and yours, always.”
February 8, 2004
“After September 11, my husband was laid off from his high-paying airline industry job. We sold our house, moved into a cheap apartment, took the kids out of private schools, got rid of one of the cars, and otherwise cut our expenses as much as we could. We were still getting 10 calls a day from creditors we couldn't pay, and saw no future of getting out from under it. We didn't always have money for food, so we were stuck without any hope of a future. We finally filed bankruptcy, and it was discharged in September of 2003. Luckily our lawyers took small payments! Your seminar started our recovery. At the time I went, it was a year after our chapter 7 was discharged. A year later our mortgage broker was amazed at how high our scores were. We still paid more on our interest rate than a person with a higher score, but we did get a house, and the rate was reasonable. (We had no money down, and had not had any new credit since our bankruptcy). We have had our home for a year now, and have gone through some new financial struggles, but recently needed new cars. We went to our credit union, and our credit was almost good enough for their used car loan at 5.75%. Well, since I had a relationship with my banker, he had me go home and prove that one of the items on my credit that was showing delinquent had been discharged in my bankruptcy. We got the loans! We bought 2 used vehicles that, for us, were the nicest we had owned in many years! We each have a credit card, mine with a $3000 limit, my husband's with a $750 limit. We give 10% to charity, and are building towards saving 10%. My husband still works 2 jobs to make ends meet, but we have learned to live below our means and do it different this time out. We will make steps to save for the rainy days. We do still have a ways to go before we can feel like we are completely recovered. I have learned it all from just the newsletters and the seminar. Thank You, Stephen, we couldn't have done it without you. I REALLY MEAN THAT!”
December 27, 2006
“I attended the seminar yesterday and I came home with soooo much information. I am looking forward to a better FICO score! I just want to thank you all for helping me recover from something very traumatic in my life. My husband died suddenly and all his income died with him. I was left with a new house and bills that my builder didn't pay and it has been very overwhelming, but I now feel I am on the road to recovery. THANKS!”
October 3, 2004
“Thank you so much for all of the information presented in today's seminar. I love the 3 frogs joke, I laughed out loud. I have a much better feeling about my financial future now. I don't have to wait 10 years for everything to fall off of my record. I have taken advantage of everything you and your associates have to offer me. I will make better choices!”
August 14, 2007
“Finally some "real" down to earth and frank answers! Please don't change in that regard. I can't wait for the follow-up seminar. I'm putting your advice into effect immediately and I'm reading your book for more in depth advice.”
September 15, 1998
“I am Barbara Irizarry and I am bankrupt. I enjoyed the seminar. The information that was shared concerning recovery after bankruptcy was very appealing to me.  You have equipped me with many skills. In particular, I was impressed with Stephen's compassion, beautiful spirit and humor. It did my heart good to know that someone is truly committed to help others. Now that I have attended his seminar...I know that this thing is real.  Thank you all for a delightful and enlighting seminar!”
August 18, 2003
“Thank you very very much for your excellent seminar. I haven't yet received my discharge papers. I am so thankful I attend the seminar when I did. I can tell you I most certainly would have headed off in the wrong direction. As part of my current job I have had the opportunity to attend many seminars over the years. I don't believe I've been to one that packed so much useable information in such a short amount of time. The way that registration and seating was coordinated was as good or better than any seminar I've ever attended. I bought the book. I've read it through twice already. Your seminar did more than you may imagine. Stephen caused me to dig deep. It's not just about getting a new car, or a low interest loan. It's the self esteem. Doing the right thing. Charity, savings and investments. Family relationships. I totally expect my credit score to improve. Stephen awakened more than that in me. I can't really express how much this seminar meant to me. I hope to be a volunteer at the next meeting.”
October 19, 2004
“So far no questions but a lot of positive reinforcement for you. I was a school principal with a budget well over a million dollars a year but when medical problems hit me along with some personal problems I was forced into bankruptcy. Your seminar on Saturday was the shot in my arm that I needed. Seeing others in the same predicament and talking to others helped me and of course all of your wonderful, very helpful thoughts and ideas. Thanks!”
April 25, 2007
“My wife and I attended your seminar and we just need to thank you so much! Our journey to your seminar is very special. Our friends Dave and Amy filed bankruptcy two years ago. We brought them to your last seminar and began their road to recovery. Two years later they are closing on their brand new house. Life is again filled with unlimited possibilities. We are not cursed, we are recovering. Your guidance and assistance has already paid off. We are on our way. The wonderful people at the car dealership you recommend helped us out. We drove home our brand new 2000 car. We have needed a second car for so long, and we had saved $2000 to PAY CASH for some old hunk, but decided to wait to buy a car until after the seminar. Glad we did, because right now we'd be driving a clunker and be no closer to recovery than we were before. We put just under $800 down and drove home our beautiful new car. We anticipate that our hard work will pay off equally as well in both of those areas. Thank you again.”
Thom and Kim
May 19, 2000
“Just a note to thank you for your wonderful seminar. I sure learned a lot and it was certainly worth the four hours. I have a different feeling about myself. I am not ashamed anymore, and left your seminar holding my head up high. Your book is a must read. I read it in less than 2 days and am now going back over certain chapters. Many thanks. Yes, there is light at the end of the tunnel thanks to both of you. As you said when you autographed my book "keep smiling."”
November 23, 1998
“Declared Chapter 7 in October 2007. This week I got a loan modification from my mortgage company that cuts my mortgage in half.
My FICO scores have improved you actually do R O C K!!!”
March 12, 2009
“My husband & I received an invitation to your seminar but out of curiosity I decided to visit the website first. The testimonials sounded so convincing that I ordered the book and I couldn't put it down. My professional background is mortgage lending and banking so I was mesmerized by what I was reading. I could tell that someone had really done their homework and the information that was being published was extremely accurate. So I commend your organization for caring enough about the public to put people first as opposed to money first. The main purpose of sending you this email is to tell you about our recovery and to tell others that recovery is possible but they must be patient and don't ever give up. I will read this book over and over again. It is so well written and speaks the truth. What a great job he did. And thanks for Chapter 12 it was like a bonus! God bless you all and keep up the good work.”
April 16, 2004
“Good luck with all that you are doing to help people through the crisis. I am so grateful for your seminars and email newsletters. You have worked very hard to keep connected with people that need financial guidance while enduring a BK. Don't think there is any other person doing what you are doing on the web. Again, many thanks.”
September 10, 2009
“I wanted to let you all know that less than a year after taking the course, my FICO scores are: TransUnion 680, Equifax 689, Experian 643. I'm still working and would like to get all my FICO scores above 700 by December. Still have a ways to go, but things are much, much better for me now, and for that I am eternally grateful to you and your staff. No doubt I will be attending your next seminar, as I need as much encouragement as I can get.”
New York
May 11, 2007
“I just wanted to say thank you for giving me the opportunity to attend your seminar on August 4. Like most other people, I usually glance at something that looks like your invitation and immediately throw it in the trash can. But this time, I not only opened your invitation, but read it as well. I put it aside thinking, maybe I'll go. For two weeks before the seminar, it was constantly at the back of my mind. The day before the seminar, I made a conscious decision to attend and called to register. Your presentation was genuine, informative, encouraging and you had a wonderful sense of humor to boot! I walked away from the seminar totally psyched about rebuilding my credit and what the future holds for me! I went home and shared my notes and my excitement with my husband and now he's interested in re-establishing his credit as well. Thank you so much for the wonderful opportunity and may God continue to bless your business and marriage as well.”
August 7, 2001
“Since I went to your first seminar I felt more comfortable telling people I am bankrupt. In doing so I have found out that a couple of really good friends also did. I brought one of them last year and want to bring two more this year. We have joked and called ourselves "The Financially Challenged Club!" We even said we would get together once a month to go over things we need to do. I have thanked you like a million times but I have to do it again. Thank you!! We will be at the seminar.”
October 9, 2005
“Thanks for sharing my experience with your readers. I hope it helps people in some small way. Keep up the great work that you do. We would have never made it through our bankruptcy in such good shape without you”
September 28, 2009
“Your seminar changed my life. I learned more, like you said in four hours than I think I would have ever learned on my own. Thank you for your honesty and wit and thank you for sharing. I commend you for your openness.”
March 18, 2002
“Thank you SO much! I have to tell you that since the seminar on May 1st, I have paid off my car note ($9,200), I have gotten a $2,500 secured credit card which I pay off 100% upon receipt of the bill. I have gotten a $6,500 secured loan through a credit union which reports to all three credit bureaus, I have formulated a reasonable budget which includes savings, investment and giving, and I have started tracking all expenses to monitor against my budget. My goal is to buy a house in two years with a good interest rate. Also, by paying off my car I was able to reconfigure my auto insurance and received an $800 refund. I used the $6,500 secured loan to (anonymously) lend my sister money for a house to start a daycare and have received a promissory note from her. The installments I receive from her will fund my mortgage down payment. She will be paying me 10% interest while the bank I deposit it into will pay me 1.2% interest. I have figured out a way to double my 401k loan payments and should be free and clear this time next year. I also managed to be promoted effective July 1, which increases my ability to save money and further rebuild my credit. I am so grateful for all of the information you have provided me - - in your seminar, your book and in the research you did. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I hope the information I provided in the paragraph above will help you see just how powerful your book, seminar, and personal belief in this information really is! I hope to be able to write to you in two years and tell you about the great mortgage loan I was able to get with the credit I was able to rebuild!”
July 28, 2004
“Hi Stephen...I am so glad that I went to your Credit After Bankruptcy seminar. I did not feel that I was the only person to go through this. My business was failing, and I used my personal credit to try to shore it up. What a mistake. I let my emotions override my common sense. I used to have a credit score of 785. Then I fell down to about 580 with the bankruptcy. I attended your seminar and found HOPE! My biggest obstacle was that not only did I have to file BK, but I had also gotten divorced. All women should know that at some time during their married life they need to establish their own credit. All of the cars that my ex and I purchased were in his name (the credit union required that!) Once I tried to reestablish my credit, the biggest negative item was that I had never purchased an auto!!! Well, this January, a mere 8 months after my BK was discharged I got a brand new car. I did my homework, worked closely with the financial manager at the dealership and got a new car. He went the extra mile for me...and I am glad that I had the knowledge from your seminar to work with him. Within 30 days of purchasing the car, my credit score was up to 650! I am anxiously waiting to check it again this month! I am due to refinance my home (which I was able to retain through the BK), and am sure that all will go well. Thanks for all of your help and support.”
North Carolina
April 26, 2007
“My wife and I want to thank you for changing our lives. We attended your seminar (I was embarrassed to go but am so happy I did) in 2002 after we were both forced to declare bankruptcy after a bad business venture. Of course, we attended after I had just bought a new SUV at a rate of 12.9% with a $5,200 cash down payment. At the time, I was thinking they were doing me a favor. What a nut I was at the time both of us had scores in the 500 range. Fast forward about eight months after your seminar and doing exactly what you told us in your book and at the seminar, both of our scores were in the high 600's and she had a 726. We bought our first home and were paying only about $150 more to own rather than rent. A year later we took advantage of the rates and refinanced and paid off all our bills and got a preferred rate under 6%. Last May I walked into a car dealer and bought a brand new SUV for 4.9% with no money down (even got a $3,500 rebate!) and my wife got a brand new SUV with 0% financing and a $2,500 rebate!!!!! We have completely changed our lives in about a three year period of time and we did it by simply following your easy to use ideas. If I had known how simple it would be, I would have gotten started a lot sooner! I have even helped several friends and a couple of their friends turn their lives around as well. Thank you so much for doing what you do and take comfort in the fact that you are changing people's lives for the better.”
April 20, 2006
“My wife and I attended your seminar about a week ago. We learned a ton of stuff and are really glad we went. Thanks so much! With your help we are on the straight and narrow. Thank you and God bless. If you are ever in our area email me or call me if you have time for some fellowship or dinner. My wife and I love the spirit you and your wife have!”
March 13, 2001
“My wife and I wanted to thank you for the information we received at your recent seminar. Our bankruptcy was discharged almost 3 years ago and we have been trying to imagine how we could ever buy anything on credit again. We took the attitude that the best way to repair the situation was to pay for everything with cash and hopefully someone would recognize this and someday we could buy a new car or even a house! Yesterday we were very skeptical when went to the dealer recommended at your seminar. We were expecting to hear that there wasn't any options for us. Imagine our delight when two hours later we drove away with a fully loaded brand new car. We were prepared to be satisfied if we cut our interest rate in half. Our final interest rate was 5.5%! In six months we will be buying a second new car for a better deal than that. We now can envision buying a home within a year and our confidence in ourselves is much higher. Thank you for your information. If you have skeptics let them call us. The best deal so far was the free seminar. Need volunteers for your next seminar?”
May 13, 2001
“Yesterday I bought a new Toyota Tacoma. All my FICO scores are still a hair below 700, but the third dealer I interviewed qualified me in the top tier for 2.9%. Following your advice I went straight to the finance manager and handed him a sheet of paper on which I had summarized all the information he needed (except my Social Security Number); date of discharge, reaffirmation of my previous Toyota loan, re-established credit, credit cards paid off every month, current FICO Scores, employment history and current income, current balances of my banking accounts. Documentation for all this was under the seat of my truck, but I didn't need to get it out. Maybe I went a little overboard! He was very impressed with my preparation and knowledge (all of which you taught me) and said there would be no problem. I drove away with a 2009 Tacoma access cab at a good price, with a good rate and affordable payments. The truth is you, my financial mentor, did all the really hard work. I just followed along and benefited!
Thanks, Stephen, for all you do.”
March 7, 2009
“Our gratitude to you is truly extraordinary. Thanks seems to hardly be the appropriate word for such accurate and helpful knowledge you've imparted on the general public in the area of personal bankruptcy. Nonetheless, we are truly grateful for your book and the way it has literally and essentially changed our lives. My husband and I are only 29 years old. We filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy a year and a half ago. Our case was discharged 13 months ago. Our research led us to some helpful books and internet sites, but none of these were very promising or helpful until we found your book in our local bookstore one night. We poured over it for hours. Because we were on a strict spending regimen, (we thought we'd need to eventually pay cash for a house) I read the entire book in the bookstore two days later, taking notes in a notebook as I hung onto every one of your words. Two weeks later, I chose not to have my haircut for the month so I would stick to my spending allowance and still be able to buy your book. I paid the $30.00 and stayed up all night reading it for the second time. Two months after that, I became confident that I could try purchasing a new vehicle with the knowledge I had gained reading your book. My husband and I were nervous and embarrassed walking into the dealership. Here we were, two very accomplished individuals, and we were speaking with the "credit challenged" manager. Though humbling, this would be the test as to whether the contents of your book proved credible. Within several hours, we were approved for a brand new car at 3.9% interest through a captive lender. What's more amazing is that we had filed bankruptcy WITH this lender and voluntarily surrendered our 4 year old vehicle to them just a year ago! We were stunned. As you suggest in your book, we were "buying the financing." The car is great, but it wasn't an absolute necessity. We did have an old used car for me to drive, and my husband takes a train to work. But, we were anxious to utilize this opportunity to establish a flawless payment history with this mainstream lender so it would set a new precedence on our credit reports. Stephen, you are helping us realize our life's dreams as a young married couple. If it were not for you, we would still be trying to simply live on cash, viewing credit as the enemy. While your knowledge on obtaining a car loan or mortgage will allow us to live the more simple family future we now see, your perspective has changed who we are. How can we thank you enough for that? You should be proud of who you are.”
April 16, 2003
“Thanks again for all that you've done to help us. We have followed your direction to a T and couldn't be happier both financially and personally. It has actually brought us closer by working together to solve our issues as opposed to playing the blame game. We are both responsible for what goes on in our financial lives and make every decision together whether it is how much we are going to put away in a week to how much we are going to budget for groceries to putting money away towards a goal (a boat is in the works now since we got the house and new truck! We plan on having the entire amount put aside in a separate account and having the payments auto-drafted.) No extra money payment coming out of our pay and improving our credit all at the same time!”
May 17, 2007
“I attended your seminar and I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed it. As you said in the seminar I was very skeptical at first, but after listening to you I came away with a better feeling about myself and also a better plan for my future. I have already read over half of your book and have already seen a few things that I need to do.”
March 1, 1999
“Thanks for the seminar. In the last year I have gotten a mortgage, two credit cards and now have FICO scores nearing 700.”
April 6, 2005
“I have to honestly say that your seminar was the best and most INFORMATIVE four hours that I have ever spent. It would be just as great for people looking to improve their credit so they can buy a house or a car or just feel comfortable knowing that their credit "looks" okay. I plan to drive to my daughter's house today and show her a lot of the information because I want both she and her husband to have the opportunity to improve their credit scores before it's too late. Because of your seminar I am going to take my life back and take charge of it once again! Thank you so very much for your experience and choosing to share it with others.”
March 6, 2005
“First let me begin by saying thank you. Thank you for the knowledge that you shared and the insight that you brought to the presentation. I was amazed at how quickly the four hours passed. I'd also like to commend Stephen for his effectiveness for not only relaying the information in a concise but easy to follow method, but also for the energy that he brought to the presentation. It was refreshing seeing so many people from various walks of life. I must confess that I walked into the presentation with no expectations. What I walked away with was the hope and faith that I can regain control of my life. It was quite enriching. Thank you for not only providing the tools for one to recover but also for instilling hope through example that we too can make everything alright. May God continue to bless you and may many others walk away from your seminars knowing that hope is never lost.”
September 7, 2003
“My name is Angela. I just sat in on your seminar last night and I wanted to let you know how grateful I am to you! I feel so blessed to have gotten your invitation in the mail. I am so grateful for the incentive of your seminar. It gives us a chance to get back what was rightfully ours. Our credit. We have lost thousands of dollars & our credit. But I always have faith & now with your help I've learned what to do to reinstate our value. And we have learned a valuable lesson! Your seminar was so enlightening. I laughed quite a bit. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I felt good about my self for the first time in two years. I finally feel there is a way out of this mess that were in. And when you were quoting Jim Rohn that was the frosting on the cake. I know for things to change you need to change. Thank you again for everything. If I feel this good about myself after your kind words of wisdom so will someone else.”
Angela and Peter
December 5, 2007
“I REALLY enjoyed the seminar!!!! God bless you. Thank you so much. I'm now excited about owning a house!!”
August 22, 2007
“Less than one month after your seminar I came home with a 2005 SUV! My interest rate went from 19.9% to 9.9%. I can't tell you how much I learned from the seminar. It was very valuable information.”
May 19, 2005
“I had a mortgage pre-approved on a house of my choosing!”
February 1, 2002
“Not only do I love your informative and ‘most accurate’ information in the pool of misinformation out there, but I am also a fan of your demeanor in all of the your videos and phone conferences. Thank you for your dedication to honesty and professionalism.”
New York
September 9, 2009
“My husband and I attended your seminar and we want you to know that you really opened our eyes and our hearts. We truly believed that filing bankruptcy was the worst possible thing that we had ever done. Now we know it was the best thing we did! After leaving your seminar we leased a brand new 2000 mini van at a great price. We needed the mini van for our three kids. We've sold our house and are in the process of building a brand new home which should be completed by November of this year. I'm rambling to make my point, I truly appreciate your inspiring words and we keep your book in the night table with our Bible. Thank you for all your help and God Bless you and Michele!”
February 24, 2000
“I just wanted to drop a note to let you know that I opened my front door this morning (we never use the front door) and found a Fedex package waiting for us. WE GOT PRE-APPROVED FOR A MORTGAGE! They have approved us for $150,000 which means after the sale of our house we should be able to afford a house around $200,000 which will allow us to move to the area we were hoping! Interest rate of 6.5% isn't too bad I don't think. I just wanted to say thank you for getting us hooked up...you have been a great source of information and support since the first day we attended your seminar. I now know you truly can survive after bankruptcy!”
Mark and Kyle
April 4, 2003
“Forgive me for being naive and thinking that I would show up and fall asleep during your four hour seminar. I was so wrong. Your seminar was wonderful. I'm so happy that I got your invitation to attend. For an entire four hours I hung on your every word. Even though I am one of those people who have gotten very use to paying cash for almost everything, I now fully understand that credit is a necessity. Thank you so very much for the seminar. It's wonderful that you would put so much effort and heart into trying to help others. Thank you for the life changing information. God Bless & Thank You.”
August 24, 1999
“We attended your seminar. We went bankrupt in 1998 and our world crumbled. We had begun to think it would be impossible to hang on to what we were allowed to keep; let alone rebuild what we once had. Your seminar gave us the tools to make good financial choices. Utilizing some of what you taught, we made an appointment with the finance wizards at the car dealership you recommended the following Friday. Jeannie drove her brand new truck home Saturday afternoon. The monthly payments we are making on this new truck are $230 less than they were for one we bought in 1997, before we went bankrupt. Knowledge is power. It's a pleasure to have met such powerful people. Thank you.”
Jeff and Jeannie
May 23, 2002
“I would like to tell you how pleased and delighted I was with the information presented at the seminar, I only wished my husband could have attended. I am so encouraged that we now have the information that we need to go forward and rebuild our lives. I was so impacted by what I heard, it was like a soothing balm, in my spirit. I knew that there had to be a way to recover from the bankruptcy. WOW! I believe that this stuff works! Thank you for your integrity and please know that you have been a point of destiny in our lives.”
Joyce and Ed
March 1, 1999
“Today Art and I attended your seminar. We talked to Stephen personally. Well, less than 12 hours later we drove home from the car dealership you recommended with a brand new 1999 car. The car dealers treated us so great. We feel so much better about ourselves. Our teenage sons are so excited. The dealers also asked us to be in their upcoming commercial. We have made a first step which has not been possible since 1991. We cannot thank you enough.”
Art and Connie
April 18, 1999
“Over a year ago I attended your seminar. Just wanted to share an update of sorts. Just recently, I've found a townhouse to buy when we move. There was no problem with getting a pre approved loan amount of $165,000. In short, the closing on my new home will be Good Friday, March 29th. I called the Mortgage reps, to ask if I could have my FICO credit scores. They had three: Beacon score 713, Fair Isaac 676, Empirica 684. My score, when I got my leased new car two years this coming July, was in the low 600's to my surprise. You are a blessing.”
February 28, 2002
“I attend your seminar back in February of 2006, at which time I had just been discharged in December of 05. My story is a little different, I had to file bankruptcy due to being a victim of ID theft. After almost 3 years of trying to get it all resolved on my own. I had no choice but to file and rid myself of all bills that the thieves had ran up. I watched my scores increase from the mid 500s now at 690/693/705, (this didn't happen over night and you must be patient for these scores). With these scores I recently got rid of my 2001 Mercedes Benz (because they would not report my "on time" auto payments to the agencies any longer even after I reaffirmed them in the bankruptcy). I was so disappointed with Mercedes I just wanted to get rid of them. Besides I was ready for a new auto lease with these scores. In June, I leased a 2007 Audi A4, with 0, yes ZERO down, I did a sign and drive and had them throw in the maintenance plan, tinted windows and chrome wheels. Thanks to your seminar I am on the road to recovery and getting back to the mid 700s where I have always been before the ID theft.”
September 5, 2007
“Your book Credit After Bankruptcy was very informative, easy to read, and held my attention from beginning to end. I received your book on a Thursday and by Saturday I was finished reading it. After being discharged, I soon begin to re-establish my credit. I financed a high interest loan but thanks to your book I will not make that mistake again. From now on I will patiently re-establish my credit.”
May 31, 1999
“I attended your seminar last week. I have to tell you that you have changed the way I look at things and I'm more hopeful than ever about restoring my credit. I conveyed what you spoke about to my wife who also filed bankruptcy and she can't wait to get back on the road to recovery. Until your seminar I thought restoring our credit, leasing another car, and purchasing a home would be impossible in the near future. Thanks for your words of encouragement.”
New York
September 3, 2000
“I want to thank you for presenting your experiences at the seminar. Your presentation was very inspiring and gave me the motivation that I needed to excel after my bankruptcy. Your book is great.”
March 18, 1999
“Today, January 31, 2007, is a great day. February 2003 was my bankruptcy discharge date. I started over with in a new state, new job, new life. After attending a seminar we decided it was time for a change. We moved and rented for six months from my brother. March 2005 I purchased my first home and have not looked back since. I have been working a full time job making about 40K a year and buying real estate under value and renting them out, this has worked out so well I was able to quit my 9-7 regular job and help others placing people into their investment homes full time. I started over 2 years out of a BK and today I own 6 properties, I am self employed, we went in 50/50 on a condo in Maui (and should close in 2 weeks) and today I got a call from my lender letting me know my score is 710. I would of never imagined all that hard work to pay off so big. One of the properties I own I was just able to qualify for a mortgage that will save me $1000 a month, just because my score went from 670 to 710. It is possible!”
January 31, 2007
“I attended your seminar 2 years ago when you were here. I received a wealth of information as well as read your book and learned a lot. I was devastated before attending your seminar. I felt like a nobody and that I no longer had a "good" status in society. In fact, this frustration even drove me to feelings of suicide and separation from all of my friends and family. Because of your seminar, I was able to cope with the shame and it really made me feel better that I was not the only one who had filed bankruptcy. Now 2 years later, I am happily married to a wonderful, considerate man, who is in the US Navy. We are living here on a beautiful tropical island, traveling to exotic destinations, and we now have a better grip on how we spend our money and allocate savings into our retirement. We even have plans on buying a new house when we get back to the states with a nice "nest egg" which is separate from our retirement money. Because of your seminar, I am better educated on my life after bankruptcy and my self esteem has now been escalated. Thank you for everything.”
January 18, 2002
“My husband and I attended the seminar in 2001 and since then now own 3 homes.”
March 6, 2008
“I wanted to write and thank you so much. The information you shared has given us our lives back. We filed chapter 7 in March of 2004. We got an invitation to your seminar, which has changed our lives forever. Our scores are now in the high 600's and low 700's We just closed on a beautiful tri-level home at 6.375% with no money down. I was able to buy my dream truck last year at a great rate, and just as important,you said something so profound, you said to learn to give away 10%, save 10% and invest 10%, and I thought how could I ever do that? But I couldn't get it out of my mind. we started by giving 10% to our church, then I started putting 10% in a 401k at work, and finally we are also now putting 10% into savings. We actually are doing it all in just 3 years, and I can't even describe the awesome blessings we have received and the feeling of security. We are so grateful for all your time and effort you have devoted to helping people like us.”
March 29, 2007
“I wanted to thank you both. I attended the August seminar. Your seminar helped me so much. After I attended, I called all my current credit cards and got my interest rates lowered from 21% to 15% I was excited! I also refused a "bad" credit card and applied to one of the ones you suggested. I feel much more confident now. I've told other recently bankrupt friends about your seminar.”
August 19, 2000
“I attended your lovely afternoon seminar. I want to graciously thank you for putting "good" out into the world. I am a firm believer in the old adage "what goes around, comes around."”
July 15, 1998
“May 30, 2007 marked the 10th anniversary of my exit from Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Due to your seminars, contacts and the information I've received (plus a brush up attendance at a 2nd seminar 2 years later), I'm proud to tell you that as of June 5, 2007, my scores were as follows: Equifax 806, Experian 819 and TransUnion 821. I wish I had found you when I filed BK in 1997 -- it would have gone a lot faster!”
June 6, 2007
“We filed as a result of credit card debt we racked up as undergraduate and graduate students for many years. We managed it for a very long time, but when I finished my program and was unemployed a few months, I became ill with a stomach problem and had emergency surgery without health insurance at the time. Those bills were the reason we wound up filing. As educated and successful people, we have always felt great shame over our financial state. However, after filing, we began to do research much like yourself (though certainly not to as great an extent) on recovering. We found your book in Borders in February and plan to attend your seminar this May. By day's end, we were approved at 3.9% on a brand new car. We also qualified for rebates, which coupled with our money down, made for an attractive price. We are thrilled to have a new car to get us to work, but even more, we are ecstatic to be doing business with the world of mainstream credit. We have established unsecured credit card accounts, but this loan is the best thing to happen since filing. We can't thank you enough for what you've done for so many people. We look forward to your seminar on May 3.”
April 13, 2003
“My husband and I recently attended your seminar in our area. We went there with high hopes that you would instruct us on how we could move on from a point in our lives that seemed to be very low and not very pleasant. We left the seminar feeling that purchasing a home in the next 6 to 12 months was possible and other everyday financial issues were possible as well. I wanted to run out of the seminar on Saturday and go do all of the things right away, but as with everything else, it all takes time. We found that the manner that you carried out your four hour seminar was enjoyable. We were kind of leery about having to sit for four hours, but you were enjoyable to listen to and very informative.”
Beth and Ryan
October 2, 1998
“I really enjoyed your seminar when I attended it ten years ago. You taught me how credit reporting works and I put your advice to good use. Today my FICO score is above 800, largely thanks to you.”
October 11, 2007
“Just wanted to say thank you and to tell you that what you do is such a help to all who go through this situation in life. Followed your advise from the beginning and everything has worked out great for me. I could never have done it without you. Attending your seminar and reading your book were two of the smartest things I have ever done. Thanks again”
March 21, 2007
“Since attending your seminar my financial life has changed tremendously for the better. I learned so much in that four hours. I know you get this all the time; but, "thank you" for doing what you do. At bankruptcy court I was terrified and thought my life was over! One of the better days in my life, was the day I received an invitation to attend your seminar. God has never failed me and he never will. He constantly puts people of value in my life. All the best!”
August 22, 2006
“My name is Rona. I was scheduled to go to your seminar on March 27, 1999 but was unable to attend. I was sick about not being able to go. My husband was only able to attend for the first two hours. I was so upset about all of this that I was going to try and arrange to see you in August. My husband did pick up your book and I read it that very day. Everything you said made sense. Yesterday we went to the dealership you recommended. My husband had to have a car. When I walked in the door I felt that old feeling of shame and intimidation. Then, I thought of the things you said in your book and I stood up straight, took a deep breath and told myself that I deserved to be there as much as anybody else. I was so determined to maintain my dignity because I know that we are "good people". Well, they were wonderful. They showed us colors, body styles, automatics, standards, everything! We were going to buy my husband a stripped down, bottom of the line car. Then my husband noticed a little red sports car with lots of extras. He asked if we could drive it. We loved it! We renegotiated and drove home in our red sports car and our payments were actually less than they'd been with the stripped down car. They truly went out of their way to work with us. Plus, there were no "...Give me a copy of your discharge papers, check stubs, phone bills, utility bills, 20 references..." that goes along with typical high-interest financing. In fact, after our initial conversation the bankruptcy was never mentioned again. They gave us back our dignity on a silver platter. Thank you so much for all the things you helped us get back especially our self worth and dignity. I apologize for rambling on but I feel like I'm "normal" again. Thanks for giving us our life back.”
Rona and Wade
April 3, 1999
“I attended your seminar on Feb 24th. With much trepidation, I finally took the leap of faith and went out to speak with two of the lenders that were there. I test drove several cars. These two went above and beyond, and I now have a 2007 car at 6.9% interest. I have two other friends that went through bankruptcy around the same time, and they are paying over 18% interest for their car loans. I have been following your advice, and will continue to do so. This has been a real eye-opener for me as to how credit REALLY works! Please keep up the great work, and spreading the news about how to recover!”
April 13, 2007
“Thank you both. Your book is helping me and leading me to recovery. The greatest thing of all is that you're helping me for free.”
January 20, 2000
“Back in September 2005, I had sent in a testimonial praising you for the in-depth knowledge you've given me and my wife in order to get our life back in shape. Our credit scores improved dramatically within three months of attending your seminar and I was AMAZED, to say the least. In December of 2005, we decided to go for it and buy a house. We've already given our landlord over $30,000 in rent over the past 5 years so we figured our scores would, at least, be well enough to purchase a small "starter" home. So we thought.... Well, well, well....Don't you know that we were approved for $150,000 at prime + one quarter percent with NO MONEY DOWN!?!?!?!?! We purchased a 5 Bedroom 2.5 Bath, 2300+ square foot multilevel split home for $140,000!!! We bought the property under "AS-IS" condition which was cool with us because we're pretty handy around the home. Homes in that particular area are worth over $170,000!!! The property passed inspection with flying colors and all we have to do is make some minor cosmetic repairs... I just wanted to write and thank you because we will be CLOSING on that very home THIS WEEK (February 2006)!!! I never in my wildest dreams thought we'd be living the American Dream this fast after filing Chapter 7 in 2003. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!!!!!!! You guys are truly BLESSED! ;-)”
February 8, 2006
“First and foremost, thank you for putting on today's webinar. I was willing to travel to see it. However, my belief is that the effective use of technology made this EVEN better. I discharged Chapter 7 April 2005. For more than a year I have wanted to learn more from you and I was not in town when you were here and was not able to figure a convenient city to see you. I'm sort of glad I missed it. This presentation was great... AND SO EASY.”
August 28, 2007
“My name is Kyle Ethelbah. I attended your seminar nearly two years ago. I'm still grateful to have had the opportunity to hear what you had to say. I followed the steps you outlined, and just completed the purchase of my first home...a nice town home, in an older part of the city that sets itself apart from the cookie cutter, manufactured templates which are the trademark of the housing market where I live. It has charm, nice neighborhood, and has shown its stability through its homeowners association. I honestly did not think I would ever be able to purchase my own home. Being from an Indian reservation, the thought of homeownership was a very foreign concept. All the homes where I grow up were government subsidized - every one of them. They belonged to no family but the government. So it wasn't natural for us to think about ever owning a home on our own. I carried this mentality into my adult life. In any case, I never thought I would qualify for a home loan because of my bankruptcy, and never thought I would be able to get a fixed rate at nearly the average for the country. Thank you for introducing me to the mortgage company you recommend. Even my realtor commented that she had never dealt with such a friendly company that seemed to truly have the consumer in mind. Thank you Stephen. You have helped me to make one more step forward in piecing together my life.”
January 12, 2007
“We are one year out of discharge. Since our discharge we have obtained Visa credit cards, bought a car, a rental home, a new home for us, and now have been approved for an FHA refinance.”
April 7, 2005
“I have been following your emails and books / instructions for years and I am SO thankful for all of your advice!! I've just never really said thanks, so thought I would take the opportunity to do so now. THANKS!”
November 17, 2009
“I recently purchased my Toyota RAV4. I'm feeling lucky because I went into the dealership and actually acted like a regular ‘non filed’ bankrupt person. Oh, I'm being financed through Toyota.”
January 11, 2010
“How can I thank you enough for the difference you made in my life? A year and a half ago when you came here, I was at the lowest point in my life. Now, I am sitting in my new home with a mortgage at a normal rate. My credit scores are up over a hundred points. Thank you so much!!!”
June 24, 2005
“We joined Score Watch last month, and we raised our secured credit card limit to eliminate a negative reason code. We received an alert on both my husband and me over the weekend. My husband's score went from 637 to 650 not bad, but my score went from 653 to 694. That's 41 points in one month. I am so encouraged by this that I think we will hit our 740 goal by the end of the year. Thanks for all your help as we walk through our recovery.”
April 17, 2006
“I truly want to thank you for the wonderful seminar you held in August 2001. I think it was the best thing that ever happened to us. Before I attended your seminar, my wife and I went to a local Realtor to buy a house. She seemed so helpful, she said she could get us into a home. Our hope was really high. But, something happened, she stopped answering our calls, I think it was because of the two federal liens on my credit reports. So I gave up. I then got a card in the mail to go to your Credit After Bankruptcy seminar. I attended. Bought your book, and followed what you said. I now have two bank cards, a brand new car, and an IRS offer of compromise has just been sent to the IRS. I should hear from them within 90 days. Thank you for the wonderful seminar and book.”
Cardell and Bobbi
December 31, 2001
“Just a quick note to let you know what an awesome experience we had refinancing our home. We initially had gone to a finance company, and boy, were they giving us the run-around. I felt like I was buying a used car. They kept changing the cost and interest rate when they realized we were shopping around. The mortgage company you recommended was wonderful and straightforward. They told us immediately the best rate, amount of cash we could get out, and was very gracious and treated us with respect. I feel I actually made a friend over our emails! You are a wonderful man for helping so many turn their lives around after a bankruptcy. Thank you for also teaching us not to be ashamed! Since your seminar, we have raised our FICO scores about 100 points, refinanced our home, leased a new truck AND bought a beautiful (used) RV, a dream we didn't think would be able to realize for years! Thank you! Thank You! Thank You! If you ever come back to this area, we'd like to buy you dinner! Seriously! I'd love to meet you in person! Call us!”
Becky and Mark
July 21, 2005
“I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed attending your seminar. It was extremely informative and let me know that I'm not the only one in the boat I was sinking in. When it comes time for me to buy a home I will absolutely use the recommended mortgage company. I am definitely putting to use the ideas presented in the bankruptcy seminar and am happy to have attended. Keep sending the emails and additional information. Thank you again.”
October 18, 2006
“I attended your seminar in my area. I only have praise for what you are doing. Your courage to tell your story and pass on vital information on the right way to recover from bankruptcy. As you had said, I was waiting for the visual or audio sales pitch and was pleasantly surprised there wasn't one. At the end of the seminar, I was more than glad to purchase your book. The information you provided both in your seminar and book was very much appreciated. Again, thank you for your time, effort and dedication to this subject. Your encouragement alone was priceless!”
December 2, 1997
“It's hard to describe how encouraged and excited we were when we left your seminar. We attended the afternoon session on February 17,2001. We learned so much. It made us feel good to know we weren't the only ones to face financial hardship and are desperate for another chance to get back on track. It was interesting, enjoyable and entertaining to listen to you and the afternoon flew quickly. Your common sense solutions and down-to-earth delivery made what you shared easy to grasp. I purchased your book and find it to be even more enlightening. But here's the most exciting part! We believed you and the car dealer who sponsored your seminar. And we discovered that it was all so true. It was too late to go to the dealership Saturday after the seminar, so I took off work on Monday afternoon and we paid them a visit. It was incredible! They were the most friendly, helpful, understanding and courteous people. The entire staff made us feel welcome. We drove home that same evening in a brand new 2001 car! We love it and are so proud of it. We know great things are in store for us and things are going to be much better. We are so grateful for you and the AB Foundation. You are doing a tremendous service and we are thankful to be recipients of what you have to share. You are in our thoughts and prayers often that God will continue to bless you with health, joy and prosperity.”
Larry and Linda
March 6, 2001
“My husband and I attended your seminar. It was honestly like no other seminar we had ever attended! I must admit we were waiting for the sales pitch--but that didn't happen! And most of all, we were not bored to tears. It was truly information that we could use. We went to the car dealer you recommended on Monday and by Friday we took delivery of a new car! It was simple and painless just like Stephen said. Thank you so much for doing what you are doing.”
Anthony and Angela
March 24, 2000
“I would like to thank you for the free seminar. I was ashamed to acknowledge the fact that I have filed for bankruptcy. But because of this seminar I feel that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that one day I will be walking into that light. Thank you again.”
September 24, 2007
“My FICO scores were 534, 605 and 627. I decided to check my progress and purchased the three credit reports thru myfico.com/12 as you suggested. My scores have improved to 670, 668, and 653 in only nine months. We have obtained a car loan at 6%, a credit card, and have received a guaranteed approval for a $400,000 mortgage with 10% down at 6.25%. We will be buying a house next month! Just thought you might like to know what is possible after bankruptcy! Our discharge date was December 5th, 2003, so we are less than one year after bankruptcy!! Thanks for the info you provide in your seminars. Let us know when you will be doing your next one. Michelle and I would love to volunteer to help. Please feel free to use our example in any of your materials or seminars.”
New York
July 27, 2004